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Sermons on Hearing God's voice

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Preaching on Hearing God's voice? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

"You, Moses!"

A long beginning

Try to look at this thing from Moses' point of view: it was all just so, well, implausible. Oh, yes, there had been the dramatic circumstances ...

God's unexpected interruptions lead to his burning call.

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Heart Murmur

In our lesson from Matthew 25 today, Jesus tells us a parable that is likely to be a bit disturbing to most of us if we really examine our lives in light ...

What does God do with a careless heart?

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Speed Dial


Jesus had some very specific things to say about prayer, and often they're different than some of the things we've been raised thinking about ...

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Literalism: Isn't the Bible Historically Unreliable and Regressive?
Literalism: Isn't the Bible Historically Unreliable and Regressive?

From the editor:

Anyone who has heard Tim Keller preach or has read any of his books knows how effective he is at offering an apologetic for just about ...

We can and should trust the Bible historically, culturally, and most of all, personally.

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What Do Christians Think About Jesus?


From the standpoint of world history, Jesus Christ looms as the most incredible and significant person who's ever lived. Yale historian ...

Key concepts and teachings about God's Son

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The story behind the sermon (from John Ortberg)

I have grown to love the theme of God's guidance. This is a chance to ...

We need to learn to recognize and follow God's guidance.

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I Don't Believe It!

From the editor

One of the first things you'll probably notice about this sermon is how short it is. DelBene simply reads his text—the story of Thomas ...

Encounters with God transform our disbelief into awe.

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Asleep at the Wheel

From the editor

Chances are, you've probably preached the story of Jesus calming the storm. The account is recorded in three of the four Gospels (Matthew, ...

When the storms of life come and God seems silent, our doubts come to light and we must decide who we believe Jesus is.

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Living on the Edge of Whatever Happens

From the editor

One of the great joys in preaching is when you know you have something special to offer. Perhaps it's a particularly well-crafted thesis ...

To live a "whatever happens" existence is to embrace the superintending hand of God that guides us even in the midst of mystery.

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Life on Wings


The biblical image of the kind of life Christians are called to live is, "The way of an eagle in the air." I have lots of experience with ...

To live in victory, we must be reborn in Christ and yielded to the Holy Spirit.

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We Need a Downpour

Text: Hosea 6:1
Topic: Why we need revival

Where would we be without the Lord? Where would we be individually; where would we be in our family? Where would ...

Christians view life not as a process, but as a series of crises where we continually return to God and his plan for our life.

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Lectio Divina

A few months after I became a Christian, my youth pastor taught me a method of Bible study that has provided the foundation of my spiritual life ever ...

Four simple steps can help Christians become transformed by the Word of God: read, think, pray, and act.

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Silence and Solitude

Several years ago I came back from vacation feeling, not refreshed and renewed, but distracted, disenfranchised, and alienated. I came home feeling that, ...

Silence and Solitude supply fuel for the soul.

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Born to Live

Jesus is enjoying the most exhilarating moment of his life. He has just finished being the guest of honor in the Palm Sunday parade. His archenemies, ...

God meets us at our point of vulnerability

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Life in the Penalty Box

I'd like to just read an excerpt of someone who wrote to me from out of state and addressed the letter to me personally.

He said, "I'm 31 years old." ...

We can learn some of God's lessons only through times of failure.

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The Purpose and Power of Fasting

The disciplined person is the person who can do what needs to be done when it needs to be done. Now I can take a basketball and I can get it into a ...

Fasting is the voluntary denial of an otherwise normal function for the sake of intense spiritual activity

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An Unexpected Witness

Have you ever paid any attention to the arithmetic of the Scripture? I through the years have become intrigued with the things that the Word of God emphasizes ...

God always gives us a witness of himself

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His Own Knew Him Not

In a recent survey conducted by the Section on Worship and Board of Discipleship, namely Hoyt Hickman calling his friends in the evening on the telephone, ...

Familiarity with truth makes it harder to hear.

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Listening to the Dark

Elijah is on the run, running for his life. He's on the run not because he's been a horrible failure, but because he's been an outstanding success.

You ...

While hiding in a cave, Elijah learns that God doesn't always speak to us in loud ways; sometimes he whispers in the dark.

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