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Sermon Illustrations about Restoration

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Restoration to help bring your sermon to life.

Why Our Body Destroys Itself

In the early 1990s when scientists first peered into a cell, they saw something amazing. They observed the cell destroying its own proteins and organ-like ...

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Describing Heaven’s Riches

In an issue of CT magazine, author Jen Wilkin writes of the difficulty in describing the glory of heaven:

I am a competitive game player. A few years ago ...

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Redeeming the Rooster’s Crow

Jen Wilkin writes:

When my parents entered their latter years, they took up a new hobby: keeping chickens. At the height of their enthusiasm, they tended ...

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Clothing Given New Life at Refurbishing Company

In times past, when items of mass-produced apparel experienced production defects, those pieces would usually be sent to a landfill or overseas. But now, ...

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Theology Is the Gospel Repair Shop

Author Sinclair Ferguson provides a helpful illustration to explain how theology works:

There is a program on BBC television I enjoy. It is called The ...

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Memories of Things Long Past

In March, 1941, a nurse on Bataan received a package mailed before the world-changing surprise attack on Hawaii on December 7, 1941. Opening it, with ...

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Redemption for Bank Robber

Some people might say that having a face tattoo would make you look like a criminal. But in the case of Tyrone Lamont Allen, it was his tattoos that helped ...

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Woman Reunited with Dog During Search for New Pet

Just when Aisha Nieves thought she was ready to give up and move on, she unexpectedly found exactly what she’d been looking for. Or, rather, who. ...

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The Tiny Toys with a Loud Voice

In his book Less is More, pastor Kai Nilsen writes:

On my way to a Bible study class for teens, two friends and I decided to add a little spice to the ...

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The Most Unlikely Kidney Donor

Terrell Potter, a former officer with the Phil Campbell Police Department, learned that his kidney was failing. Doctors prepared him for the reality of ...

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