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Sermons on Promises

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Preaching on Promises? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

God’s Presence, God’s Promises
God’s Presence, God’s Promises


There’s no title it just says, Of David. We don’t know for sure, unlike some of the psalms, the situation at the time ...

We need to make space and wait on the LORD with expectation.

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Christmas Promises
Christmas Promises


Promises, promises, promises. A lot of people make promises. Some actually keep them. But when it comes to God, he always keeps his promises, ...

The Promised Messiah ushers in the promises of God at Christmas.

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R-Rated: Genocide and Jericho
R-Rated: Genocide and Jericho


I think if you're at all human, there are tensions that come up. The idea of genocide, or of this powerful people massacring innocents, ...

God's plan is to evict the world of sin.

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What Kind of Heart Does God Desire?


David is often described as "a man after God's own heart." That is how Samuel described him at the point that he was going to be anointed ...

In crisis moments we are challenged as people of God not simply to just survive, but to actually thrive.

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What Child Is This?
What Child Is This?


I want to wish you a very blessed and Merry Christmas.

We just finished singing "What Child Is This?" and I think it's an appropriate ...

What's the big deal with Christmas? Jesus is God 'with' us and God 'for' us.

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Praying While Running
Praying While Running

Editor's Note: Throughout this document Dr. Jeffrey Arthurs has provided a running commentary on his sermon. It's an invaluable guide for how ...

When you experience painful times of waiting follow David's example—run and pray.

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Meditation for a Fallen Police Officer
Meditation for a Fallen Police Officer

Editor's Note: In the early morning hours of Christmas Eve 2012, police officer Jennifer Sebena was gunned down while on patrol. She was killed by ...

In times of deep crisis the Bible offers even deeper words of encouragement.

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The Big Picture of God's Faithfulness


A few years ago there was an ad on TV that started like this: There was a woman sitting in a car. She's minding her own business, and suddenly ...

When you know God's track record of faithfulness, you'll want to respond with trust and obedience.

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Blessed Forever


In his book Leaving Home, Garrison Keillor tells a fictional story about a family from Lake Wobegon, Minnesota. Grace Tollefson married Alex ...

We are a part of God's royal family, because we share in the heritage of Christ.

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We Can Do This the Easy Way or the Hard Way


For most of my time in college, I attended a small church in Chicago with my now wife, Jamie. The pastor of this church had been commissioned ...

God chooses to fulfill his promises in a variety of ways.

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Amazing Faith

Story behind the sermon (from Steve Mathewson)

Every so often, a particular sermon stirs a congregation—and their pastor!—in stronger ways ...

By trusting God's goodness, ordinary people can have amazing faith.

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Deep Hope
Deep Hope

The person I want to be

We never stop longing to be better people, do we? There's always some aspect of our behavior or personality that we wish we could ...

We are being formed into the likeness of Christ.

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Flood of Judgment, Flood of Grace

There's a song children learn in church about Noah's ark and the flood. It goes something like this:

The Lord said to Noah, "There's going to be a floody, ...

In the midst of judgment, God weeps and then floods the world with his grace.

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Waiting for the Fullness of Time


Last Saturday I wrote these words:

I'm at the airport—waiting. I arrived at 7:15 A.M. It's now 9:40. My 8:38 flight was canceled ...

Advent reminds us that God's plan always includes seasons of waiting.

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The Dark Side of Grace


In the structure of John's gospel, John 11 serves as a hinge between two halves. The first 10 chapters are concerned with the ministry of ...

The dark side of God's grace is that a sovereign God who is in control sometimes uses the things he allows as much as he uses the things he directs.

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Encounter on Golgotha Road
Encounter on Golgotha Road

From the editor:

We recently posted an Easter message by John Ortberg, because the themes like atonement, the Cross, resurrection, etc. are never out of ...

God is always at work, leading us to times and places where we might meet him.

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Looking in the Mirror

From the editor

Mother's Day is this Sunday (May 10), and should you decide to offer a message for the occasion, you might get a few general ideas from ...

We return to God's blessings when we embrace our identity as servants of God.

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A New Philadelphia


There is something in a name. My name is Mike. Actually, Michael's not my first name; my first name is Jerry. I'm Jerry Michael Breaux. On ...

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The Shortest Distance Between Two Points is a Zig Zag

Early in geometry we learned that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. That means if I'm at point A and want to get to point ...

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In the House of the Lord


The start of the Christmas season seems like an inappropriate time to talk about Psalm 23, sheep, and shepherds. But when you open the Bible, ...

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Why Worry?
Why Worry?


We're probably all familiar with the story of Howard Hughes. Hughes was a big-time businessman who dabbled in oil, entertainment, and ...

Make up your mind to glorify Christ today by making a decision not to worry.

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The ABCs of Praise
The ABCs of Praise


This is a Psalm that begins with a commitment that on the surface seems rather simple: "I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise ...

Learning God-honoring worship from Psalm 145

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Avoiding Foolishness


In the early 1980s a very wealthy Swiss couple started acting like mutual fools. It all began when the husband cancelled a vacation. The wife ...

Humans need to find grace in our folly.

