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Sermon Illustrations about Teens

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Teens to help bring your sermon to life.

Dad Sentenced for Drugging Daughter and Friends

Michael Meyden, a 57-year-old father was sentenced to two years in prison for spiking fruit smoothies with a prescription sedative during a sleepover, ...

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Astonishing Video Gaming Statistics

The gaming industry, valued at around 257 billion US dollars as of 2024, is on a winning streak. As the pandemic ceased, the competition among gaming ...

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A ‘Typewriter Rebellion’ Is Underway

You might call it the sound of a rebellion. Young people in the Phoenix, Arizona valley are buying old manual typewriters and using them as a creative ...

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The Only Kid in Class Without a Cell Phone

Kaylee and Mike Low have four children. When their oldest son, now aged 14, started asking for a cell phone back in the fourth grade, they both said no. ...

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Police Officers Abuse Vulnerable Teens

An official investigation by The Washington Post has revealed a troubling trend of officers committing sexual abuse upon minors in their custody, many ...

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Despicable Online Predators Harming Children

Parents have another vector of potential harm to monitor besides the most popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and X. Bad ...

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50% of Teens Do Not Enjoy Life

Some experts call it “the new great depression.” Since the rise of social media, depression and feelings of hopelessness have skyrocketed ...

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Realistically Nurturing Your Talents

How often do we as parents imagine our children playing a professional sport? Whether it is swimming, gymnastics, college football, or basketball, there ...

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Mom Puts Her Kids on TV Fast, Kids Thrive

With a love for cultivating an “old-fashioned” life and returning to what truly matters, a mom of three encouraged her kids to adopt a “TV ...

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Singer Billie Eilish Deletes Her Social Media Apps

Grammy award-winning singer Billie Eilish says she has deleted her social media apps from her phone due to her complicated relationship with the internet. ...

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