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Sermons on Faith

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Preaching on Faith? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

A Distraught Dad, His Demonized Boy, and a Faith that Moves Mountains
A Distraught Dad, His Demonized Boy, and a Faith that Moves Mountains

Author’s Introduction: If Mark 9:30-50 defies interpretation, as commentator Eugene Boring claims, the verses that immediately precede are only ...

Mountain-moving faith is a faith that accepts only God can resolve ‘this kind.’

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The ‘Fear Nots’ of Christmas
The ‘Fear Nots’ of Christmas


The rock star Sting, in a Rolling Stone interview, spoke of his growing awareness of his own mortality: "I'm 64. Most of my life ...

The story of Christmas reminds us that we are called to “fear not.”

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You Have the Words of Eternal Life
You Have the Words of Eternal Life


One of the great joys of my life to officiate weddings. Sure, there is a lot of pressure to get things right, but one aspect I love ...

Look to Jesus with soul-satisfying faith and treasure his Word.

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Did God Command Genocide?
Did God Command Genocide?


(Read Joshua 10:38-42; 15:13-15)

Note: I acknowledge with gratitude my debt to the scholarship of William J. Webb and Gordon K. Oeste, in their ...

In the Bible we meet a God who is internally consistent, who is constantly limiting weapons, and stopping wars.

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Ears to Hear
Ears to Hear


When I was growing up, Revelation was intimidating, confusing, a little terrifying. It seems like there are plenty of people offering to help ...

The Book of Revelation is an invitation to trust Christ when the pressure is on.

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The Sudden Turn of Joy
The Sudden Turn of Joy


It’s a wonderful day and I’m really honored to be preaching on the first Sunday of the New Year it’s a great joy. I have ...

In our journey with Christ we need the work of faith, the labor of love, the uppomano of hope, and the sudden turn of joy.

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Lose It All to Gain It All
Lose It All to Gain It All


What are we willing to do to gain something of value? Well, you may respond that it depends on what it is. In so many realms of our lives, ...

Someone greater can be grasped, if we would just let go of ourselves.

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Be Strong and Courageous
Be Strong and Courageous


Can one person make a difference? Can one person change the direction of an entire family tree? Can one person stand up in the face of fear, ...

The difference one person can make for an entire family tree when they are fully yielded to God.

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Worthy of Worship
Worthy of Worship


How many of us have had the thought that if we had this one particular thing, then our life would be better than it is now? I can remember ...

God wants our faith, honest worship, and obedience.

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Fake Faith
Fake Faith


In a now famous experiment, two social psychologists at Princeton University in 1973 wanted to examine whether thinking religious thoughts ...

God-talk without God-acts is outrageous nonsense.

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Tests Into Treasure
Tests Into Treasure


Ian Barclay wrote that in 1588 terrible storms lashed across the Orkney Isles. A Christian fisherman wrote that as he saw his home, his boat, ...

Bad things will happen, but never doubt that God is still good.

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Tiny Things in Terrible Times
Tiny Things in Terrible Times

The virus that changed your life is a 1.25 Nanometer sphere. That is one-billionth of a yardstick, tiny but traumatic. For decades you worried about something ...

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Christians and the Coronavirus
Christians and the Coronavirus


I want to speak to you today about the virus that is currently and quickly changing the landscape of our world. More specifically, I want ...

Do not be anxious and seek first the kingdom of God.

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Believing Is Seeing
Believing Is Seeing


As our tour comes to an end, we will watch one more story featuring an important discussion between Jesus and Thomas, the disciple who doubted. ...

Stop disbelieving and become a believer!

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Jesus: A Power Greater than the Angels
Jesus: A Power Greater than the Angels


The focus of the Book of Hebrews is perseverance. It’s about finding strength to press on in the faith when things get difficult. Our ...

Hold fast to Jesus because his power is worthy of our trust.

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There’s a little acronym that’s become common in managerial circles—VUCA, which stands for “Volatility, Uncertainty, ...

