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Sermons on Desire

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Preaching on Desire? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Pray for God's Help
Pray for God's Help


Let me describe a relationship, and you see what you think. It's a relationship with no expectations, so there's no shame, and there's no ...

Communication, desire, and expectation are part of our relationship with God.

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Weathering the Storms of Compromise
Weathering the Storms of Compromise


People wonder, Is it really possible to be a Christian in today's world? So much of the values of this world are inimical to Christian ...

Is it possible to follow Christ without compromise? The Bible gives a resounding yes.

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A Journey of Hope


Today I'd like to look at Psalm 84. Someone once called the book of Psalms "the soul's medicine chest," and I think that's a good description. ...

Like a marathoner set your heart on one thing—finishing the good journey of enjoying God's presence.

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Deep Desire

A love/hate relationship with the world

Christians have always had a "love/hate" relationship with the world. On the one hand, the most famous verse in ...

Where do you take your hungry heart?

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What Your Spouse Wants You to Figure Out

From the editor:

Few preachers make better use of humor than Dave Stone. He's especially gifted at knowing exactly the right point to insert a funny line ...

Strive to be intimate friends who unselfishly serve one another.

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Help! The Prayer that Calms

Maybe you have heard about the book called The Prayer of Jabez: Breaking Through to the Blessed Life. It is extremely popular, breaking all kinds of records ...

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"Gay" Myths

Homosexuality is probably the most emotionally divisive issue facing our nation. It's a hot topic, as a range of Newsweek covers on the issue suggests: January ...

Since homosexuality is outside of God's will, we must deal with those desires just like any other sinful temptation.

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Acting Out Humility

Today I want to teach you a truth from God's word that I think will change your life. If you grasp this truth and if you apply it, it will transform every ...

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The House of Expectancy


Have you wondered what makes one person open to God and the next person closed? What makes Sally receptive, attentive, responsive to God's ...

When we live in expectancy, rather than expectation, we are open to the person of Christ.

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The Story of Our Broken World


When I was about ten years old, my dad, a medical doctor, received a special gift from one of his patients: a beautiful globe with shiny sequins. ...

How believing a cosmic lie shattered paradise

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The Second Extreme: Contempt for the Lost


I've got good news, bad news, and hard news.

The good news: The best argument for God is the church. Everyday, God becomes accessible to a ...

To both experience and celebrate God's grace, we must allow him to swallow us whole.

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Beyond Will and Grace
Beyond Will and Grace

Texts: Genesis 1:1–2:28; Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13; Romans 1:24–26; 1 Corinthians 6:9
Topic: What should we think about homosexuality?

When considering the issue of homosexuality, we must push past the will and grace of primetime to embrace the will and grace of God.

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Remember Me


Several years after Jimmy Cagney had become famous portraying gangsters in Hollywood films, he and his wife were getting into a car in New ...

Even if it seems like we have been forgotten, God remembers us when our hearts are broken, when we pray, and after our prayers have been answered.

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Patrol Your Pleasures


When I ask you to give me an adjective that describes Jesus of Nazareth, what comes to mind for you? How many of you instantly thought of ...

When Jesus frowns on fun

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A Personal Relationship


I want to share with you something that had a decisive impact on my life; it was a turning point for me. And ever since, it's been an anchor ...

Our relationship with God validates everything else.

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Don’t You Believe It! The Myth of Greener Grass


This morning we’re looking at the last of the Ten Commandments, which deals with desiring something that someone else has, but which we do ...

We’ve been shown grace by God, and we’re to spread that grace around.

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The Difference-Making Difference


Have you ever noticed that some passages of Scripture are crystal clear and easy to understand—the previous passage, for example? And ...

Christians are to be different, different in such a way that we make a difference in the world.

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Judas: Blinded by Desire


In Mark 14:111, we read about a battle that was waged over Christ in the final days of his earthly life.

"It was now two days before the Passover ...

What a contrast between the woman who anointed Jesus with ointment worth a year's wages, and Judas who betrayed him for a relative pittance. Which are we?

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The Message of Ecclesiastes

As I look back in my life over the last several years there was a period in which I lived in the dark night of the soul. I spent several months of my ...

In a "meaningless" life, you can trust the sovereign, good, and righteous God.

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