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Sermons on Submission

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Preaching on Submission? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

So … What’s the Plan?
So … What’s the Plan?


Last November I had the opportunity to register for classes for the January and Spring terms. Before I registered, I looked at what classes ...

Submit our plans to God for we have no control of the future.

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Anguish in the Garden


We have left the upper room where Jesus has identified the one who will betray him as he reclines at a table to celebrate Passover and institute ...

We ought to submit and surrender as Christ submitted and surrendered to his Father.

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The Test
The Test


Elie Wiesel, the great Jewish writer known best for his writing about the Holocaust, wrote many other things as well, including Messengers ...

God's tests of faith are not trials by ordeal but the refining of gold.

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Take Me to Your Leader

Let's look at today's text together:

Now the Philistines fought against Israel, and the men of Israel fled before the Philistines and fell slain on Mount ...

In our unfaithfulness, Jesus shines as the faithful King.

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Jesus Christ, Our Lord

"Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God-the gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in ...

Jesus is first our Lord, then our Savior.

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A group of scientists got together who wanted to win the Nobel Prize. They thought, What can we do that's never been done? How can we use ...

Learning submission from Esther

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Return to Power


We talk a lot here at New Life about the kingdom of God. The reality is that the kingdom of God comes first in the lives of God's people. ...

Practicing the power of "Yes, God"

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We're going to be looking at Revelation chapter 22 today, and I want to talk about a very significant and serious decision that was made in ...

How our Scriptures were chosen

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The Blessed Limp


A blessing is a mysterious thing. In her Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, Gilead, Marilynne Robinson's narrator is an elderly pastor named John ...

Learning to accept the blessings of God

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Total Freedom
Total Freedom

From the editor:

Here's another great sermon from one of our featured preachers, John Ortberg. This is actually John's message from Palm Sunday (2009). ...

Surrendering to Christ is not easy, but it leads to freedom and life.

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In the summer of my 11th year of life, I learned the power and joy of surrender. It happened in Minnesota at the Edina community swimming ...

Surrender Your Life

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There's good news and bad news about our gospel passage. First the bad news: this is one of the most difficult, disturbing, and surprising ...

Freeing Your Heart

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The World's Greatest Talk: Choices

From the Editor:

Just below, you'll find a few introductory remarks from Ortberg about his sermon. With that in mind, there really doesn't need to be much ...

We all have to decide whether we will be merely an admirer of Christ or a devoted follower of Christ.

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Solomon's Wish


If you could wish for anything in the world, what would it be? Some people wish they had different abilities. Others wish for a change in ...

The wisdom of God is our greatest gift.

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Putting the Kingdom First
Putting the Kingdom First


In an article entitled "A new kind of urban Christian," Tim Keller argues that "Christians should be a dynamic counterculture. ...

This world is passing; use God's good gifts for his kingdom.

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David's Last Words


A life is a terrible thing to waste. In his life saving book, Don't Waste Your Life, John Piper recounts a story his father often told in ...

We cannot waste our lives if we obey the Word of God.

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Long Live the King!


According to ancient custom, the death of a ruler is greeted with the following words: "The king is dead; long live the king!" This may seem ...

By supporting God's anointed king, we advance his everlasting kingdom.

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A Royal Conspiracy


The right to rule as king has been the occasion of many bitter conflicts. Often brother has fought against brother to wear the crown, forcing ...

If we believe in the kingdom of God, we will act toward its fulfillment.

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King Me!

If you need an overall title, you could try something like this: "The King Takes His Throne: Solomon's Rise to Power."
By submitting to the kingdom of Christ, we put Jesus on his rightful throne.

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Trust Me

From the editor

As Marshall indicates in his introduction, few people ever rummage around in the final few chapters of Genesis. But the final events recorded ...

Making a lifestyle of staying only where it's safe is actually dangerous.

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It's Not How You Start; It's How You Finish


I once read an article that listed some of the greatest comebacks in sports history. The list included the 2004 American League Championship ...

