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Sermons on Dependence on God

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Preaching on Dependence on God? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

The Great Exchange
The Great Exchange


The New York Times magazine ran an article that was simply called "Happiness 101." They want to get to the root of what really makes people ...

Jesus provides rest for all who are yoked to him.

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The World's Greatest Talk: Choices
The World's Greatest Talk: Choices

Introductory Remarks from John Ortberg

This message was designed to do one thing: challenge people to decide to follow Jesus wholeheartedly.

Part of ...

We all have to decide whether we will be merely an admirer of Christ or a devoted follower of Christ.

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A Journey of Hope


Today I'd like to look at Psalm 84. Someone once called the book of Psalms "the soul's medicine chest," and I think that's a good description. ...

Like a marathoner set your heart on one thing—finishing the good journey of enjoying God's presence.

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The Great Gratitude Experiment
The Great Gratitude Experiment


There's a theme in the Bible that appears in several different places. Paul says to the church in Thessalonica, "Rejoice always, pray continually, ...

In and through Christ, our hearts can sing with radical gratitude and blessing.

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The True Vine


Summer is here, and many of us have planted gardens. Why do we plant a garden? For the yield of produce, the production of fruit. Why does ...

There's only one way to please God and produce fruit—to stay connected to Jesus, the true vine.

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Keep the Sabbath
Keep the Sabbath


Today we'll be looking mainly at Deuteronomy chapter 5, and we're reading verses 12 through 15. Hear the Word of the Lord:

Observe ...

God has a prescription for our frantic busyness: true rest in Jesus that leads to Sabbath joy.

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God Is Sufficient

Introduction: The most important thing about us

Have you ever met someone who seems to live a life so beautiful and good that it made you wonder, How can ...

Wanting the wantless one

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What's With All These Names?

When we were first married, my wife Susan worked for a bank in Deerfield. You could get your license plates there at the time. The bank was issued a stack ...

Understanding the importance of our spiritual heritage

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Church: The Wisdom of God on Display

The last couple of weeks, we've been going through a series in the Books of Acts and looking at this very important question: What is the church? ...

The church exists for a supernatural purpose: to declare God's wisdom to the world's rulers and authorities.

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The Rock That Doesn't Roll
The Rock That Doesn't Roll

Story behind the sermon (from Bryan Wilkerson)

This is a sermon I've wanted to preach for a long time, ever since I took a D. Min course from Warren Wiersbe ...

We can trust God as the solid, dependable Rock who provides protection.

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Becoming a Child with God


Ruth and I were visiting in California some years ago when our eldest granddaughter was three. She climbed up on the bed at 6:00 A.M. in the ...

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The Muchness of God


In this very moment, God is ready to pour out upon you—from the lavish abundance and overflow of his reserves—blessings that will ...

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The Shortest Distance Between Two Points is a Zig Zag

Early in geometry we learned that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. That means if I'm at point A and want to get to point ...

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The Whys Have No Answer


In these last few days, most of us have witnessed what we have never seen before. I never could have imagined the fury of the most devastating ...

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Why Worry?
Why Worry?


We're probably all familiar with the story of Howard Hughes. Hughes was a big-time businessman who dabbled in oil, entertainment, and ...

Make up your mind to glorify Christ today by making a decision not to worry.

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I Pray the Lord My Soul to Keep

From the editor:

Here's another great sermon from one of our featured preachers, Bryan Wilkerson—an in-depth look at the last few lines of the Lord's ...

Whatever may come, we must ask God to lead us in a way that honors him, blesses others, and advances his good purpose for our lives.

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Why Are You Angry?

Text: Genesis 4:1-12
Topic: How to overcome anger.

From the editor:

Here's a great sermon from one of our featured preachers, David Anderson, that is sure ...

We need to understand what causes our anger and how we can overcome it.

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Mind Your Own Business: What does the Bible say about savings and debt?

From the editor

If the prognosticators are right, the current economic crisis will probably stretch on into 2010. With that in mind, now might be a good ...

Eliminate debt, live on less than you earn, and save.

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Trusting in God's Process


Coco was a pit bull mix, just barely one year old. As a puppy she was dumped on the freeway and rescued by a teenager who handed her off to ...

God Is the Only Healer

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Faith in Tough Times

From the editor

I'm confident we all would agree that 2008 was a tough year: war, a tumbling stock market, natural disasters, the continued threat of terrorism, ...

Only faith in a worthy object can see us through hard times.

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Our Hungry Hearts


Have you ever used an image to help motivate you? To help you clarify what and who you want to become? An image can be an object or can come ...

Only one thing will satisfy us.

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In God We Trust (Though We'd Rather Pay Cash)


Have you ever felt really anxious and stressed? If I don't accept this offer, then …. If my child doesn't get into the right ...

Surrendering control to receive God's blessing

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Desperate Hearts


Some years ago I experienced something that just about every stressed-out, 40-something American male experiences - chest pains. You know, ...

Being poor in spirit isn't a virtue to aspire to; it's a condition to confess.

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Asleep at the Wheel

From the editor

Chances are, you've probably preached the story of Jesus calming the storm. The account is recorded in three of the four Gospels (Matthew, ...

When the storms of life come and God seems silent, our doubts come to light and we must decide who we believe Jesus is.

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Living on the Edge of Whatever Happens

From the editor

One of the great joys in preaching is when you know you have something special to offer. Perhaps it's a particularly well-crafted thesis ...

