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Sermon Illustrations about Moralism

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Moralism to help bring your sermon to life.

The De-moralization of American Culture

In his article “How America Got Mean,” David Brooks laments what he calls “the de-moralization of American culture.” Brooks notes ...

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Crass Mob Mentality Traced to Counterculture Comedy

Washington Post columnist Ty Burr believes the current American political climate is characterized by a sense of crass rule-breaking and flagrant boorishness. ...

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Americans Now Reject Moral Absolutes

Past generations of Americans viewed God as the basis of truth and morality. Not anymore. A new study shows that most Americans reject any absolute boundaries ...

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The Snare of Moral Grandstanding

Do some Christians harm their witness by falling into the trap of “moral grandstanding” or “virtue signaling”? Or do we convey ...

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Baseball Pitcher Achieves Perfection … at a Cost

On April 12, 2012, the White Sox's pitcher Philip Humber pitched a perfect game. That is, he retired 27 batters in a row. No walks, no hits. It's ...

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Director Forces Actor to Act like Jesus

In 1927 the director Cecil B. DeMille cast British-born actor H. B. Warner as Jesus in his famous silent film King of Kings. Warner, who 19 years later ...

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Young Woman Knows about Morality but Not the Gospel

The primary reason the majority of kids from Christian homes stray from the faith is that they never really heard it or had it to begin with …. ...

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Christianity Subverts Every Other Religion

Christianity is the unreligion. It turns all our religious instincts on their heads ….

The ancient Greeks told us to be moderate by knowing our ...

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Former Royal Sarah Ferguson Aims to Get Herself Right

Sarah Ferguson is an English ex-royal. Commonly called "Fergie" and well known to readers of tabloids, the red-haired former Duchess of York ...

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The Green Police

One of the more popular TV ads during the 2010 Super Bowl was sponsored by Audi and takes a poke at the imaginary "green police" out of control. ...

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