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Sermons on Judgment

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Preaching on Judgment? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Take a Look in the Mirror
Take a Look in the Mirror


When I worked in publishing, my boss called me into his office one day, and held up the latest issue of a magazine I was responsible for. ...

To avoid God’s judgment, we must face the hard truth about ourselves.

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Set a Seal Over the Door of Your Lips
Set a Seal Over the Door of Your Lips


During World War II artists were called upon to use their skills for the war effort. John Atherton created a poster warning citizens to guard ...

Do not judge.

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A Festus to Test Us
A Festus to Test Us


Let me ask you a question: As Christians, how do we witness well to those in authority? Like those who govern over us: How do we treat our ...

With integrity, respect, truth, acceptance, and doing what’s right for the gospel, we can witness God’s way to our leaders and our society.

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What Is Success?
What Is Success?


What is success?

Here in 2019, this has become a difficult question to answer. It seems every week we hear stories of people who climbed to ...

Faithfulness is success.

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God Takes Sin Seriously
God Takes Sin Seriously


Has it taken you a long time to get where you are today? Maybe you’re in a good place in life right now, but it was a long road getting ...

God can build a temple out of our sin.

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From Circumference to Center
From Circumference to Center


I. Transgressions

II. A present judge

III. The price of inhumanity

IV. No neutral middlemen



Amos’ words remind us ...

God is present and active in working his justice against the transgressions of the nations.

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Earthquake Times
Earthquake Times


(Read Amos 1:1-2)

It is striking to note the first and the last words of the first verse of this prophecy: “the words of Amos … ...

God uses prophets to proclaim his judgment.

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When It Is Okay to Judge
When It Is Okay to Judge


"When It Is Okay to Judge" is not the most inviting sermon title. For many of us, the mere mention of the word "judge"—especially in ...

Confronting sin and enacting judgment within the church.

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Jesus Is Our Only Refuge
Jesus Is Our Only Refuge


One of the things I find surprising about Joel is he doesn't really talk about the first coming of Christ. What he does talk about is ...

Jesus is coming back and will rule to the fullest extent of the earth.

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Your Brothers' Keeper?
Your Brothers' Keeper?


Sibling rivalry is a reality of life. For those who have a sibling or two, it starts young. Like the first-grader who came home and proudly ...

Even when things are at their worst, God is still in charge.

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R-Rated: Rated R for Redemption
R-Rated: Rated R for Redemption


(Read Joshua 2:1-20)

In 144 AD, the church father Marcion was excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church in Rome, Italy, because he held ...

God can redeem any person out of any situation.

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R-Rated: What Really Happened at Sodom and Gomorrah?
R-Rated: What Really Happened at Sodom and Gomorrah?


What happened at Sodom and Gomorrah? Whether you have been to church one time or 1,000 times you have probably heard something about ...

God calls us to intercede for others.

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The World Is in Trouble
The World Is in Trouble


What's wrong with the world? That's a question that many people are asking, and there's no shortage of answers being given: the ...

The gospel exposes our desperate need before God.

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Where Do You Want to Finish Your Life?
Where Do You Want to Finish Your Life?


Friends, the text before us is in Luke's Gospel. You have it in your books. Nowadays in Nigeria, young men and women have it in ...

At death, will your life count?

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Justice and Judgment


The closing ceremonies of the 2012 London Olympics featured a children's choir singing John Lennon's Imagine while a giant replica ...

God's judgment is a good thing that will bring healing to the planet—and us.

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Who Can Stand Before This Holy God?
Who Can Stand Before This Holy God?


I want to begin today by quoting an important verse, because as this sermon goes along, you may begin to wonder whether I believe this or ...

There's only one way to stand before our Holy God—through the merits of Jesus Christ.

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He Will Do It


There are some passages that a younger preacher, if he or she is wise, may want to wait awhile and "grow up" into. For instance, this passage ...

Don't fret because you don't have to take care of the wicked; God will.

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Passing Judgment


There is a new John 3:16. The old John 3:16 was John 3:16. That was the verse that everyone knew, the verse that was familiar to all, the ...

There's a huge difference between making a judgment and passing judgment.

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How God Brings Light into a Dark Situation


Today we will be looking at 1 Samuel 2:12-36, although we'll focus on verses 12-26. About a year ago now, the Arab Spring was just starting, ...

In the midst of political and spiritual corruption, God raises up leaders who listen to his word.

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Good News for a Dying Thief


On that first Good Friday, nearly 2,000 years ago, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was crucified. For six hours he hung on the cross, and ...

God on the cross did for us what we could never do for ourselves.

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God Will Bring Justice for You


When the Scripture was read, you may have thought, This is a strange message for a weekend when we are welcoming large numbers of first-time ...

Resting in the hard truth of God's justice softens our hearts towards God and others.

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God's Great Heart of Love


In John Bunyan's famous Pilgrim's Progress, right from the outset of the book we are introduced to a man who is deeply troubled and who is ...