When you find yourself sidetracked or shipwrecked: expect difficulty, exercise leadership, and express faith.

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'A Politician, a Lawyer, and a Jew'
'A Politician, a Lawyer, and a Jew'


James Emery White tells a story about his visit to The Eagle and Child pub in Great Britain, the place where C. S. Lewis and his friends used ...

When our faith is on trial, we must stay blameless and shameless as witnesses.

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Building Up Your Faith
Building Up Your Faith


The Book of Hebrews is about Christians persevering in faith. It’s about understanding all that Jesus accomplished and walking by faith ...

How do we build a faith that is rationally satisfying, biblically grounded, joyfully attractive, and practically beneficial to the people in our lives?

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Growing Together
Growing Together


Today, we're going to continue with our series called "Forever Luke." I know that for some of you, it feels like we've been ...

Live in a way that grows Christ's kingdom.

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The Test
The Test


Elie Wiesel, the great Jewish writer known best for his writing about the Holocaust, wrote many other things as well, including Messengers ...

God's tests of faith are not trials by ordeal but the refining of gold.

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Girl Interrupted: The Unmistakable Strength of Mary
Girl Interrupted: The Unmistakable Strength of Mary


I never know what to do with Mary. I'm in good company: The archives of history and the echoes of ancient sermons never quite knew what ...

The mother of Jesus experienced a divine interruption unlike any other.

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How Can I Enjoy Christmas?
How Can I Enjoy Christmas?


Christmas can be so chaotic, can't it? I mean, this whole season can be such a disconnect between what we expect and what we end up experiencing. ...

How do we put "merry" into "Merry Christmas"?

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What Do I Do with My Heartache at Christmas?
What Do I Do with My Heartache at Christmas?


During this Christmas season, we're talking about the "Real Questions of Christmas"—because we all enter into every Christmas season ...

We can rest in the relief of Christ's coming—and wait well on God.

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How Do I Escape the Christmas Traps?
How Do I Escape the Christmas Traps?


Advent is about enjoying and admiring Jesus. It's a season we observe each year at this time, during which we endeavor to do something intentional: ...

Through his coming, Jesus rescues us so we may partner with him.

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Faith in the Storm
Faith in the Storm


We are in Mark's gospel, at the end of Mark 4, and let me remind us all of the context. Mark is writing to a group of believers who are ...

What do we do when the rain and the wind start to hit us—when it seems like Jesus is sleeping?

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When Good Things Happen to Bad People
When Good Things Happen to Bad People


One of the strangest lawsuits in US court history was filed on September 14, 2007. Nebraska Senator Ernie Chambers—one of the first ...

We need a new perspective—one that looks up.

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More Than Meets the Eye
More Than Meets the Eye


Life is really about perspective. Last night, my wife went to a concert in Dallas with some friends and family. I got home, and my son was ...

Christ is our salvation—and also our example.

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The Good of Our Work
The Good of Our Work


When you read the word, "job" what comes to mind? You might think, "I'm glad tomorrow's a holiday!" Still others think, "Boy, am I glad I ...

When we work we are doing good for the kingdom of God.

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The Death of Death
The Death of Death


There are moments in time when all of a sudden something happens and everything changes. There are so many examples of this that it's almost ...

The Resurrection is real and changes everything.

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Resurrection Realities
Resurrection Realities


Concerned with the quantity of church growth and the quality of church life confronts us on every hand. We are barraged at conferences with ...

We need a passion for Jesus and his presence above all else.

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Last One Standing
Last One Standing


I'll tell you the best news you will ever hear: "The righteous shall live by faith!" So why doesn't hearing that evoke the response of other ...

The righteous will not live by being righteous; the righteous will live by faith.

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There Must Be Some Mistake


Do you know who TIME magazine's Person of the Year was for 2011? The Protester. Protesters were the big story in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, ...

God reigns and all will know it.

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Preparing for the Gift
Preparing for the Gift


December is a month that raises all kinds of feelings for us. Some really look forward to this time. For others there are things that we dread ...

