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Sermons on Difficulty

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Preaching on Difficulty? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.



There’s a little acronym that’s become common in managerial circles—VUCA, which stands for “Volatility, Uncertainty, ...

When you find yourself sidetracked or shipwrecked: expect difficulty, exercise leadership, and express faith.

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Living in the Protective Custody of God
Living in the Protective Custody of God


In the Believer's Bible Commentary, William MacDonald begins his comments on Psalm 91 by telling of a five-year-old boy who was dying of diphtheria ...

The Lord will protect the one who trusts in him.

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Through the Valley


It was near the twilight of his life, and quite possibly he sat on one of the curvaceous slopes of the hills of Judea, looked out into one ...

When we are in the valley, God is preparing a blessing for us on the other side.

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Beyond Friends


Where are you on your spiritual journey? And what would help you take the next step?

A couple of years ago we joined hundreds of churches across ...

Friends will take you farther and deeper in your spiritual journey than you could alone.

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True Friends


Last week I tossed out a question and invited you to respond: is it possible to be spiritual friends with a non-believer? For the past six ...

Spiritual friendships with people of other faith or no faith are not only possible, they're powerful.

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Building on the Right Foundation


The words in Matthew 7:24-27 conclude one of the greatest sermons ever preached. Jesus Christ brings to culmination the great Sermon on the ...

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Unlistened to Lessons of Life


It was in 1965 that I graduated from Moody Bible Institute, and a week later to the day, Charlene and I were married. Then 10 days after that ...

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Yet Will I Praise Thee


Have you ever asked God questions and felt you haven't received a good answer? I heard about a little boy once who said to his father, "How ...

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The Whys Have No Answer


In these last few days, most of us have witnessed what we have never seen before. I never could have imagined the fury of the most devastating ...

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Rebuilding the Walls


In the countryside near Leicester, England, there stands an ancient church whose walls are inscribed with an eloquent memorial. The inscription ...

The Israelites' recovery from calamity serves as an example of what we can do today.

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Asleep at the Wheel

From the editor

Chances are, you've probably preached the story of Jesus calming the storm. The account is recorded in three of the four Gospels (Matthew, ...

When the storms of life come and God seems silent, our doubts come to light and we must decide who we believe Jesus is.

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The Strangest Gift


In her book Tramp for the Lord, Corrie ten Boom tells the story of an old woman she met in Russia in the time of the Communist persecution ...

It is in our weaknesses that Christ is most clearly revealed.

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Costly, Messy, Beautiful Obedience


The key word in the title of this message is "obedience." When I did a Google search on obedience, the most popular sites fell into two categories: ...

Finding favor in the eyes of the Lord

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Who Can Take It?


Ezekiel 2:2 says: "As he spoke, the Spirit came into me and raised me to my feet, and I heard him speaking to me." The voice of this prophet, ...

The Spirit of God can help us respond redemptively to the inevitable troubles of life.

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Those Who Rise


The story is told of a farmer's donkey who stumbled into an old, dry well. For hours the animal cried piteously as the farmer tried to sort ...

Why suffering is a necessary part of building great families

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Why Is There So Much Suffering and Evil in the World?


Here are two photos, both showing scenes from two earthquakes of similar magnitude that happened within just days of each other just last ...

Three answers to the problem of evil

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When You've Been Good and Life Goes Bad


God's Word teaches us there are three sources of trouble in our lives. Number one is the most general and most often experienced: You and ...

True followers of Jesus will have troubles, and they will endure.

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Getting In the Last Word


When we began this series, I mentioned that First Peter deals with some topics that Americans don't always immediately relate to. Peter ...

If you are willing to endure suffering, you can fulfill God's calling on your life.

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Get Ready for a Rough Ride


This is the sixth message in our series on First Peter: Living Bold in Tough Times. Peter wrote this letter to encourage believers to live a ...

Things get rough from time and time, but you can prepare yourself for the difficult days ahead.

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You're In Good Hands


Have you ever noticed that the fear of getting a shot is often worse than the shot itself? You dread the moment, dread the moment, dread ...

You are in good hands here, because you are in God's hands.

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Practice of Patience

Someone handed me a little clipping this past week. A couple of young men from Chicago decided they were tired of the hustle and bustle of city life. ...

Real discipleship is seen by our response to trials.

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Life in the Penalty Box

I'd like to just read an excerpt of someone who wrote to me from out of state and addressed the letter to me personally.

He said, "I'm 31 years old." ...

We can learn some of God's lessons only through times of failure.

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Overcoming Discouragement

Life is hard. Life is a battle. Saint Paul says we struggle in life, not just against the world and the flesh, but against invisible powers that struggle ...

Face your problems relying on God.

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Singing in the Rain

The psalmist is singing again. It's not exactly like singing in the rain, but it's kind of like singing in the rain, because he's in trouble ...

Because we are special to God we can rejoice, even in difficulty.

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Yet I Will Praise Thee

Have you ever asked God questions and felt you haven't received a good answer? I heard about a little boy once who said to his father, "How many people ...

When we can't escape our circumstances we must trust God's ultimate plan

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Pain is the Name of the Game

Paul said that he not only wanted to know the power of Jesus' resurrection but the fellowship of his sufferings. Paul was making a expression of his desire ...

Since we all suffer, it is better to suffer with Christ than without him.

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Living Expectantly

I'm sure that you hear it sometimes on the elevator. At other times if you're waiting in a doctor's office, you hear it. If you're shopping in the mall, ...

We must not be limited by the past, because God is always doing a new thing.

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Practice of Patience

Someone handed me a little clipping this past week. A couple of young men from Chicago decided they were tired of the hustle and bustle of city life. ...

Real discipleship is seen by our response to trials.

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The Often-Overlooked Benefits of Losing

In our society being called a loser is the ultimate indignity. You can almost hear someone say, "Call me a liar or a cheat, but please stop short of ever ...

Losing helps us spiritually because constant victories distance us from God

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Overcoming Handicapped Lives

I would like this morning to address the issue of handicapped lives. This subject takes us all in. There may be some young superman here this morning ...

God gives us handicaps for our own betterment

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Through the Valley

It was near the twilight of his life, and quite possibly he sat on one of the curvaceous slopes of the hills of Judea, looked out into one of the valleys, ...

When we are in the valley, God is preparing a blessing for us on the other side.

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When You Feel You're at the End

Whatever our circumstances, we must see that Jesus is here.

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By Faith, Miracles!


I sometimes feel when I get to a passage like Hebrews 11 that I'm almost like a little boy walking through the Hall of Fame wearing sneakers ...

Rather than trusting in people, trust in God, because he might have a miracle to get you through.

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