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Sermons on Surrender

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Preaching on Surrender? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Anguish in the Garden


We have left the upper room where Jesus has identified the one who will betray him as he reclines at a table to celebrate Passover and institute ...

We ought to submit and surrender as Christ submitted and surrendered to his Father.

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What Do We Want in Prayer?
What Do We Want in Prayer?


In the event of a fire in your home, the last thing you want to do is run around in the burning house (as is often seen on TV). The temperature ...

Prayer is a gift—and it brings us back to reality.

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Why Pray?
Why Pray?


Even though we know we should pray constantly, many—if not most—of us would confess we don't pray as often as we should. But I ...

What if the purpose of prayer is knowing God—not getting answers?

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The King Liked to Listen
The King Liked to Listen


The king liked to listen to him. So did most people.

"Repent. Stop what you're doing. You know it's wrong, so stop it. Make a ...

Hearing the call to repentance and acting on it.

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Get a Grip
Get a Grip

Editor's Note: This sermon was given from an empty gymnasium. To prepare for the topic and really connect with the idea of "letting go," John Ortberg ...

Stretch out your hands to God, the Great Catcher.

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Perfectly Provided For


The reason we are looking at John is to learn what it means to meet the Lord Jesus on his terms. John is a little different than the other ...

How the wedding at Cana manifested Christ's glory.

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To Live Is Christ, and to Die Is Gain


I don't like it when people take Bible verses out of context and slap them on coffee mugs, put them on bookmarks, put them on bumper stickers. ...

Philippians 1:21 is more than a quote for a coffee mug; it should define our lives.

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Making Room for God to Burst Forth in Your Life
Making Room for God to Burst Forth in Your Life


Today we will talk about making room for God to burst forth in your life. The story of the young ruler reflects one of the major themes in ...

Jesus calls us to release our clutter and follow him—no matter what it costs.

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How to Learn What You Need to Know About God

The story behind the sermon (by Kevin Miller)

This text from Matthew, "Who do you say I am?" is a prophetic text: it challenges; it confronts; it calls ...

Your whole life hinges on one question: How will you respond to God's revelation in Christ?

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It's God's Party, Not Yours


People question my wife and me about where we live and how we choose to spend our money. They basically say, "You know, it's OK with God if ...

The purpose of your life involves bowing to the authority of Christ.

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Believe the Blessing


Ten years ago I had an experience that changed my life in a profound way. I was working at a Christian camp in the mountains of L.A. I lived ...

In Jacob's life, we see how God disrupts, wounds, and blesses us so we can bless the world.

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The Greatest Invitation Ever Made


All of us enjoy receiving invitations—to a meal, a wedding, or a concert. Usually, when the invitation is printed on a little card, there ...

The way to find rest is to lose our burden at the cross and then allow Christ to put his yoke upon us instead.

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Hungry World

Story behind the sermon (from Mark Buchanan)

"Hungry World" is part of series our church's preaching team did in the fall of 2010. The series was called ...

Jesus is looking for people who are willing to say, "Here I am, God. Send me."

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Looking Up to Heaven

A shattered Colossus

The poet Percy Bysshe Shelly tells of meeting a traveler from an "antique" land who describes the ruins of a great statue in the desert. ...

God is in control and can soften the hardest of hearts.

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Think Hard, Stay Humble

Today I'm going to preach on humility. This is the topic assigned to me for this conference. Let's start by looking at 1 Corinthians 8:1-3:

Now concerning ...

Does your love-in-action make people say, "Being with you is like being with Jesus?"

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Who Can We Trust?

From the editor:

Here is another sermon from one of our featured preachers, David Anderson. Anderson uses the story of Samson and Delilah to explore issues ...

To overcome sin, we must admit to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

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You're Fantastic


Of all the comic books turned into motion pictures of late, my favorite one is the Fantastic Four. For those not in the know, it is a tale ...

When we need to be a superhero

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Trophy Kids


When our eldest son was making preparations to start his freshman year of high school, I overheard him telling a classmate that he was planning ...

When we only want the best for them

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More Better


On my way to work this week, I had this peaceful time to think as I drove. Actually, I had even more time than usual, because I was kindly ...

When enough is not

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I've jumped into this series on inSanity not because I'm throwing stones, but because crazy has become the new normal for me. I feel like ...

When we are hooked on speed

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The Neighbors Are Nuts


When I was a kid, my parents used to drag me out to church on Sundays. I'd walk into this big building in a shirt and shoes that seemed too ...

When crazy becomes normal

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Total Freedom
Total Freedom

From the editor:

Here's another great sermon from one of our featured preachers, John Ortberg. This is actually John's message from Palm Sunday (2009). ...

Surrendering to Christ is not easy, but it leads to freedom and life.

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Welcome to the Pearly-Gated Community


In the first sermon in our series, I talked about the primary person we will get to see in heaven: Jesus, face to face. Now I want to talk ...

What Jesus requires to be a neighbor in heaven

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Trusting in God's Process


Coco was a pit bull mix, just barely one year old. As a puppy she was dumped on the freeway and rescued by a teenager who handed her off to ...

