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Sermons on Eternal life

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Preaching on Eternal life? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

You Have the Words of Eternal Life
You Have the Words of Eternal Life


One of the great joys of my life to officiate weddings. Sure, there is a lot of pressure to get things right, but one aspect I love ...

Look to Jesus with soul-satisfying faith and treasure his Word.

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Back to the Start
Back to the Start


Merry Christmas! One thing is for sure, Christmas is looking much different than of us expected this year. But I wonder if that’s actually ...

God the Father sent his Son to show us his love.

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Lazarus the First
Lazarus the First


When Jesus heard that his friend Lazarus was gravely ill, the first thing he did was nothing.

To be fair: I don’t know exactly what it ...

If Jesus could conquer death for this one man, maybe he could conquer death for us all.

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Crossed Over
Crossed Over


(Read John 5:24-25)

A few years ago I was talking to a friend at a coffee shop a couple days before Easter. "I know you aren't much of a churchgoer," ...

Every time someone hears and believes Jesus’ good news now, it is an Easter story.

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The Key to a Meaningful Life
The Key to a Meaningful Life


Maybe this is the first time you've ever stepped foot into a church. Or maybe you don't normally go to church unless it's Christmas ...

The Resurrection happened—and the Resurrection matters.

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Stay Strong in the Lord
Stay Strong in the Lord


I think the older I get the more intense I get about this, because I feel like we do things backwards in the Christian church. A lot of times ...

Don't live a backwards life, live a courageous life.

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Justice and Judgment


The closing ceremonies of the 2012 London Olympics featured a children's choir singing John Lennon's Imagine while a giant replica ...

God's judgment is a good thing that will bring healing to the planet—and us.

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What Happens When We Die?


A few months ago, Google made this announcement:

Not many of us like thinking about death—especially our own. But making plans for what ...

To understand death today we must take hold of the future.

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Good News When You're Confronted by Death


Luke 7:11-17 says this:

Soon afterward, Jesus went to a town called Nain, and his disciples and a large crowd went along with him. As ...

As you shuffle toward the grave, take heart; Jesus has conquered death.

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Keep yourself from idols


I want to direct your attention to one particular verse of Scripture this morning—the final verse of the First Letter of John to the ...

As we avoid idolatry, we need to make certain that we not only know about God, but that we know him.

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Deep Certainty

How do you feel about the future? What kind of world will our children and grandchildren, grow up in? What can we count on to give us any kind of confidence ...

To know Jesus is to know, for certain, eternal life.

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Christmas in the City of Jerusalem


We're going to do something a little different this year in December. We want to focus on a "Hometown Christmas." Typically we tend to think ...

The Christmas story reveals that people still resist, ignore, or embrace Jesus.

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Waiting for the Fullness of Time


Last Saturday I wrote these words:

I'm at the airport—waiting. I arrived at 7:15 A.M. It's now 9:40. My 8:38 flight was canceled ...

Advent reminds us that God's plan always includes seasons of waiting.

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A Christian's Happiness
A Christian's Happiness


If you're a Christian, you know that Christianity is supposed to be about joy. You probably also know that you're supposed to experience ...

Paul offers three principles for finding joy in suffering.

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In the House of the Lord


The start of the Christmas season seems like an inappropriate time to talk about Psalm 23, sheep, and shepherds. But when you open the Bible, ...

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The Up-to-the-Minute Relevance of the Resurrection
The Up-to-the-Minute Relevance of the Resurrection


The most fantastic claim Christians make is that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. It strains our credulity to the utmost. But Christians have ...

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Memorial Service for Bea Campbell


Joseph Bayly, delightful, personal friend now in heaven, was flying from Chicago to the city of Los Angeles. He engaged the woman sitting ...

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The World's Greatest Step

The story behind the sermon (from John Ortberg):

For Easter I wanted to present some of N. T. Wright's material on the Resurrection. I love his work on ...

The story of the resurrection is not just good news; it's true news.

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Givers and Takers


My son is the assistant manager of a Potbelly's sandwich shop in the northern suburbs of Chicago. When you ask for a glass of water, most ...

To be with God is to be with the one who never stops giving, never stops loving, never stops providing blessings through Jesus Christ.

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Asking the Tough Questions


We're in the series called "Can Smart People Believe In God?" and we're thinking through some really important issues. Today we'll be talking ...

A conversation with Dallas Willard

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Without Knowledge We Perish

The story behind the series (from John Ortberg):

This series actually was inspired by Dallas Willard's book, Knowing Christ Today. The title of the series ...

An introduction to knowledge and worldview

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Death Is Life

From the editor:

Easter draws closer and closer (April 4), and we're here to help out with sermon ideas to inspire you in your own preaching. This week ...

Life isn't really life, and death isn't really death. But death is life.

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Worth Your Attention

From the editor

More helpful resources for Easter! This week we're featuring a message from Mike Woodruff, pastor of Christ Church Lake Forest in Lake ...

In an age of information overload, we need to pay careful attention to the message of the Resurrection.

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The Last Enemy

From the editor:

This week we continue to roll out great Easter resources to help inspire ideas for your own preaching. Below is a sermon by Donald Sunukjian ...

We must put our faith in the one who has conquered our greatest enemy.

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Easter: The Benefits Package

From the editor:

This week we are featuring Leith Anderson's Easter sermon from 2009 to help inspire ideas for your own sermon for Easter 2010. As you ...

The benefits of the Resurrection are great, but salvation from sin forever is the goal.

