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Sermon Illustrations about Popularity

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Popularity to help bring your sermon to life.

Parents, Being ‘Cool’ … Isn't

A recent piece in The Washington Post observes the growing phenomenon of "cool" parenting—complete with selfies. There's just one ...

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The Lie Behind 'The Crying Indian'

On Earth Day, 1971, Keep America Beautiful launched what was called one of the "50 greatest commercials of all time." Dubbed "The Crying Indian," the ...

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Charity's Founder Loses Moral Bearings

After the publication of his bestselling book, Three Cups of Tea, Greg Mortenson became an instant celebrity. The mountain climber turned champion for ...

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Harry Potter … More Influential than the Bible?

A survey (by Facebook) asked users to rank their most influential books. The results? For those who participated, Harry Potter was mentioned more frequently ...

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The World Cup: A Life Lesson from Penalty Kicks

In the World Cup many of the matches will be determined by one of the tensest showdowns in pro sports: the PK, or penalty kick. It's over in about ...

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Popular Japanese Composer Exposed as Fraud

The Japanese composer Mamoru Samuragochi has been hailed as the "Japanese Beethoven" for creating hit symphonies despite his deafness. He claimed ...

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The Honor of Early Adoption

The notion that "the first will be last" doesn't seem to bother some folks. When Apple's revolutionary iPhone hit the market in late ...

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Winston Churchill on Popularity

Winston Churchill was once asked, "Doesn't it thrill you to know that every time you make a speech, the hall is packed to overflowing?"

"It's ...

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Criticism Avoiders Anonymous

"Hello. My name is Clark." (The people gathered in the room respond, "Hi, Clark.")

"I am a…" (Group says, "You ...

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Darryl Strawberry and Drugs

"Life has not been worth living for me. That's the honest truth."

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