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The ‘Dark Side’ of the Pursuit of Happiness

Yale psychologist June Gruber has confirmed the many positive physical, social, and psychological benefits of human happiness. But while working at the ...

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Are You Listening to Me?

Hearing is a vastly underrated sense. Studies have shown that visual recognition requires a significant fraction of a second per event. But hearing is ...

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The Rise of the Irate Customer

If you find yourself being more impatient than ever before when interacting with people in customer service roles—or if you’ve noticed other ...

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Building Walls to Avoid Hurt

A surefire way to never get hurt: Imagine a life free from heartache and disappointment, a world where you are impervious to the pain that comes with ...

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Why Do People Make Music?

All cultures seem to have at least one thing in common—they write music and sing. But why? Music baffled the evolutionist, Charles Darwin. Humanity’s ...

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