Preaching on Atonement? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Our Great High Priest
The overall message of Hebrews is to keep moving forward, don't turn back. The writer to the Hebrews is doing this by showing ...
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More Than Your Personal Savior
For over three decades, Paul Harvey made a name for himself by telling “the rest of the story.” Day after day he came on our radios ...
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What Is Success?
What is success?
Here in 2019, this has become a difficult question to answer. It seems every week we hear stories of people who climbed to ...
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It Is Finished
Michelangelo: the name brings to our mind great artistry, architecture, and sculpture. To say his name is to be reminded of the Sistine Chapel ...
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The Priest
The year is almost over, and 2015 is almost here. Before we move on, let's take a moment to reflect on 2014. Looking back on the year, there ...
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God's Power in Unexpected Places
Good Friday and Easter lie at the very heart and center of the Christian message. But there seems to be a lot of confusion in our culture ...
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Jesus, Betrayed and Crucified
If you have ever flown into Ireland, north or south, one thing will strike you. From the air, Ireland is remarkably green. What the tourist ...
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The Warrior Rises
Do you ever watch wrestling? If you do, are you afraid to admit that you watch it? I recently read that you probably watch too much wrestling ...
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Hung Up: How Do I Forgive Myself?
Hear the Word of God as it is recorded in Matthew 27:1-10:
Early in the morning, all the chief priests and the elders of the people came to ...
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Good News for a Dying Thief
On that first Good Friday, nearly 2,000 years ago, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was crucified. For six hours he hung on the cross, and ...
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Judgment at Ai
Today we're going to look at the Book of Joshua, chapter 8, beginning in verse 18. We recall that Israel has once before been defeated by the little town ...
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Jesus Christ: His Human Nature
"The gospel of God … regarding his Son, who as to his human nature was a descendent of David …" (Romans 1:3).
Paul says, "Jesus Christ is ...
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Jesus Christ: His Resurrection from the Dead
"The gospel of God … regarding his Son, who as to his human nature was a descendent of David according to the flesh, and who was declared to be ...
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Flood of Judgment, Flood of Grace
There's a song children learn in church about Noah's ark and the flood. It goes something like this:
The Lord said to Noah, "There's going to be a floody, ...
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Encounter on Golgotha Road
From the editor:
We recently posted an Easter message by John Ortberg, because the themes like atonement, the Cross, resurrection, etc. are never out of ...
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Fifteen Words of Hope
Second Corinthians 5:21 says this: "He made him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in ...
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The Uncomfortable Truth of Easter
From the editor:
At the 2008 National Pastors Conference in San Diego, Preaching Today got to interview N. T. Wright about his book Surprised by Hope and ...
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A Christian's Happiness
If you're a Christian, you know that Christianity is supposed to be about joy. You probably also know that you're supposed to experience ...
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Forgiven, Forgotten
Guilt runs rampant in the body of Christ. Though you already know you often feel guilty, it's important that we say it, because you would ...
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The Centerpiece of the Gospel
Anyone in marketing or sales knows how these games are played. Products and presentations are sculpted and crafted to tell listeners what ...
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The World's Greatest Step
The story behind the sermon (from John Ortberg):
For Easter I wanted to present some of N. T. Wright's material on the Resurrection. I love his work on ...
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Death Is Life
From the editor:
Easter draws closer and closer (April 4), and we're here to help out with sermon ideas to inspire you in your own preaching. This week ...
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Worth Your Attention
From the editor
More helpful resources for Easter! This week we're featuring a message from Mike Woodruff, pastor of Christ Church Lake Forest in Lake ...
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The Last Enemy
From the editor:
This week we continue to roll out great Easter resources to help inspire ideas for your own preaching. Below is a sermon by Donald Sunukjian ...
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Easter: The Benefits Package
From the editor:
This week we are featuring Leith Anderson's Easter sermon from 2009 to help inspire ideas for your own sermon for Easter 2010. As you ...
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If God Is Great, Where Is He in World of Suffering?
Of all the reasons for rejecting the claims of Christianity, the one most frequently offered comes in the form of a question: "If God is so ...
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If God Is Great, Where Is He in a World of Suffering?
Text: Matthew 27:27-46
Topic: Dealing with the reality of suffering
From the editor
Easter really isn't that far away—April 4, 2010—so we'll ...
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Radical Intimacy
In this series, we're going to wrestle with very difficult story—the story of David. But I promise that as we allow this story to tell ...
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The Christmas Plunge
From the editor:
Who doesn't love reflecting on the amazing story of Mary, a teenage girl swept up in something so unexpected, so epic? The Incarnation ...
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A Ministry of Reconciliation
From the editor:
In this week's featured sermon, John MacArthur says, "Never has the world seen a God who by nature is a lover. Never has the world seen ...
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When Sin Creeps In
From the editor
If you remove the first three chapters of Genesis, anything goes. So much foundational theology is packed into those seminal verses. One ...
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Forgiven and Forgotten
Text: Hebrews 10:1-18
Topic: The effectiveness and scope of Christ's forgiveness of our sin
From the editor
As Brown points out at the very start of his ...
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What if it's true?
Several friends were talking in a restaurant when the conversation came around to dying. They asked each other what they would like to have ...
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On the Cross
A.D. abbreviates the Latin words "Anno Domini," which means "Year of Our Lord." Our calendars are all dated by the birth ...
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Crown of thorns for the King of Kings
It's almost Easter, but do you remember Christmas? We heard the joyous story that starts on the first page of the New Testament. Matthew ...
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The Greatest Trial Ever Held
It was a long and difficult night. Jesus' best friends abandoned him. One of his closest colleagues committed suicide. Police arrested ...
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Moving Towards Reconciliation
Victor Hugo's novel, Les Miserables, is a story about Jean Valjean, who was sentenced to a nineteen-year prison term for stealing a loaf of ...
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Painting by Numbers
From the editor
If you've read or heard a sermon by Peter Hiett, chances are you've not forgotten it. Consider "Redneck Christmas"—a featured sermon ...
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It's No Mistake
From the editor:
One of the more important things you can do for your listeners—both believers and nonbelievers alike—is to find an appropriate ...
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The Christian's Happiness
Text: Romans 8:2830
Topic: Our joy can be constant no matter our life circumstances.
From the editor
Romans 8 is such a beloved, oft-quoted section ...
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The Purpose of the Passion
From the editor
By the close of this sermon, Mac Brunson has masterfully explained complex theological concepts like condemnation, salvation, and justification ...
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God's Cure for Heart Trouble
From the editor
Greg Laurie is known for his straightforward, down-to-earth teaching style. This sermon showcases that ability in spades. Watch closely ...
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Cover Or Be Covered
World War II was over. The Armistice had been signed in Europe and in Japan. Hostilities had ceased. But, under the leadership of General MacArthur, the ...
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Cross Here
One of the great ironies of history is that those who took Jesus to Calvary believed they were forcing him to his dead-end; in reality, Jesus ...
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Redneck Christmas
Editor's note: The following monologue is delivered in character by a shepherd named Larry. There was a live nativity scene on stage for the Children's ...
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You Don't Know, Do You?
A member of this congregation experienced a tragedy when her father was suddenly killed in an accident. He was driving home one Wednesday ...
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God Remembers
In the 1960s Jim "Wrong Way" Marshall was a member of the "Purple People Eaters," the fearsome defensive unit of the Minnesota Vikings football ...
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The Great Rescue
When I was a teenager, I became fascinated, appalled, and grieved by the literature of the Holocaust. I think I probably read thousands of ...
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