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Sermons on Tongue

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Preaching on Tongue? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Set a Seal Over the Door of Your Lips
Set a Seal Over the Door of Your Lips


During World War II artists were called upon to use their skills for the war effort. John Atherton created a poster warning citizens to guard ...

Do not judge.

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Enduring Hardship Faithfully
Enduring Hardship Faithfully


Life is hard and full of uncertainties. You don't always know what will get you. You just know something will: coronavirus, unemployment, ...

Temporary hardships should humble us to place our hope in the eternal God.

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Me and My Big Mouth
Me and My Big Mouth


“Pad kid poured curd pulled cod." Researchers from MIT say this is the world's most difficult tongue twister. Have a go. If ...

We have two choices with our words—either bless, or to curse.

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The Awesome Power of Speech
The Awesome Power of Speech

Last week in making a point about the importance of this congregation being a witnessing congregation I said, "When I think of all the people who ...

The great power of the tongue requires that we use it positively

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A Father's Words
A Father's Words


In June 1992, Jim Davidson and Mike Price climbed Mt. Rainier. On the way down, the two climbers fell 80 feet through a snow bridge into a ...

There are few things as powerful as a father's words.

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Wisdom for Work

From the editor:

One of the more popular shows on TV right now is NBC's The Office. Though its comedy is often over-the-top, the audience still feels ...

We need to let the wisdom of God's Word trump conventional wisdom.

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Two Bad Examples
Two Bad Examples

Click here to listen to the audio.

The story behind the sermon (from Mark Buchanan)

This sermon came near the end of a 10-week series on the letter to the ...

Paul lays out clear steps for peacemaking: rejoice in the Lord, be gentle, pray with thanksgiving, and think about virtues.

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Cravings and Conflicts

Text: James 4:1–2
Topic: Identifying and addressing the source of conflict


There is a relational conflict in your immediate future. You ...

The source of all conflict is internal craving, but we can experience reconciliation by humbling ourselves before God and others.

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Peace in the Church


When I was a pastor in Arizona, there were two men in the church who were greatly admired. They were both successful businessmen who desired ...

The peace of God can only permeate the church when its members live at peace with one another.

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Speak carefully
Speak carefully


A friend of mine named Joi told me when she was growing up her parents invented a ploy to keep her from talking all time. They told her that ...

Our ability or inability to control our tongues will determine more than anything else the level of success we enjoy in our relationships.

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Getting In the Last Word


When we began this series, I mentioned that First Peter deals with some topics that Americans don't always immediately relate to. Peter ...

If you are willing to endure suffering, you can fulfill God's calling on your life.

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How to Improve Your Standard of Living


Today's message should come with a warning. Caution: This passage requires no interpretation. Peter writes Chapter 3 in a way that makes ...

We experience the good life by working hard at being at peace with one another.

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What Words Can Do

We all have access to a powerful weapon that can be used in any situation to make things better or to make things worse: our words. Anyone with the ...

Change your words, and you can change your life.

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Correcting Careless Words

A man was driving cautiously down the highway when he was pulled over by a Highway Patrolman. As the officer approached the man's car, however, he was ...

We need to take seriously the words we say, because our words reveal who we really are.

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