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Sermons on Presence of God

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Preaching on Presence of God? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Hope for a Weary World
Hope for a Weary World


In the short story, later turned into a film, The Life of Walter Mitty, the main character has an overactive imagination. Living a commonplace ...

Jesus shows us that God exists, that God cares about the world, and that God is here.

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Witnesses, Not Experts
Witnesses, Not Experts


Raise your hand if you have ever been called to jury duty. Imagine with me for a moment that you receive that letter in the mail. ...

We proclaim the One we know.

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God’s Presence, God’s Promises
God’s Presence, God’s Promises


There’s no title it just says, Of David. We don’t know for sure, unlike some of the psalms, the situation at the time ...

We need to make space and wait on the LORD with expectation.

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The Unsuccessful Successful Prophet
The Unsuccessful Successful Prophet


I’ve read Jeremiah many times over the years, but never got much out of it, apart from various passages. There’s something ...

Jeremiah relied on God’s purpose, power, and presence.

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When the Heat Is On
When the Heat Is On


Have you seen the famous photo from 1936 of a huge crowd of people all saluting Hitler, but one man stands out. Why? He keeps his ...

The Lord is with us in our fiery trials.

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The Healing Power of No
The Healing Power of No


What is a two-letter word that we often don’t like to hear? It is a word you have probably used on your kids, maybe a word ...

Practicing the Christian act of nay saying.

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Practicing Grateful Rest
Practicing Grateful Rest


As we come to the Sunday before Thanksgiving, we often think about what we are thankful for. We think about how the year has gone ...

Let us be grateful for God’s blessings and rest in God’s presence.

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Living Between the Tick and the Tock
Living Between the Tick and the Tock


Before Tik Tok was a social media phenom, Tick Tock was the way old clocks sounded. Mechanical, wind up clocks sounded a TICK and then after ...

God enables you to live with a sense of his presence and guidance between the tick and the tock.

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Unshakeable Hope
Unshakeable Hope


Happy Easter! Welcome to the largest digital Easter the world has ever seen, as thousands of churches are online right now!

It’s been ...

The resurrection of Jesus offers us unshakable hope because we have God’s peace, presence and power!

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Relief for the Uncertain
Relief for the Uncertain


In recent days you’ve probably heard people around you say and found yourself repeating, “I’ve never seen anything like ...

Our covenant-making, covenant-keeping Lord goes before us and he is with us.

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Take Courage
Take Courage


Football referees are unbiased, right? They would never be influenced by fans or football players, right? Well, according to a recent study, ...

When you fear the worst, take courage in Christ.

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The God Who Sees Me
The God Who Sees Me

I am very aware that Mother's Day isn't easy for some people. I have talked to two moms this morning who said, "I didn't want to come. ...

What difference does it make in my life to know that there is a God who sees me?

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The Great Gratitude Experiment
The Great Gratitude Experiment


There's a theme in the Bible that appears in several different places. Paul says to the church in Thessalonica, "Rejoice always, pray continually, ...

In and through Christ, our hearts can sing with radical gratitude and blessing.

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Experiencing the Holy Spirit


My name is Francis, and I was a pastor in Southern California for about sixteen years at a church that I planted. About a year ago, I moved ...

We can expect to experience the power of God if we start taking risks.

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What to Do When Your Fig Tree Doesn’t Blossom


Picture Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes. He's swinging on a swing in the school playground. Picture a bully named Mo, twice as big as Calvin. ...

We can trust the person of God even when we can't grasp the plan of God.

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The Big Picture of God's Faithfulness


A few years ago there was an ad on TV that started like this: There was a woman sitting in a car. She's minding her own business, and suddenly ...

When you know God's track record of faithfulness, you'll want to respond with trust and obedience.

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Believe the Blessing


Ten years ago I had an experience that changed my life in a profound way. I was working at a Christian camp in the mountains of L.A. I lived ...

In Jacob's life, we see how God disrupts, wounds, and blesses us so we can bless the world.

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The House God Built

Some years ago friends gave me this extraordinary book, Churches, about the architecture of great churches. I'm partial to country churches, but the beautiful ...

Jesus Christ fulfills God’s covenant to establish David’s throne forever.

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God Is Still Loving

There are times in our lives when it seems like God is against us. I mean, we know that God is for us, but there are times when it seems like God is treating ...

God's Love is still with us, even in life's darkest seasons.

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The Rock That Doesn't Roll
The Rock That Doesn't Roll

Story behind the sermon (from Bryan Wilkerson)

This is a sermon I've wanted to preach for a long time, ever since I took a D. Min course from Warren Wiersbe ...

We can trust God as the solid, dependable Rock who provides protection.

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As we continue in our series in the book of Exodus, today we are in chapter 33, and in chapter 33 we encounter Moses at prayer. And I think ...

In order to know God deeply, we must long for him more passionately.

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The God Who Shines Like the Sun


One Friday night I was getting in a little exercise. It was a rainy and cloudy day, but just around dusk, the sun came out for a short time. ...

Life-giving light comes from God, and we must live in light of that reality.

