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Sermon Illustrations about Mistakes

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Mistakes to help bring your sermon to life.

Just One Small Flaw

The Silver Bridge, officially named the Point Pleasant Bridge but known for its silver aluminum paint, opened on May 30, 1928, with great anticipation. ...

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Boeing Fails Federal Quality Audit

In March of 2024, aviation manufacturer Boeing announced changes to their internal processes after failing a safety audit by the Federal Aviation Administration ...

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Faulty Work Nearly Causes Airplane Crash

First, there was a pop. And then a big bang. Air loudly whooshed out of the side of the airplane, which was flying at 16,000 feet with an emergency exit ...

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Fisherman Bitten by Shark After Ignoring Warning

A shocking video captured the moment a fisherman was bitten by a shark that pulled him overboard into the murky waters of Florida’s Everglades—seconds ...

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Drunk Driver Reports Himself to Police

When police in North Yorkshire, UK arrested a man for drunk driving, their social media post announcing the arrest revealed a surprising source of intel ...

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Judge Admonishes Defendant in Reckless Killing

Judge Michelini said to the defendant, “You just don’t get it. It’s obvious to me that you feel justified. You don’t take any ...

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Woman Charged $1,000 for Sandwich

When Letitia Bishop ordered three Subway sandwiches at her local gas station, she probably expected a four-figure receipt – as long as the last ...

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Gate Agent’s Minor Mix-Up

It’s never a good thing for an airline to send a passenger on the wrong plane, especially when that passenger is a child. The six-year-old was supposed ...

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Jeopardy Contestants Ignorant of Lord’s Prayer

Jeopardy fans were furious after the contestants on an episode failed to answer a “simple” question about the Lord's Prayer during the ...

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Your Brain’s Late-Night Guilt Trip

Your brain is planning to remind you of the stupid thing you did 15 years ago in the early hours of tomorrow morning. It reckons on waking you up with ...

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