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Sermons on Cross of Christ

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Preaching on Cross of Christ? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

A Body You Have Prepared
A Body You Have Prepared


At Christmas we remember that Jesus came among us. The Second Person of the Trinity lowered himself, condescended, and became a man. That’s ...

He took a body to give his body.

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A Bad Day
A Bad Day


As we walk thru life all of us are going to have some good days, some average days, and some bad days.

One of my bad days happened ...

The worst day for Jesus was the best day for us.

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Loud Cries and Tears
Loud Cries and Tears


It’s dangerous to preach on suffering because many of us are in very different places right now. Some of us are in agony, some ...

In your eagerness for the New Kingdom of God, do not rush past the Cross. Look where Jesus looks.

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A Great Big Snake Story
A Great Big Snake Story


Elijah, my son, really likes The Jungle Book. One of the characters in that story is a big and sneaky snake named Kaa. He’s a python, ...

Jesus has defeated the serpent and will one day vanquish him forever.

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More Than Your Personal Savior
More Than Your Personal Savior


For over three decades, Paul Harvey made a name for himself by telling “the rest of the story.” Day after day he came on our radios ...

Jesus our Savior is Christ the Victor.

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Overcoming Racism and Prejudice
Overcoming Racism and Prejudice


The tragic and heart wrenching events that have flooded the news cycles over the past several days have shone a new light on the alarming ...

God’s eternal plan and down-to-earth solution to overcoming the problem of racial, tribal, and national divisions.

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Our Suffering Servant
Our Suffering Servant


With every step we have taken, the cross has slowly been coming into view. Certain death is looming over the Savior. As the tour continues, ...

The death and burial of Christ sets the stage for the true victory that every believer has in Christ.

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I Am King, You Say
I Am King, You Say


Do you remember what happened this week? This week, as he rode into Jerusalem, they put their cloaks before him and took branches from date ...

The ones guilty of Christ death aren’t those in the passage, but those reading it.

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God Wins
God Wins


(Read John 20:19-29)

On election night in 1976, I sat in a little dark storage closet at the back of a campaign headquarters in Yonkers, New ...

Because of the hope of the resurrection, we do not have to live without hope.

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The Urgent Necessity
The Urgent Necessity


(Read Luke 23:33-46)

In the city of Hebron on Israel's West Bank, there is a wall on which is written a poem commemorating the death of a child. ...

To forgive as we have been forgiven is to overcome evil with good.

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The Incognito Christ
The Incognito Christ


April 12, 2007: A 39-year-old man stationed himself next to a trash bin at the L'Enfant Plaza subway station in Washington, D.C. He had on ...

Sometimes Jesus shows up when we least expect it.

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A Hunger for Glory
A Hunger for Glory


Something happened in the fall of 1976 that sent shockwaves through the senior class of Edina-East High School in Edina, Minnesota. During ...

Got glory-hunger? Meet Jesus at the Cross

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More Than a Baby
More Than a Baby


We find in Luke 1 the well-known story of the prophecy of the birth of Jesus that comes to Mary. Most of you could give me the details of ...

Jesus came in a wooden manger to die on a wooden cross.

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The Best Is Yet To Come


It all began with Mary and Martha—that cool Easter morning—coming to a lonely Palestinian tomb. I don't think they had any idea ...

Smelling the sweet aroma of the Christ's resurrection.

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Your New Identity


At age 95, Rabbi Hershel Schachter died in the Bronx, New York. A name that doesn't mean much to most of you, but a few of you will remember ...

Easter means that we have the identity of Christ: we're dead and alive in him.

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God's Power in Unexpected Places
God's Power in Unexpected Places


Good Friday and Easter lie at the very heart and center of the Christian message. But there seems to be a lot of confusion in our culture ...

God's power to reconcile and forgive shows up in the least likely place on earth—the cross of Jesus.

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Modern-day Slavery and Our True Liberator

The story behind the sermon (By R. York Moore)

Why preach on Human Trafficking I believe the Church has a moral obligation to press into the growing tragedy ...

In dealing with the unthinkable reality of modern-day slavery, we need our True Liberator to give us hope.

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Unity in the Cross


There was once a man in San Francisco walking along the Golden Gate Bridge, and he saw a second man about to jump over the edge. He stopped ...

Christians are bound to one another by the power of Christ's redemptive work.

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Wisdom in the Cross
Wisdom in the Cross


In his book Once upon a Tree, Calvin Miller writes about an experience years ago when he went to a movie. This was in a day (that some of ...

The Cross reveals worldly wisdom to be foolishness.

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Power, Politics, and the Example of Christ
Power, Politics, and the Example of Christ


In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus shares some important insights on power. Mary the mother of James and John came to him and asked, "When ...

All power comes from God, but Jesus alone shows us how to use power.

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Broken and Conflicted


Today, we are finishing our series on David. Scripture talks about David a lot. The New Testament says God chose David because he was a man ...

Only the Cross can overcome family dysfunction.

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The Warrior Rises


Do you ever watch wrestling? If you do, are you afraid to admit that you watch it? I recently read that you probably watch too much wrestling ...

Jesus died in our place, satisfied God's justice, and rose from the dead to give us life.

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Hung Up: How Do I Forgive Myself?
Hung Up: How Do I Forgive Myself?


Hear the Word of God as it is recorded in Matthew 27:1-10:

Early in the morning, all the chief priests and the elders of the people came to ...

Jesus says that we're totally forgiven in him. Do you believe it?

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Richard Stearns, the president of World Vision, has a book called The Hole in Our Gospel. In this book he tells a remarkable story about a ...