The One who judges our sin also invites us to find refuge in his grace.

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God's Courtroom


I have a confession to make. It's going to date me, and for some of you, it's going to lower me in your esteem, but I'm going to say it anyway. ...

God judges righteously the evil of the world.

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God's Sacrifice


I went to a university that was known for its basketball team. The students who attended the games (like me), were known as the sixth man ...

God's judgment will come, but he has provided a way of safety.

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The Price of Pride


You've probably heard the expression, "Into every life, a little rain must fall." I was reading an article about a movie star who was having ...

Understanding the consequence of our sin and the mercy of God

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Judgment at Ai

Today we're going to look at the Book of Joshua, chapter 8, beginning in verse 18. We recall that Israel has once before been defeated by the little town ...

There's good news within even God's harshest acts of judgment.

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The Judgment of Grace

Chapter five of Daniel addresses the question of what would happen if you gave a party, and God crashed it. Nebuchadnezzar was no longer on the throne. ...

In the fate of King Belshazzar, we see God's righteous judgment.

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Christmas in the City of Jerusalem


We're going to do something a little different this year in December. We want to focus on a "Hometown Christmas." Typically we tend to think ...

The Christmas story reveals that people still resist, ignore, or embrace Jesus.

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The Peace Jesus Brings
The Peace Jesus Brings


In this Advent season, we are looking at the theme of God's promise of better days for our lives. That is the hope of Advent and Christmas, ...

Micah predicts the coming Messiah.

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From Exclusion to Embrace
From Exclusion to Embrace

The Story Behind the Sermon

This year (2009) we have been preaching through the Gospel of Luke. As the preaching schedule was being put together, it just ...

Jesus wants us to move away from excluding others and toward embracing others.

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The Lostness of Humankind

Text: Romans 1:18-25Topic: A look at mankind's journey through rejection, separation, domination, and condemnation—and his opportunity for redemption ...

Jesus came not to make bad people good, but to make dead people live.

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The End of the World as We Know It

From the editor:

Issues concerning the end of the world have always been fascinating. They are also quite terrifying. The end of the world will usher ...

God doesn't want to punish you; he wants to pardon you. So, repent!

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The Writing on the Wall

From the editor

William Willimon tackles the difficult subject of God's temporal judgment in a direct yet conversational way. He begins by mentioning Rabbi ...

God's temporal judgment is more common than we are willing to believe.

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A Bleeding Hearts Club?


Suppose someone were to describe you as "a bleeding heart?" How would you feel about that? That expression is often attached to ...

Mercy required a tender heart.

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How Do We Handle Dangerous People?
How Do We Handle Dangerous People?

From the editor

When people gather for worship on a Saturday night or Sunday morning, they bring with them their questions. The questions vary, but it's ...

Jesus creates the way so that when God destroys evil he doesn't have to destroy you.

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Jesus Uncensored

From the editor:

Here's a sermon Michael Quicke preached at Wheaton College that tenders the meek and mild Jesus with the mean and wild Jesus. Few passages ...

Jesus has the right to shock disciples with teaching they don't like to hear, because he's Lord.

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John the Baptist's Story

From the editor

Very early in his sermon, Kevin Miller says, "I have the hard job of telling you a hard truth." Indeed he does. The hard truth is that ...

God is a God who sorts things out, and not every life pleases him.

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The Trumpet Call of God
The Trumpet Call of God

From the editor

Eschatological issues have always been intriguing, but the interest has both widened and deepened in the last 25 years or so. Bestselling ...

Jesus Christ is coming back for his disciples, whether we live or sleep.

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Finding God in Desperate Places


I'd like to write a book someday called Desperate Places: How God Shines Through Our Weakness. These desperate places are places of weakness, ...

Experiencing God's strength in our weakness

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It's About the People
It's About the People


Recently our church softball thoroughly trounced our opponents. The game ended with what's called the mercy rule: when one team is ahead ...

True worship results in justice.

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You Go Your Way; I'll Go God's Way.


Many people who study the times say that there isn't much we can trust today. Andy Crouch put it this way in Christianity Today:

The emptiness ...

God's way is the way of truth and trust.

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The Promise of Better Days


As a 5th grader at Cornelia Elementary School in Edina, Minnesota, I always felt sorry for a fellow student named Gary. With his high squeaky ...

Jesus is the Prince of Peace.

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You Don't Know, Do You?


A member of this congregation experienced a tragedy when her father was suddenly killed in an accident. He was driving home one Wednesday ...

Each of us must be ready to face God's judgment, for death can come at any moment.

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Jesus and the Kingdom


A theology student who worked weekends for a local church was asked by the pastor to give a sermon about the kingdom of God. When he was ...

Jesus He wanted to talk to the people of his day about God’s rule in their life, so he decided to do so by telling them stories.

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Eight at the Cross

Today we're going to take a look at a cluttered picture with Jesus in the midst. Some of you are going to look carefully at this picture, and you're going ...

How you see Jesus determines what sort of relationship you will have with him.

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