Preaching on Angels? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Behold: Gospel
Advent is a season of waiting, anticipating, and hoping. It’s a time when we plant our feet firmly in the land between two affirmations: ...
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Jesus: A Power Greater than the Angels
The focus of the Book of Hebrews is perseverance. It’s about finding strength to press on in the faith when things get difficult. Our ...
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Miraculous Births: Samson
This sermon is part of the “Miraculous Births” sermon series. See the whole series here.
We are officially in the Christmas season. ...
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The Gift of the Son: Wonderful Counselor
This sermon is part of “The Gift of the Son” sermon series. See the whole series here.
The first Sunday of Advent marks the beginning ...
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The Son and the Dragon
Christmas has always had a dark side. Last year, I caught the opening moments of Christmas in Rockefeller Center, aired live from New York ...
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How Do I Escape the Christmas Traps?
Advent is about enjoying and admiring Jesus. It's a season we observe each year at this time, during which we endeavor to do something intentional: ...
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A View from the Choir
The story behind the sermon (Bryan Wilkerson)
After doing first person narratives at Christmastime for many years, I was running out of characters—the ...
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One World, Two Realms
In our first session, we identified God's original design for humanity, and we looked at what was lost because of the Fall. How did God ...
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Understanding Power and Authority
In this session, we're going to deal with the subject of the power and authority of Jesus Christ that's been given to us and the significance ...
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In this message we'll look at strongholds, the enemy's access points that can compromise God's power and purposes in our lives. ...
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Generational Sins, Soul Ties, Curses
In this last session of our series, we're going to talk about three subjects that bring a lot of questions and even opposition: generational ...
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Halos, Wings, and Harps
I want to explore another person you meet in heaven. I use the term "person" loosely because of who we're talking about today: Angels. When ...
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Redneck Christmas
Editor's note: The following monologue is delivered in character by a shepherd named Larry. There was a live nativity scene on stage for the Children's ...
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Ancient Mystery Revealed
Everyone loves a good mystery, a thriller, a whodunit! Some of the most popular books, movies, and TV shows of all time are mysteries. We ...
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Hark! the Herald Angels
We're thinking together on these Sundays of Advent of the symphony of our salvation, and this morning we come to the third movement of that symphony, ...
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Christmas As the Angels Saw It
The words we are going to read from Scripture were probably part of a hymn sung by the early Christian believers. You'll notice that the first line of ...
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