Sermon Illustrations about Famous People
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Famous People to help bring your sermon to life.
'I'm Not Dead Yet'
According to a Variety post, Terry Gilliam died recently. Unfortunately, the article was posted by accident, and Terry Gilliam is still very much alive. ...
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The Sad State of Retired Athletes
An article from Slate is chockfull of sad stories about famous athletes who didn't know what to do (or who they were) after the fame, glamor, and ...
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U2's Bono on Talking about God
Let's face it: God's not exactly a welcome guest in the wild and wicked world of rock 'n' roll. But that's precisely why Bono, lead ...
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Stephen King on the Power of Giving
Prolific author Stephen King made a speech at the Vassar College commencement on May 20, 2001. He entitled it "Scaring You to Action" and told ...
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Winona Ryder Finds Fame Lonely
Winona Ryder said:
"When I was 18, I was driving around at two in the morning, completely crying and alone and scared. I drove by this magazine stand ...
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Grace Overwhelms U2
Bono, lead singer of the band U2, recently said: "The most powerful idea that's entered the world in the last few thousand years—the idea ...
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Dr. Benjamin Carson's Mother
Dr. Benjamin Carson, renowned surgeon at Johns Hopkins, tells a moving story about his mother. Mrs. Carson insisted that Ben and his brother Curtis write ...
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Princess Diana's Favorite Hymn
A little-known hymn by Cecil Spring-Rice called "I Vow to Thee My Country" was a lifetime favorite of Diana, Princess of Wales. She requested ...
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Superbowl MVP Kurt Warner
The St. Louis Rams 1999 Cinderella season is not without a Cinder-fella. A virtually unknown quarterback by the name of Kurt Warner rose from the ashes ...
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John Lennon's Son, on Dad
I felt he was a hypocrite. Dad could talk about peace and love out loud to the world, but he could never show it to the people who supposedly meant the ...
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