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Sermon Illustrations about Unjust gain

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Unjust gain to help bring your sermon to life.

Drug Dealers Close on the Sabbath

On April 20, 2013 NYPD officers raided a drug den in a Brooklyn, New York neighborhood. The police found a crew of five men in possession of 23,000 pills ...

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The U.S. Government's Encyclopedia of Ethical Failure

Every few years the U.S. Department of Defense publishes a short book that contains amazing stories about real crime, cheating scientists, drug dealers, ...

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Research Shows That Cheaters Get a "Cheater's High"

Do you ever wonder why people cheat—or feel tempted to cheat—on expense reports, taxes, exams, and other endeavors? According to a series ...

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Millionaire Charges $40 on Stolen Credit Card

Harrun Majeed realized he had lost his credit card when he arrived home after shopping at a grocery store in his Florida neighborhood. A military veteran ...

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French Investor Caught for $7 Billion Fraud

Have you ever gotten yourself in big trouble—really, really big trouble? So big you can't even conceive of how much trouble you're in? That's ...

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Changed Tax Rule Forces Honesty

In their book Freakonomics, Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner explain how a simple change to U. S. tax rules in 1987 exposed the depth of the public's ...

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Man Puts Hope in Counterfeit Money

Have you ever had high hopes for something and then seen those hopes crumble to pieces? It happened to one man in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His story ...

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The Suffering of God

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright shares this brief moment she shared with Holocaust survivor and author, ElieWiesel:

Not long after September ...

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Phantom Exemptions Show the Prevalence of Cheating

Freakonomics is a fascinating book by economist Steven Levitt that turns conventional wisdom on its head. On the subject of cheating, Levitt calls it ...

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Investing in Vice

As of 2006, the stock market boasts 150 mutual funds that designate themselves as "socially responsible." This means that investments are only ...

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