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Jeff Goldblum Turned Down Call to Be the Voice of Siri

You know him as the smart, nerdy dude from Jurassic Park and Independence Day. But if things had turned out differently, Hollywood actor Jeff Goldblum might have added another role to his long list of credits: the voice of Siri.

Speaking on the Today Show in Australia, Goldblum revealed that Apple's late cofounder Steve Jobs once offered him the opportunity to do some voiceover work. Goldblum said, "Steve Jobs called me up a few decades ago to be the voice of Apple. That was early on, and I did not know it was Steve Jobs." Sadly, the collaboration never came to pass. A Georgia-based voiceover actress named Susan Bennett went on to become the first voice of Siri.

Possible Preaching Angle:

As a young boy, Samuel heard the voice of God in the night calling him. On the third hearing, he obeyed. Elijah heard the voice of God, not in the whirlwind earthquake or fire, but in a gentle whisper. Moses heard God’s voice in a burning bush. Are you careful to listen to the still small voice of God as he invites you to follow and obey?

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