Finishing well is just as important as starting well.

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The Miracle of Christmas


In Luke 11:33–35, Jesus says, "Your eye is a lamp, lighting up your whole body. If you live in wide-eyed wonder and belief, your body ...

God wants us to celebrate the mystery of Jesus' birth.

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Life on Wings


The biblical image of the kind of life Christians are called to live is, "The way of an eagle in the air." I have lots of experience with ...

To live in victory, we must be reborn in Christ and yielded to the Holy Spirit.

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Paying Your Dues


How many of you would say, "The truth is, I really am more clued in than my boss"? Who would say, "My boss, my company, my manager, my supervisor, ...

When someone tells us what to do, the issue is not what but who.

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The Lord Is My Shepherd
The Lord Is My Shepherd


I don't know much about sheep. I was born and raised in the suburbs, and we didn't have sheep. In fact, they were probably illegal. ...

When we say, "The Lord is my shepherd," we acknowledge our dependence upon him, his ownership of us, and our personal relationship with him.

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Costly, Messy, Beautiful Obedience


The key word in the title of this message is "obedience." When I did a Google search on obedience, the most popular sites fell into two categories: ...

Finding favor in the eyes of the Lord

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The First Extreme: Conformity


We have already met Jonah, a scowling, spiteful little man in a chronic state of bellyache. The meaning of his name—"dove"—just ...

We must follow God without fear or compromise.

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What God Wants from You More Than Anything Else
What God Wants from You More Than Anything Else


What does God want from you? What does he expect? Do you know?

That's a question that every person has to answer. Because if there is a God—and ...

To love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, say "yes" to him.

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The True Spirit of Christmas


In one Peanuts comic strip, Lucy was saying that Christmas is a time for kindness and a time to forgive one another. Charlie Brown says: "Why ...

The true spirit of Christmas is expressed in humbly acknowledging and submitting to our place in God's plan.

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Taking God as your partner


A little more than 300 years ago, a middle aged man named Nicholas Herman entered a monastery in France and lived the remaining 30 years of ...

There’s only one place of peace in this world: living all day, everyday, in the presence of God.

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A Spirit-Filled Workplace


In Walt Disney’s fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the little men march off to work each morning singing, "Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off ...

Christian employees and employers in the workplace today need to be Spirit-filled.

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Hilarious Hupotasso


This is a hot button issue: the woman's role in church and family. Feelings are running high, and we all bring a certain bias with us.

© Jill Briscoe, 1993 Preaching Today Issue #117 A resource of Christianity Today International
Wives should submit to their husbands voluntarily, without losing their God-given identities.

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I had originally announced that I would be speaking today on the Christian's relationship to government, but in recent days the Lord has put ...

7 keys to living under authority

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Rediscovering Marriage


I think we'd all agree that marriage has fallen on hard times these days. They tell us that the number of people getting married has declined ...

Discover the transforming power of mutual submission

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Grace Under Fire


When I was young, I used to love reading comic books. Not only did I enjoy comics, I used to enjoy looking at the advertisements in the ...

Christians are called to show meekness through their actions, and will be blessed for doing so.

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Walking in Wisdom


I love the story of the young man of 32 who had been appointed president of the bank. He'd never dreamed he'd be president, much less at ...

The way to live a circumspect life is to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

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A Spirit-Filled Church


The text before us is one of the most fascinating passages in the New Testament, because it interweaves the mystery of Christ and his body—his ...

As the body of Christ, we are intimately related to Jesus Christ and one another.

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A Spirit-Filled Marriage


John Maxwell gave his congregation an article entitled "The Ideal Wife." Under the subtitle "What Every Man Expects," it said: "Always beautiful ...

Both women and men have a spiritual role to play in marriage: women, to submit; men, to love.

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God's Design for Marriage

I saw a cartoon some time ago in which a preacher had prepared the pulpit area like a fortress. He was peering through the crack of a machine gun nest. ...

God's instructions for husbands and wives are the key to a long and happy marriage.

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