God Is the Only Healer

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In the summer of my 11th year of life, I learned the power and joy of surrender. It happened in Minnesota at the Edina community swimming ...

Surrender Your Life

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There's good news and bad news about our gospel passage. First the bad news: this is one of the most difficult, disturbing, and surprising ...

Freeing Your Heart

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The World's Greatest Talk: Choices

From the Editor:

Just below, you'll find a few introductory remarks from Ortberg about his sermon. With that in mind, there really doesn't need to be much ...

We all have to decide whether we will be merely an admirer of Christ or a devoted follower of Christ.

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Desperate Hearts


Some years ago I experienced something that just about every stressed-out, 40-something American male experiences - chest pains. You know, ...

Being poor in spirit isn't a virtue to aspire to; it's a condition to confess.

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Solomon's Wish


If you could wish for anything in the world, what would it be? Some people wish they had different abilities. Others wish for a change in ...

The wisdom of God is our greatest gift.

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Putting the Kingdom First
Putting the Kingdom First


In an article entitled "A new kind of urban Christian," Tim Keller argues that "Christians should be a dynamic counterculture. ...

This world is passing; use God's good gifts for his kingdom.

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David's Last Words


A life is a terrible thing to waste. In his life saving book, Don't Waste Your Life, John Piper recounts a story his father often told in ...

We cannot waste our lives if we obey the Word of God.

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Long Live the King!


According to ancient custom, the death of a ruler is greeted with the following words: "The king is dead; long live the king!" This may seem ...

By supporting God's anointed king, we advance his everlasting kingdom.

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A Royal Conspiracy


The right to rule as king has been the occasion of many bitter conflicts. Often brother has fought against brother to wear the crown, forcing ...

If we believe in the kingdom of God, we will act toward its fulfillment.

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The House of Expectancy


Have you wondered what makes one person open to God and the next person closed? What makes Sally receptive, attentive, responsive to God's ...

When we live in expectancy, rather than expectation, we are open to the person of Christ.

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The Miracle of Christmas


In Luke 11:33–35, Jesus says, "Your eye is a lamp, lighting up your whole body. If you live in wide-eyed wonder and belief, your body ...

God wants us to celebrate the mystery of Jesus' birth.

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Life on Wings


The biblical image of the kind of life Christians are called to live is, "The way of an eagle in the air." I have lots of experience with ...

To live in victory, we must be reborn in Christ and yielded to the Holy Spirit.

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Wrestling with God


Soon after my wife and I married, we began decorating our house by putting things on the walls. When we came to the kitchen, I came up with ...

We find our identity and value in God when we are honest enough to wrestle with him.

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The Lord Is My Shepherd
The Lord Is My Shepherd


I don't know much about sheep. I was born and raised in the suburbs, and we didn't have sheep. In fact, they were probably illegal. ...

When we say, "The Lord is my shepherd," we acknowledge our dependence upon him, his ownership of us, and our personal relationship with him.

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What God Wants from You More Than Anything Else
What God Wants from You More Than Anything Else


What does God want from you? What does he expect? Do you know?

That's a question that every person has to answer. Because if there is a God—and ...

To love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, say "yes" to him.

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The Process of Transformation

Text: 1 John 3:1–10
Topic: How to attain holiness


Imagine that you've been asked to write a book on marriage. Your publisher says, "We ...

Christians defeat sin by abiding in Christ.

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Taking God as your partner


A little more than 300 years ago, a middle aged man named Nicholas Herman entered a monastery in France and lived the remaining 30 years of ...

There’s only one place of peace in this world: living all day, everyday, in the presence of God.

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Going with God's Game Plan

Today is Super Bowl Sunday, and I want to congratulate all the football fans for choosing to be here this morning, rather than at home watching the ...

God's game plan that will turn your life into one, long, championship season.

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Easter in An Age of Terror

I suppose everyone has heard Alan Jackson's song, "Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning?" It's about the tragic events that took place in our ...

The defining moment of our lives is Easter Sunday-the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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Why Is My Christian Walk So Unstable?

Several years ago my grandmother agreed to allow a Craftmatic Adjustable Bed salesman come to her home and make a presentation. She thought this might ...

We are saved by faith, and we live by faith.

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Living with a Focus

When a country goes to war against itself, as ours did during the 1860's, it becomes impossible for the country to thrive. The entire focus of the nation ...

To win the inner civil war, you have to set your heart on Christ and your mind on Christ.

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Encounter: The Vision of Witnessing


Several years ago, I was enjoying a day of recreation on a ski slope in central Wisconsin. While other friends from the church had gone ...

To reach the lost, we must see them with the compassionate eyes of the Father.

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Prayer as Surrender

Prayer as Surrender

The main condition of successful prayer is seeking God's plans rather than our own.

by John Powell

I have to make a disclaimer right ...

The main condition of successful prayer is seeking God’s plans rather than our own.

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Scripture records of Jesus Christ that on one particular occasion he was walking by the Sea of Galilee, and he saw two Simon, who called ...

Jesus calls us to lay aside our differences and our distractions, and to take up the cross.

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