To live a "whatever happens" existence is to embrace the superintending hand of God that guides us even in the midst of mystery.

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Remember God in the Moment
Remember God in the Moment


"Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near when you will say, 'I have ...

Live in continual communication with God and with a constant awareness that he created you.

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The House of Prayer


"My temple should be a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves." That stands as one of the harshest indictments ever uttered ...

When we pray believing and pray forgiving, we give our hearts to God and his kingdom.

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Finding God in Desperate Places


I'd like to write a book someday called Desperate Places: How God Shines Through Our Weakness. These desperate places are places of weakness, ...

Experiencing God's strength in our weakness

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The "Muchness" of God

Text: James 5:13–16
Topic: How to experience God's provision and power


In this very moment, God is ready to pour out upon you—from ...

The fervent prayers of the righteous release God's provision and power into our lives.

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The Shadow of Jesus
The Shadow of Jesus


Well over a hundred years ago, Robert Robinson wrote a hymn that resonates with many of us. One line reads like this: "Prone to wander, ...

There is no one who cannot return to God, because he can do everything we cannot.

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The Prime Principle


Abiding in Christ is simply staying near a friend who loves you. But what happens to a person who abides in Christ? If I really walk with ...

Abiding in Christ results in growth, cleanness, productivity, security, and power.

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How Should a Pastor Think About His People's Giving?


When I mentioned the title of this sermon to a group of pastors at our monthly denominational meeting, it elicited considerable response. ...

Giving indicates spiritual growth and participation in the gospel.

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The Lord Is My Shepherd
The Lord Is My Shepherd


I don't know much about sheep. I was born and raised in the suburbs, and we didn't have sheep. In fact, they were probably illegal. ...

When we say, "The Lord is my shepherd," we acknowledge our dependence upon him, his ownership of us, and our personal relationship with him.

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Worship or Worry?


There's an old Greek proverb that says, "The bow that is always bent will soon break." What that proverb seems to be implying is that the ...

Instead of worrying about our circumstances, God wants us to worship him for his faithfulness.

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Inquiring of the Lord


I want to read to you an obscure little verse from an obscure part of the Old Testament. Very few people know this story, but it has a lot ...

Inquiring of the Lord enables us to identify God's plan for our lives and experience his provision.

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You're In Good Hands


Have you ever noticed that the fear of getting a shot is often worse than the shot itself? You dread the moment, dread the moment, dread ...

You are in good hands here, because you are in God's hands.

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Should We Move On with Our Lives?

Within days of the terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington D.C. the President (as well as NY Mayor Rudy Giuliani) urged American citizens ...

We should move on with our lives.

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Going with God's Game Plan

Today is Super Bowl Sunday, and I want to congratulate all the football fans for choosing to be here this morning, rather than at home watching the ...

God's game plan that will turn your life into one, long, championship season.

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Living Outside the Comfort Zone

The book of Matthew tells us that Jesus spent part of his childhood in Egypt. Matthew doesn't go into much detail about these years, but he tells us ...

When you are forced out of your comfort zone, God is teaching you.

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How God Supplies Your Needs

Today we're taking a look at one of the most popular events in the life of Jesus: the feeding of the 5,000. (Actually, it was 5,000 men, not including ...

Whatever you're going through, God cares enough to do something about it.

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Changing What We Are Powerless to Change

This is the final week of our series called "This Year Will Be Different." We've been talking about principles for creating lasting change in your life. ...

If you really want to create lasting change in your life, it takes an act of God.

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Taking Control of Your Life

This morning I want to tell you the story of Rudy Ruettiger. Rudy grew up in a Catholic family in a small town in Illinois. He was one of 14 children ...

God wants us to take control of our lives away from others and give it to him.

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Stop Being a Pawn

In the sixth chapter of Mark there is a fascinating story about the household of King Herod. Herod was the king of Galilee, and his family life was ...

You don't have to allow yourself to be used by those around you.

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The Whys That Have No Answer

In these last few days, most of us have witnessed what we have never seen before. I never could have imagined the fury of the most devastating hurricane ...

When we encounter disaster, we need to turn to God instead of asking the question "why?"

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Life in the Penalty Box

I'd like to just read an excerpt of someone who wrote to me from out of state and addressed the letter to me personally.

He said, "I'm 31 years old." ...

We can learn some of God's lessons only through times of failure.

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Great People Do for Others

In the recent NCAA basketball Final Four playoffs here at Dallas, I was interested in the statement made by one of the coaches prior to the game. He was ...

Truly great people commit to serving others and trusting in God's provision.

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The Often-Overlooked Benefits of Losing

In our society being called a loser is the ultimate indignity. You can almost hear someone say, "Call me a liar or a cheat, but please stop short of ever ...

Losing helps us spiritually because constant victories distance us from God

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He Is Able

One of the lovely things about the Lord is that he hides the future from us. Most of us would love a sneak preview of the future. We say, "Well, Lord, ...

Faith in a wonderful God releases you from worry.

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Real Giving

When it seemed as if every home in our community were getting an answering machine, Deb and I would affirm our mutual dislike for those machines and our ...

Our trust grows when we give to God in ways that make us dependent on him.

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I Can Do All Things Through Christ

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

I'm thinking the apostle Paul is not imagining we're going to defy the gene pool, thinking lumpy, ...

When we lean on Christ’s strength, we learn his strength is enough.

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