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Sermons on Faithfulness

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Preaching on Faithfulness? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Blessed Are Those Who Mourn


"No one ever told me that grief felt so much like fear." That is how C. S. Lewis begins his book A Grief Observed, a compelling account of ...

Jesus' promise of comfort

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Less is More, More or Less


A few months ago my two teenage sons came to me and asked if they could go camping for a week … on Lower Wacker Drive in the city of ...

A closer look at Jesus' first beatitude

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Welcome to the Pearly-Gated Community


In the first sermon in our series, I talked about the primary person we will get to see in heaven: Jesus, face to face. Now I want to talk ...

What Jesus requires to be a neighbor in heaven

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Take the Risk

From the editor:

As the country sinks further and further into a time of recession, financial issues will be weighing heavily on the minds of listeners. ...

Tithing is risky business, but it begins with the heart.

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My wife, Cheryl, and I had an opportunity in 2004 to spend a week in New Brunswick. We started in St. John, spent a couple of days in the ...

Reaping a spiritual harvest

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God Is Big Enough to Comfort My Suffering

There is purpose in our pain.

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The Way of Wisdom


As Christians, we say we want to love God, and we want to love people. We want to serve the world. This idea comes from the core of Jesus' ...

The wisdom of God transcends the wisdom of the world.

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Simeon: A Song of Hope


In the 1960s, psychologist Walter Mischel conducted a famous experiment that has come to be known as "The Marshmallow Test." Groups of 4-years ...

The reward is worth the wait.

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Mary: A Song of Trust


A lot of people travel at Christmas. During this time of the year, many of us would like to be with family to celebrate, so we load up the ...

Moving from anxiety to adoration

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Solomon's Wish


If you could wish for anything in the world, what would it be? Some people wish they had different abilities. Others wish for a change in ...

The wisdom of God is our greatest gift.

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Putting the Kingdom First
Putting the Kingdom First


In an article entitled "A new kind of urban Christian," Tim Keller argues that "Christians should be a dynamic counterculture. ...

This world is passing; use God's good gifts for his kingdom.

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David's Last Words


A life is a terrible thing to waste. In his life saving book, Don't Waste Your Life, John Piper recounts a story his father often told in ...

We cannot waste our lives if we obey the Word of God.

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Long Live the King!


According to ancient custom, the death of a ruler is greeted with the following words: "The king is dead; long live the king!" This may seem ...

By supporting God's anointed king, we advance his everlasting kingdom.

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A Royal Conspiracy


The right to rule as king has been the occasion of many bitter conflicts. Often brother has fought against brother to wear the crown, forcing ...

If we believe in the kingdom of God, we will act toward its fulfillment.

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Jesus and John—Together to Trust

Text: Assorted texts from the Gospel of John
Topic: A probing question for Christ-followers

From the editor:

John is one of the more intriguing people ...

You trust Jesus, but can Jesus trust you?

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The Unseen Footprints

From the editor:

Timothy George packs a lot into this sermon. Besides showing us an effective way to preach an individual psalm—paying careful attention ...

Even in the depths where questions loom large, remember that God is at work.

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Ready or Not, Here I Come!
Ready or Not, Here I Come!

From the editor

Simply put: it's easy to mess up a difficult passage like Luke 21. You may find yourself applying something regarding Jerusalem's ...

If we know what to look for and act accordingly in faith, we'll be ready for the Second Coming.

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Trust Me

From the editor

As Marshall indicates in his introduction, few people ever rummage around in the final few chapters of Genesis. But the final events recorded ...

Making a lifestyle of staying only where it's safe is actually dangerous.

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It's About the People
It's About the People


Recently our church softball thoroughly trounced our opponents. The game ended with what's called the mercy rule: when one team is ahead ...

True worship results in justice.

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What Have We Done?


After the Chicago Cubs lost their 96th baseball game in 2006, manager Dusty Baker, was called in to meet with the general manager. We all ...

When something has to change in your life, turn to your unchanging God and serve the Lord with all your heart.

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A Strange Résumé


It's the most dreaded question of the job interview, and when the time comes, you can't seem to push the words out of your mouth. "Tell me," ...

God turns our weakness into incredible strength.

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Beyond Comfort


Where do you turn for comfort when you encounter loss, pain, or disappointment? Some people turn to food. For some reason, certain foods—like ...

God gives comfort enough to share.

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M. Night Shyamalan's film Unbreakable begins with a train wreck. Everyone on board is killed—over a hundred people—except for ...

We demonstrate the power of Christ by enduring hardship.

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Above All Earthly Powers


Martin Luther's famous Reformation hymn, "A Mighty Fortress," is about the triumph of God over all the attacks of Satan, including his attack ...

The Word of God is written by the Spirit, received by faith, shared with others, rejected at one's peril, and preserved eternally by God.

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Facing Off Without Falling Apart


In Acts 4 we witness an epic battle between a David-like underdog and a behemoth giant. In one corner you have two unschooled, unimpressive ...

Seven principles for proclaiming the gospel in hostile territory.

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Warriors on Their Couches


The account of David and Bathsheba in 2 Samuel 11 begins this way:

In the spring of the year, the time when kings go out to battle, David ...