Free to forgive

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In our series called Restoration Hardware, last week we learned that the Cross of Jesus Christ is the hardware or the instrument that God ...

Beautiful bloodshed

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There was once a couple who had been married for 60 years. Throughout their life they had shared everything. They loved each other deeply. ...

Cross bridging

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For the last couple of weeks we have opened the front door wide open to the topic of reconciliation. Each week we've gone to the foot of the ...

Doing what's right

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God Is Present and Powerful

Introduction: Our struggle with sin

We've been trying to renew together our vision of who God really is. Everything good in life flows from the person ...

Becoming who we are in Christ

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God Is Trustworthy


I began this series by quoting A. W. Tozer's famous contention that "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important ...

Resting in the refuge of God

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The Only Wise God
The Only Wise God


The most revolutionary book ever written wasn't Karl Marx's Das Kapital or Mao's Little Red Book or any of that nonsense. The most revolutionary ...

God displays his incomparable wisdom in unlikely places—like at the Cross and in the church.

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Getting Out
Getting Out


I want us to look at the account of the crossing of the Red Sea. You might call it the climax or epitome of Exodus. It's hard to overstate ...

The Good News of Jesus, like the Exodus, enables us to walk into a brand new life.

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Judgment at Ai

Today we're going to look at the Book of Joshua, chapter 8, beginning in verse 18. We recall that Israel has once before been defeated by the little town ...

There's good news within even God's harshest acts of judgment.

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Flood of Judgment, Flood of Grace

There's a song children learn in church about Noah's ark and the flood. It goes something like this:

The Lord said to Noah, "There's going to be a floody, ...

In the midst of judgment, God weeps and then floods the world with his grace.

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Down Lower, Up Higher
Down Lower, Up Higher


There was no question he loved her. He was absolutely bedazzled by her. It was surprising, really, because she was quite plain. But ...

For the sake of love, at Christmas Christ came down to us, dying on a cross and rising into glory.

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Encounter on Golgotha Road
Encounter on Golgotha Road

From the editor:

We recently posted an Easter message by John Ortberg, because the themes like atonement, the Cross, resurrection, etc. are never out of ...

God is always at work, leading us to times and places where we might meet him.

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Satan Strikes Out

From the editor:

In the second half of Mark's sermon, he shares that C. S. Lewis once wrote that we often fall prey to two equal yet opposite errors concerning ...

We mustn't fear Satan; we must overcome him.

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The Uncomfortable Truth of Easter
The Uncomfortable Truth of Easter

From the editor:

At the 2008 National Pastors Conference in San Diego, Preaching Today got to interview N. T. Wright about his book Surprised by Hope and ...

As Easter people, it is our duty to make Christ's kingdom and justice known in his world.

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Forgiven, Forgotten


Guilt runs rampant in the body of Christ. Though you already know you often feel guilty, it's important that we say it, because you would ...

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The Forgiveness Factor


"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us all of our sins." What do you do when you forgive someone? What really happens ...

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The World's Greatest Step

The story behind the sermon (from John Ortberg):

For Easter I wanted to present some of N. T. Wright's material on the Resurrection. I love his work on ...

The story of the resurrection is not just good news; it's true news.

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Death Is Life

From the editor:

Easter draws closer and closer (April 4), and we're here to help out with sermon ideas to inspire you in your own preaching. This week ...

Life isn't really life, and death isn't really death. But death is life.

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Worth Your Attention

From the editor

More helpful resources for Easter! This week we're featuring a message from Mike Woodruff, pastor of Christ Church Lake Forest in Lake ...

In an age of information overload, we need to pay careful attention to the message of the Resurrection.

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The Last Enemy

From the editor:

This week we continue to roll out great Easter resources to help inspire ideas for your own preaching. Below is a sermon by Donald Sunukjian ...

We must put our faith in the one who has conquered our greatest enemy.

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Easter: The Benefits Package

From the editor:

This week we are featuring Leith Anderson's Easter sermon from 2009 to help inspire ideas for your own sermon for Easter 2010. As you ...

The benefits of the Resurrection are great, but salvation from sin forever is the goal.

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If God Is Great, Where Is He in World of Suffering?


Of all the reasons for rejecting the claims of Christianity, the one most frequently offered comes in the form of a question: "If God is so ...

A cross of loss can be gathered up into God's redemptive plan.

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If God Is Great, Where Is He in a World of Suffering?

Text: Matthew 27:27-46
Topic: Dealing with the reality of suffering

From the editor

Easter really isn't that far away—April 4, 2010—so we'll ...

A cross of loss can be gathered up into God's redemptive plan.

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The Discipline of Communal Examination
The Discipline of Communal Examination

From the editor

Next week we start to roll out all of our new Easter sermons, but seeing as many congregations have just begun observing the Lenten season, ...

In the life of the church, communal examination is just as important as self-examination.

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It All Comes Down to This


Bodies are a pain. I know a body can be beautiful. I saw Baryshnikov dance once. And I have held babies. And I agree with the psalmist: "I ...

Christ has indeed been raised from the dead!

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Not in Vain


I was talking to a friend the other day. "I know you aren't much of a churchgoer," I said, "but I'd like to invite you to church this Sunday ...

The effectual power of Christ's resurrection

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The Christmas Plunge

From the editor:

Who doesn't love reflecting on the amazing story of Mary, a teenage girl swept up in something so unexpected, so epic? The Incarnation ...

God's willingness to step into our mess comforts us—and calls us to a new standard of living.

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