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Sermon Illustrations about Leading of the Holy Spirit

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Leading of the Holy Spirit to help bring your sermon to life.

Jeff Goldblum Turned Down Call to Be the Voice of Siri

You know him as the smart, nerdy dude from Jurassic Park and Independence Day. But if things had turned out differently, Hollywood actor Jeff Goldblum ...

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Man Confuses God's Voice with Rink Manager

A guy goes ice fishing for the very first time. All of a sudden, he hears a voice. "There are no fish under the ice!" He ignores it and moves ...

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Cat Crosses Street with Authority of NYPD

To illustrate the point that God does actually prevent a lot of terrible things from happening that we're not aware only to get no credit for it, retired ...

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After 26 Years, Boy Finds His Way Home

In 1986, five-year-old Saroo Munshi Khan and his 14-year-old brother were searching the streets for spare change in their home city of Berhanpur, India. ...

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Revival Is Like Catching a 40-Foot Wave

What would it feel like to catch a 40-foot wave and ride it into shore? During a competition at surfing hot spot Maverick's, about 22-miles from San Francisco, ...

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Extreme Marathoner Learns to Accept Limits

In 2011, a South African pastor and seasoned marathoner nicknamed "JVR" decided to run 100 miles with three other running mates as a means for recruiting ...

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Sheep Recognize Their Shepherd's Distinct Call

In Palestine today, it is still possible to witness a scene that Jesus almost certainly saw two thousand years ago, that of Bedouin shepherds bringing ...

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College Admissions Acceptance Sets Student Free

For many Americans, the college admissions process is an oppressive and extraordinarily stressful area of life. A number of years ago, I watched as two ...

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Expert Describes the 'Competition for Our Attention'

In his book Present Shock, media expert Douglas Rushkoff argues that the competition for our attention is fierce. Rushkoff writes,

Back in the mid-1990s, ...

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Pitching to Jesus—and Refusing to Take His Signals

I've imagined this scene in my head: I'm playing baseball with Jesus. The stands are full of fans, but out there on the field it's just him ...

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