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The Shortest Distance Between Two Points is a Zig Zag

Early in geometry we learned that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. That means if I'm at point A and want to get to point ...

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Modern Golden Calves

Moses had delayed coming down the mountain. The Bible tells us in Exodus that it had been forty days and forty nights since Moses left the people to go ...

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Unlistened to Lessons of Life


It was in 1965 that I graduated from Moody Bible Institute, and a week later to the day, Charlene and I were married. Then 10 days after that ...

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What Do Christians Think About the Holy Spirit?


In this sermon series we've been trying to look at the basic beliefs of the Christian faith in a way that both irreligious people and Christians ...

Four offices of the Holy Spirit

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The story behind the sermon (from John Ortberg)

I have grown to love the theme of God's guidance. This is a chance to ...

We need to learn to recognize and follow God's guidance.

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Three Ways to Worship


Back when I was in college, I had a professor of American religion who gave us a really interesting assignment. He had us visit nearly every ...

Our worship must reflect celebration and sacrifice, rejoicing and reverence.

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Halos, Wings, and Harps


I want to explore another person you meet in heaven. I use the term "person" loosely because of who we're talking about today: Angels. When ...

What Scriptures has to say about angels

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From the editor

Here's a short, to-the-point Christmas sermon from Mark Batterson, pastor of National Community Church in Washington, DC, and author ...

The Almighty God became Immanuel, "God with us," so we can spend eternity with him.

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I Don't Believe It!

From the editor

One of the first things you'll probably notice about this sermon is how short it is. DelBene simply reads his text—the story of Thomas ...

Encounters with God transform our disbelief into awe.

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Remember God in the Moment
Remember God in the Moment


"Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near when you will say, 'I have ...

Live in continual communication with God and with a constant awareness that he created you.

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The House of Love
The House of Love


This message concludes our series on the four best places to live. We've looked at the House of Worship, the House of Prayer, and the House ...

The one power that can conquer hatred, cast out fear, overcome evil, and endure through time is love.

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The House of Worship


Where is the best place to live? Every year, the UN asks this question about countries, and every year they release their recommendations ...

By ascribing to God his attributes, we draw near to the place where he is.

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Comfort for the Troubled Heart


The Allies had planned Operation Overlord for years, amassing vast armies, an incredible navy, and enough arms to release Europe from the ...

The cure for turmoil of the soul is trust in God's character and obedience to him.

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The Blazing Fastball That Gives Us Confidence


On July 15, 1986, Roger Clemens came to bat in his first Major League Baseball All-Star game. Roger was the sizzling right-handed pitcher ...

How to know God is at work in your life and congregation

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Worship or Worry?


There's an old Greek proverb that says, "The bow that is always bent will soon break." What that proverb seems to be implying is that the ...

Instead of worrying about our circumstances, God wants us to worship him for his faithfulness.

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Where Are You?


When I was a kid growing up in Minnesota, my family had a summer tradition. Every Sunday night, all seven kids and my parents would cram into ...

God's persistent, loving question to lost people

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The First Extreme: Conformity


We have already met Jonah, a scowling, spiteful little man in a chronic state of bellyache. The meaning of his name—"dove"—just ...

We must follow God without fear or compromise.

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Inquiring of the Lord


I want to read to you an obscure little verse from an obscure part of the Old Testament. Very few people know this story, but it has a lot ...

Inquiring of the Lord enables us to identify God's plan for our lives and experience his provision.

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Back to Reality


Do you know what it is like to have a mountaintop experience and then come down hard when necessity forces you to get back to reality? Maybe ...

Our disappointment does not negate God's power or his potential.

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The Valley of Death's Shadow

Everyone walks through valleys.

Donald Barnhouse was the pastor of Philadelphia's Tenth Presbyterian Church when his wife died and left him with young ...

Even in the darkest valley, we can trust that God is with us and in control.

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Signed, Sealed and Delivered


Several years ago, when Deb and I were still newly weds, we decided it was time to stop paying rent and purchase our own home. A realtor in ...

The Holy Spirit is present in our lives, and gives us and imprint, a pledge, and a preview of God's promises to us.

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When You Think God Has Forgotten You


David wrote Psalm 13 at a time in his life when it seemed like everything had fallen apart. Saul, the king, was jealous of David's popularity ...

When God is brought into our situation, God can be trusted to provide help.

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The 23rd for the 83rd
The 23rd for the 83rd

What does the psalm have to say to our day? I think it is possible to say with some confidence that this twentieth century has seen developments in many ...

The Good Shepherd supplies us with all that we need.

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Singing in the Rain

The psalmist is singing again. It's not exactly like singing in the rain, but it's kind of like singing in the rain, because he's in trouble ...

Because we are special to God we can rejoice, even in difficulty.

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Pain is the Name of the Game

Paul said that he not only wanted to know the power of Jesus' resurrection but the fellowship of his sufferings. Paul was making a expression of his desire ...

Since we all suffer, it is better to suffer with Christ than without him.

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When You Feel You're at the End

Whatever our circumstances, we must see that Jesus is here.

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