We battle spiritual powers through mercy in Jesus' name.

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All I Really Need to Know I Learned by Suffering Triumphantly Until I Died


In All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, Robert L. Fulghum writes:

All I really need to know about how to live and what to do ...

To know Christ, we must share in his sufferings.

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The Christian Subculture: Righteous or Rubbish?


As believers, we sometimes feel pressured to act in certain ways, fit in with certain norms, or participate in certain activities. The pressure ...

When we try to live up to others' standards of righteousness, we miss the life Christ intended.

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Wrestling with God


Soon after my wife and I married, we began decorating our house by putting things on the walls. When we came to the kitchen, I came up with ...

We find our identity and value in God when we are honest enough to wrestle with him.

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What to Expect on Payday


It takes 8½ hours for the winners to complete the Ironman world championship triathlon. One year, the networks featured a firefighter ...

Our faithfulness to God on Earth will increase our commendation, responsibility, and fellowship with him in heaven.

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We Don't Have Men Like That


[Editorial comment: Sunukjian delivers this sermon as a first-person narrative. References to props or stage directions will appear in italics.] ...

We are called to live in service to the King.

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Where's the "Gift Return" Receipt?


Let's suppose there's a small town on the edge of Iraq, near the Saudi border. Let's call the town Mosel. It's a small community with no other ...

How to appreciate the gift of suffering

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The Blazing Fastball That Gives Us Confidence


On July 15, 1986, Roger Clemens came to bat in his first Major League Baseball All-Star game. Roger was the sizzling right-handed pitcher ...

How to know God is at work in your life and congregation

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A Lifestyle Inventory


I want to tell you exactly how to live your life and spend your money. I know I have your attention now, because when we talk about money, ...

The Christian is a steward, manager, and investor of God's money.

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God Remembers


In the 1960s Jim "Wrong Way" Marshall was a member of the "Purple People Eaters," the fearsome defensive unit of the Minnesota Vikings football ...

Without the redemptive memory of God, we are nothing.

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Costly, Messy, Beautiful Obedience


The key word in the title of this message is "obedience." When I did a Google search on obedience, the most popular sites fell into two categories: ...

Finding favor in the eyes of the Lord

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Follow the Leader


A church fails for one of two reasons.

The first reason is poor leadership—the failure of those whom God has called to lead, to lead well, ...

The health of a local fellowship depends on each member's submission and responsible participation.

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The First Extreme: Conformity


We have already met Jonah, a scowling, spiteful little man in a chronic state of bellyache. The meaning of his name—"dove"—just ...

We must follow God without fear or compromise.

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Inquiring of the Lord


I want to read to you an obscure little verse from an obscure part of the Old Testament. Very few people know this story, but it has a lot ...

Inquiring of the Lord enables us to identify God's plan for our lives and experience his provision.

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What God Wants from You More Than Anything Else
What God Wants from You More Than Anything Else


What does God want from you? What does he expect? Do you know?

That's a question that every person has to answer. Because if there is a God—and ...

To love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, say "yes" to him.

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Understanding Providence


A loyal person understands providence. In order to understand this, by way of contrast, consider our culture today. If there's one word that ...

The providence of God can stir loyalty

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My Favorite Heroes: Esther


Some time ago I went on a retreat, and one of the topics at this retreat was how we're all created for a mission; everybody was made for a ...

Why we all need to watch out for shadow missions

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Long Past Prime


One of the happiest memories I have from this past Easter was the chance to see Judy and Ralph's daughter, Katie, coming into her prime. I ...

When you think you have nothing left to give

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Call Me at Midnight


Whether our "family" is a group of close friends, a bunch of kids running around the house, or a husband and wife alone, I think it is fair ...

Why covenant relationships are the foundation of a healthy family

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A Message For Imperfect People


In a magazine for pastors, Pulpit Helps, August, 1997, someone had written in with one of those "you know you're in trouble when …" type ...

We are imperfect people, selfish and self-centered, but Jesus can make us faithful and fruitful if we stay focused on him.

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How to Be Used by God: Be Smart


On his 16th birthday, a son approached his father and said, "Dad, I'm 16 now. So when I get my license, can I drive the family car?" His father ...

Building your life on the foundation of Jesus' principles is the smartest thing we can do.

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When You've Been Good and Life Goes Bad


God's Word teaches us there are three sources of trouble in our lives. Number one is the most general and most often experienced: You and ...

True followers of Jesus will have troubles, and they will endure.

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In the Day Of Trouble

Note: This message was first written for the Sunday following 9/11.

Our world changed Tuesday morning. In many ways, things will never be the same. The ...

You don't have to face this alone; you can lean on Christ.

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Wisdom for Faithful Living Today


The new movie, The Titanic, is well on its way to becoming the highest grossing movie of all time. There seems to be an enduring fascination ...

The people of God must commit themselves to devotion to God, even when the vast majority of others live for everything other than God.

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Practice of Patience

Someone handed me a little clipping this past week. A couple of young men from Chicago decided they were tired of the hustle and bustle of city life. ...

Real discipleship is seen by our response to trials.

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