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If God Is Great, Where Is He in World of Suffering?


Of all the reasons for rejecting the claims of Christianity, the one most frequently offered comes in the form of a question: "If God is so ...

A cross of loss can be gathered up into God's redemptive plan.

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If God Is Great, Where Is He in a World of Suffering?

Text: Matthew 27:27-46
Topic: Dealing with the reality of suffering

From the editor

Easter really isn't that far away—April 4, 2010—so we'll ...

A cross of loss can be gathered up into God's redemptive plan.

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Not in Vain


I was talking to a friend the other day. "I know you aren't much of a churchgoer," I said, "but I'd like to invite you to church this Sunday ...

The effectual power of Christ's resurrection

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The Lostness of Humankind

Text: Romans 1:18-25Topic: A look at mankind's journey through rejection, separation, domination, and condemnation—and his opportunity for redemption ...

Jesus came not to make bad people good, but to make dead people live.

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The Long Tomorrow


An 85-year-old couple died in a car crash after having been married almost 60 years. They had been in good health the last ten years mainly ...

Meditation on our future home

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A Brand New You


I've got hundreds of things around the house that I would like to see made new—sofa cushions that have begun to sag, kitchen cabinets ...

What happens when the old has gone

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Halos, Wings, and Harps


I want to explore another person you meet in heaven. I use the term "person" loosely because of who we're talking about today: Angels. When ...

What Scriptures has to say about angels

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Welcome to the Pearly-Gated Community


In the first sermon in our series, I talked about the primary person we will get to see in heaven: Jesus, face to face. Now I want to talk ...

What Jesus requires to be a neighbor in heaven

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Jesus Face to Face


If you had the opportunity, who would you like to meet face to face? Is it someone living? Someone who has already died? A celebrity? Nobility? ...

What the Resurrection means for us

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Do You Like Where You Live?

From the editor

Here's a sermon from the old Preaching Today Audio archives that we've never put on our site until today. What is striking is how relevant ...

You are made for more than this world.

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The End of the World as We Know It

From the editor:

Issues concerning the end of the world have always been fascinating. They are also quite terrifying. The end of the world will usher ...

God doesn't want to punish you; he wants to pardon you. So, repent!

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There's good news and bad news about our gospel passage. First the bad news: this is one of the most difficult, disturbing, and surprising ...

Freeing Your Heart

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It's No Mistake

From the editor:

One of the more important things you can do for your listeners—both believers and nonbelievers alike—is to find an appropriate ...

The sooner you embrace the fact that you're a sinner, the sooner you can engage in God's grace.

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Heaven: How Do We Get There?

From the Editor:

In a recent interview with PreachingToday.com, Haddon Robinson said, "We want to reach people, but the clear terms of the gospel ...

The way to heaven is as simple as A, B, C, and D.

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The Christian's Happiness

Text: Romans 8:28–30
Topic: Our joy can be constant no matter our life circumstances.

From the editor

Romans 8 is such a beloved, oft-quoted section ...

Your bad things turn out for good, your good things can never be lost, and the best things are yet to come.

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God's Cure for Heart Trouble

From the editor

Greg Laurie is known for his straightforward, down-to-earth teaching style. This sermon showcases that ability in spades. Watch closely ...

Christ waits to bring salvation to those who are eagerly waiting for him.

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The Trumpet Call of God
The Trumpet Call of God

From the editor

Eschatological issues have always been intriguing, but the interest has both widened and deepened in the last 25 years or so. Bestselling ...

Jesus Christ is coming back for his disciples, whether we live or sleep.

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Why Would a Good God Send People to Hell?
Why Would a Good God Send People to Hell?


I thought long and hard about a clever, lighthearted way to introduce this morning's message. I thought about praying for a really hot day ...

Hell is necessary in God's economy, but he has given us hope in Jesus.

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Drop Your Agenda


By the end of Luke's narrative of Jesus' life, opposition from the religious leaders is mounting, and Jesus' popularity among the people is ...

When we come to Jesus with our own agendas, he asks us to lay them down and pick up the cross to follow him.

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How to Live Beyond Yourself


I don't know if you are like me, but I imagine you are. I imagine there are times in which you feel boxed in by life; not only by what others ...

We can experience fullness of life by acknowledging our weakness, putting our past behind us, striving toward a worthy goal, and going for broke.

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A Win-Win Situation


Every so often we find ourselves in a win-win situation. No matter which way it goes, we come out ahead.

For example, at school we decide to ...

Gaining a biblical perspective on life and death

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You Don't Know, Do You?


A member of this congregation experienced a tragedy when her father was suddenly killed in an accident. He was driving home one Wednesday ...

Each of us must be ready to face God's judgment, for death can come at any moment.

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On Suicide
On Suicide


Death is never easy. But death is even harder when someone is too young to die or dies under especially difficult circumstances. The tragic ...

In the wake of a tragic suicide, we need to move beyond the person's death and remember his or her life, in addition to God's grace.

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Hope for a Great Forever


The word "home" has a deep nostalgia for our hearts. Some of us have sad memories of home, but most of us have a deep longing to be home. ...

Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people.

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Surviving D-Day: Death


As we conclude our D-Day series, I am sure that there have been some hearts that have been tugged. Maybe a few cheeks are a little wet. So, ...

Death is going to come, but we can have hope and security by believing in God and his way, in his son, Jesus Christ who died for our sins, and in the indwelling Holy Spirit who gives us guidance and peace.

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