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Sermon Illustrations about Meditation

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Meditation to help bring your sermon to life.

Are Hypnotic YouTube Edits Getting Old?

There’s a particular trend that has come to dominate videos on social media. It’s called “retention editing,” because of its ability ...

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The False Path to Self-Improvement

An Aperture video goes into some depth as to how the promises of self-help and New Age teachings fail to deliver what the individual truly needs. The ...

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Tsundoku: Buying Books and Never Reading Them

Do you have a habit of picking up books that you never quite get around to reading? If this sounds like you, you might be unwittingly engaging in tsundoku ...

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Procrastinators Helped by Using ‘Monk Mode’

Cameron Perrin, a 26-year-old software engineer, talks about his experience with the productivity hack known as "monk mode:"

As a person who ...

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Finland Promotes Silence as Natural Resource

One icy night in March 2010, 100 marketing experts piled into the Sea Horse Restaurant in Helsinki. They had the modest goal of making a remote and medium-sized ...

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New Year’s Resolution: Rediscover Boredom in the Smartphone Age

Smartphones have changed the way we inhabit public space and more specifically, how we fill our time while waiting. Consequently, day-dreaming, thinking, ...

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Best Selling New Age Author Comes to Christ

As recently as five years ago, author and speaker Doreen Virtue was the world’s top-selling New Age author. She enjoyed a phenomenally lucrative ...

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Using Your Brain Rather than Google Maps

London cabbies have been an iconic fixture in any London street scene for decades. Now the black taxi cab and their extraordinary cabbies are the focal ...

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Stressed People Pay for Solitude

During the pandemic, many of us turned to smartphones and screens to manage our stress. But as public life opens up again, some are looking for a different ...

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The Internet Is Changing Our Brains

In his book The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains, Nicholas Carr calls the Internet "a technology of forgetfulness" and describes ...

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