Jesus is the gift to be excited about.

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Stay Strong in the Lord
Stay Strong in the Lord


I think the older I get the more intense I get about this, because I feel like we do things backwards in the Christian church. A lot of times ...

Don't live a backwards life, live a courageous life.

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The World's Greatest Talk: Choices
The World's Greatest Talk: Choices

Introductory Remarks from John Ortberg

This message was designed to do one thing: challenge people to decide to follow Jesus wholeheartedly.

Part of ...

We all have to decide whether we will be merely an admirer of Christ or a devoted follower of Christ.

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The Power of Spiritual Deception


Jim Jones was the founder of the People's Temple. More than 900 of Jim Jones' followers died in a cult murder/suicide in 1978 in Jonestown, ...

When we turn away from the truth, we deceive ourselves—and will finally believe anything.

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Authentic Faith


In this series, we're going to be looking at 1 and 2 Thessalonians. These letters will emphasize two perspectives: They put a laser focus ...

Authentic Christians are transformed by the Holy Spirit.

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Broken but Chosen


It took Michelangelo four years to craft his statue of David. It is 13-feet tall. He used flawed marble. We know the exact quarry the marble ...

David was broken, but God loved him and used him because his heart was devoted to God.

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Broken but Bold


We all are going to face giants. We all are going to be on battlefields where we will face things bigger than we are, things we cannot defeat ...

God will help us in our battles when we trust in him.

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Faith Alone
Faith Alone

True North Backstory

One reason I enjoyed preaching the sermons in this series was the contrast between a "head" message and a "heart" ...

The quality of your faith doesn’t save you; it’s the object of your faith that saves you.

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A Tale of Two Women


In the days when the judges ruled over the land of Judah there came a famine to the land. So a man from Bethlehem together with his wife and ...

Spiritual friendships turn the journey of life into a journey of faith.

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Drafting Buddies


Sam and Frodo find themselves on the final leg of their journey on the slopes of Mordor, but Frodo is losing heart. He's just about out of ...

Spiritual friends set the pace for one another, they stick by each other, and they speak faith into each other's lives.

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Testing the Limits


For the past couple of weeks we've been talking about friendship. And what we're learning is that our friendships play an important role in ...

Spiritual friends challenge us to move past our selfishness and impatience in order to live out the power of the gospel.

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There's a famous speech in Shakespeare's play Henry V. It's the night before the battle of Agincourt. As a young king, Henry prepares to lead ...

Deep, spiritual friendships are formed when believers share experiences of serving God together.

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Beyond Friends


Where are you on your spiritual journey? And what would help you take the next step?

A couple of years ago we joined hundreds of churches across ...

Friends will take you farther and deeper in your spiritual journey than you could alone.

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True Friends


Last week I tossed out a question and invited you to respond: is it possible to be spiritual friends with a non-believer? For the past six ...

Spiritual friendships with people of other faith or no faith are not only possible, they're powerful.

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God Will Bring Justice for You


When the Scripture was read, you may have thought, This is a strange message for a weekend when we are welcoming large numbers of first-time ...

Resting in the hard truth of God's justice softens our hearts towards God and others.

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He Who Must Be Obeyed


It was probably 20 years ago; I was sound asleep one night when the phone rang. I grabbed blindly for the receiver, clattering on the phone ...

We must pray for unpolluted faith so that the work of God in our lives will not be hindered.

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Now You See Him, Now You Don't


It's amazing the places where people think they see Jesus. I found all these pictures on the internet of Jesus sightings: on a banana peel, ...

No one sees Jesus truly who will not see his suffering, rejection, death, and resurrection as the heart of God's plan for the salvation of lost sinners.

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The Church at War
The Church at War


If you have a Bible, and I hope you do, I invite you to open with me to 1 Timothy 6, as we prepare to finish out tonight our journey through ...

We're in a constant spiritual war. But Christ has already won the victory.

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