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God's Protection and Delight

Zephaniah paints a picture of love.

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The Power of Hope


In this Advent season, we are looking at the theme of God's promise of better days for our lives. That is the hope of Advent and Christmas: ...

Jeremiah prophesies the movement of God.

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The Peace Jesus Brings
The Peace Jesus Brings


In this Advent season, we are looking at the theme of God's promise of better days for our lives. That is the hope of Advent and Christmas, ...

Micah predicts the coming Messiah.

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You Can Count on Me


On Dec 5, 1914, Ernest Shackleton embarked on what he called "the last great polar expedition." His goal was to cross Antarctica by dogsled—an ...

The Holy Spirit's work of faithfulness

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Blessed Are the Persecuted


Imagine you are in the market for a new car. You visit the dealer and the salesman who is showing you the latest model takes you for a test ...

Enduring for the reward

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Blessed Are the Peacemakers


The troops the United Nations deployed to the war-torn Darfur region of Sudan look like they could be soldiers from just about any nation. ...

The promise of sonship

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Blessed Are the Pure in Heart


Through the centuries there have been some people who have wanted to view Jesus' teaching in the Beatitudes as a kind of ladder that can carry ...

Jesus' promise of transformation

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Blessed Are the Merciful


Prince Felix of Schwarzenberg entered the diplomatic service and was appointed foreign minister of Austria in November 1848. After the Hungarian ...

Surrendering loss to Christ

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Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness


A businessman decided to throw a party for some of his clients, and because he was doing so well, he spared no expense. He hired the most ...

The purpose of our emptiness

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Blessed Are the Meek


Suppose the company you work for were to write a description of the ideal person to be its new CEO. Do you think meekness would be on the ...

The inheritance of the humble

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Blessed Are Those Who Mourn


"No one ever told me that grief felt so much like fear." That is how C. S. Lewis begins his book A Grief Observed, a compelling account of ...

Jesus' promise of comfort

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Less is More, More or Less


A few months ago my two teenage sons came to me and asked if they could go camping for a week … on Lower Wacker Drive in the city of ...

A closer look at Jesus' first beatitude

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There's good news and bad news about our gospel passage. First the bad news: this is one of the most difficult, disturbing, and surprising ...

Freeing Your Heart

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Big God/Little God


When our first child was quite small, we used to ask her, "Laura, how big are you?" She wasn't even a year old—couldn't even hardly ...

Peace comes only when we understand the bigness of God.

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Simeon: A Song of Hope


In the 1960s, psychologist Walter Mischel conducted a famous experiment that has come to be known as "The Marshmallow Test." Groups of 4-years ...

The reward is worth the wait.

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Angels: A Song of Peace


We've been looking at Christmas songs preserved for us in Scripture. Some, like Zechariah's song last week, are completely foreign to most ...

Surpassing our understanding

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Solomon's Wish


If you could wish for anything in the world, what would it be? Some people wish they had different abilities. Others wish for a change in ...

The wisdom of God is our greatest gift.

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Putting the Kingdom First
Putting the Kingdom First


In an article entitled "A new kind of urban Christian," Tim Keller argues that "Christians should be a dynamic counterculture. ...

This world is passing; use God's good gifts for his kingdom.

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David's Last Words


A life is a terrible thing to waste. In his life saving book, Don't Waste Your Life, John Piper recounts a story his father often told in ...

We cannot waste our lives if we obey the Word of God.

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Long Live the King!


According to ancient custom, the death of a ruler is greeted with the following words: "The king is dead; long live the king!" This may seem ...

By supporting God's anointed king, we advance his everlasting kingdom.

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A Royal Conspiracy


The right to rule as king has been the occasion of many bitter conflicts. Often brother has fought against brother to wear the crown, forcing ...

If we believe in the kingdom of God, we will act toward its fulfillment.

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A New Name for Philadelphia

Text: Revelation 3:7–13
Topic: We have a new name, and we're going to live in a new city that cannot be shaken.

From the editor

Like Dave Stone of Southeast ...

God opens doors and provides what we need so we can live in his will and be known by his name.

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All God Does Is Good

From the editor

Chuck's sermon is an excellent example of a sermon that sharpens the way we read the Bible. Notice how Chuck challenges us to take the ...

The creation account is the introduction to God's story of redemption.

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You Go Your Way; I'll Go God's Way.


Many people who study the times say that there isn't much we can trust today. Andy Crouch put it this way in Christianity Today:

The emptiness ...

God's way is the way of truth and trust.

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What Have We Done?


After the Chicago Cubs lost their 96th baseball game in 2006, manager Dusty Baker, was called in to meet with the general manager. We all ...

When something has to change in your life, turn to your unchanging God and serve the Lord with all your heart.

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Comfort for the Troubled Heart


The Allies had planned Operation Overlord for years, amassing vast armies, an incredible navy, and enough arms to release Europe from the ...

The cure for turmoil of the soul is trust in God's character and obedience to him.

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The Promise of Better Days


As a 5th grader at Cornelia Elementary School in Edina, Minnesota, I always felt sorry for a fellow student named Gary. With his high squeaky ...

Jesus is the Prince of Peace.

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