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Sermons on Kingdom of God

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Preaching on Kingdom of God? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Kingdom Values: One Kingdom. Indivisible.
Kingdom Values: One Kingdom. Indivisible.


There is a surface need: American values vs Kingdom values. I want to look at Kingdom values.

Let’s start with a definition. Value means, ...

Kingdom people live with kingdom values.

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Kingdom Allegiance: One Kingdom. Indivisible.
Kingdom Allegiance: One Kingdom. Indivisible.


Things have been so heavy lately, so I want to have a little fun. Let me ask you a few questions.

  • How many of you can’t stand it when the topic of politics is brought up at the dinner table, at work or with friends?

Your heart allegiance belongs to King Jesus alone.

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Pay Attention
Pay Attention


One time, my family and I went to a restaurant. As per usual, I was off in my own little world while my family grabbed their food and sat ...

How can we find the kingdom of God?

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What’s Your Eau De Toilette?: An Extravagant Example for an Extraordinary God
What’s Your Eau De Toilette?: An Extravagant Example for an Extraordinary God


If you had one opportunity to show Jesus how much you loved him, what would you do? What might you say? What offering might you bring? ...

When we worship Jesus, no gift is too precious.

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Loud Cries and Tears
Loud Cries and Tears


It’s dangerous to preach on suffering because many of us are in very different places right now. Some of us are in agony, some ...

In your eagerness for the New Kingdom of God, do not rush past the Cross. Look where Jesus looks.

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Christians and the Coronavirus
Christians and the Coronavirus


I want to speak to you today about the virus that is currently and quickly changing the landscape of our world. More specifically, I want ...

Do not be anxious and seek first the kingdom of God.

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How God Works Through Tragedy
How God Works Through Tragedy


Life can seem pretty vicious sometimes. As a church, over the last about five weeks we've had two major tragedies within our family here ...

Life may be messy, but Jesus is real.

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God's New World Now
God's New World Now


Well, I am a bit of a news junkie and so it's a good day for me when I go out to the mailbox at the end of the driveway and there ...

The kingdom is at hand.

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Rethinking the Great Commission


We believe in our community that the gospel is the account of God coming to dwell in the midst of his people, so we read the gospel lesson ...

How do disciples live out the Church's mission?

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The Myth of Balance


I'm going to read from Matthew chapter 6 verses 24 through 34. These are the words of Jesus,

No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate ...

If you're not living for Christ, your life is failing even if you're "winning."

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The Harvest


In the stories of Jesus' ministry, he's giving us a preview of the kingdom of God. What would it look like on this broken planet full of broken ...

Jesus' ministry offered a preview of God's kingdom, and we are invited to participate in this ministry.

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You may be familiar with the St. Crispin Day speech in Shakespeare's Henry V. King Henry is rallying the ragtag army—stirring them to fight a seemingly ...

We fight for a King who we know will prevail.

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Heart Throb

If you've picked up nothing else from our study over these past weeks, I hope you've absorbed this simple truth: the heart of God throbs for human hearts. ...

What does God do with a half-heart?

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Less is More, More or Less


A few months ago my two teenage sons came to me and asked if they could go camping for a week … on Lower Wacker Drive in the city of ...

A closer look at Jesus' first beatitude

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Solomon's Wish


If you could wish for anything in the world, what would it be? Some people wish they had different abilities. Others wish for a change in ...

The wisdom of God is our greatest gift.

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Putting the Kingdom First
Putting the Kingdom First


In an article entitled "A new kind of urban Christian," Tim Keller argues that "Christians should be a dynamic counterculture. ...

This world is passing; use God's good gifts for his kingdom.

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David's Last Words


A life is a terrible thing to waste. In his life saving book, Don't Waste Your Life, John Piper recounts a story his father often told in ...

We cannot waste our lives if we obey the Word of God.

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Long Live the King!


According to ancient custom, the death of a ruler is greeted with the following words: "The king is dead; long live the king!" This may seem ...

By supporting God's anointed king, we advance his everlasting kingdom.

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A Royal Conspiracy


The right to rule as king has been the occasion of many bitter conflicts. Often brother has fought against brother to wear the crown, forcing ...

If we believe in the kingdom of God, we will act toward its fulfillment.

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King Me!

If you need an overall title, you could try something like this: "The King Takes His Throne: Solomon's Rise to Power."
By submitting to the kingdom of Christ, we put Jesus on his rightful throne.

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Balcony People
Balcony People

From the editor

John Ortberg points out that we are surrounded by basement people—folks who drain the life from us. This reality makes it all the ...

That the least will be the greatest is the deepest reality in the kingdom.

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The Kingdom of God Is Near
The Kingdom of God Is Near

From the Editor

Hamilton's passage is but two verses long, but the chief idea of those two verses—the kingdom of God—knows no bounds. ...

The kingdom of God is both present reality all around us and a vision that we work toward in the future.

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Come to the Banquet


One day last December, an invitation to a Christmas party arrived in our mailbox. Inside the card were a festive holiday greeting, a time ...

Our mission as servants of the King is to invite everyone to the feast.

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Jesus and the Kingdom


A theology student who worked weekends for a local church was asked by the pastor to give a sermon about the kingdom of God. When he was ...

Jesus He wanted to talk to the people of his day about God’s rule in their life, so he decided to do so by telling them stories.

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The Coming of the King
The Coming of the King

Sermon One


Jesus and his disciples were on the Jericho road. They had already climbed most of the treacherous pathway that twisted and turned ...

What Christ's triumphal entry means to you

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Enter the King of Glory
Enter the King of Glory


First they heard the noise of the crowd, the cheering and shouting. As they drew closer they could hear what everyone was saying: "The ...

What Christ being King really means

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My Redeemer Lives

Sermon Three


At Westminster Abbey in London there is an impressive monument to G. F. Handel, sculpted by the Frenchman Louis-Francois Roubiliac. ...

The promises of Christ's Resurrection

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At the Last Trumpet

Sermon Four


Nearly everyone believes in the crucifixion of the body. Even historians who deny the deity of Jesus Christ nevertheless accept ...

What Christ's last week on Earth means for you

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After Easter: The Kingdom

It was a seminar and I would have given anything to have been there. As a teacher there are a lot of educational experiences that I would like to have ...

Living after Easter means our lives are transformed.

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Year of Jubilee

When they asked Jesus why he had come, he told them over and over again that he'd come to declare the kingdom of God. All the things that he said were ...

Jubilee isn’t just an old term; it’s today’s good news for everyone.

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