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Expert Describes the 'Competition for Our Attention'

In his book Present Shock, media expert Douglas Rushkoff argues that the competition for our attention is fierce. Rushkoff writes,

Back in the mid-1990s, Wired magazine announced to the world that although digital real estate was infinite, human attention was finite.... [So] sticky websites were designed to keep eyeballs glued to particular spots on the Internet.... In a world where attention is the new commodity, it is no surprise that … [since 1997] Ritalin prescriptions have gone up tenfold.
College students and younger professionals [also] now use Ritalin and another form of speed, Adderall, as "cognitive enhancers." Just as professional athletes may use steroids to boost their performance, stockbrokers and finals takers can gain an edge over their competitors and move higher up on the curve …. These drugs are cognitive accelerators …. They push on the gas pedal of the mind, creating momentum to carry a person through from task to task, barreling over what may seem like gaps … at a slower pace.

Possible Preaching Angles: (1) Attention—This quote could apply to many areas of our spiritual life where attentiveness is required—prayer, spiritual disciplines, preaching, hearing from God, listening to others. Specifically, there is an incredible amount of "competition" or distractions to focus on lots of things besides our relationship with God. (2) Ambition; Success—It also shows the price we are willing to pay just to get ahead and succeed.

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