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Sermon Illustrations about Stealing

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Stealing to help bring your sermon to life.

Community Service

While I was helping to clean the church, I encountered a 12-year-old boy who was working out his court sentence for theft by doing community service. ...

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Disarmed by Prayer

According to an Associated Press account, Cindy Hartman of Conway, Arkansas, walked into her house to answer the phone and was confronted by a burglar. ...

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Robin Hood's Not a Good Example

If a thief helps a poor man out of the spoils of his thieving, we must not call that charity.

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A Thief in the Dark

Before performing a wedding, my father spent a few minutes explaining to a reluctant 6-year-old ringbearer how important his job was--the wedding couldn't ...

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The Grace to Forgive

"Daddy, come quick," shouted my four-year-old daughter. "Someone stole the presents from under the Christmas tree."

At first I thought ...

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Stealing from God

Because I am my church's financial secretary, my children are familiar with the weekly trip to the bank. But one day my 3-year-old opened the bank ...

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Education Won't Change the Heart

D. L. Moody, the great American evangelist, once said, "If a man is stealing nuts and bolts from a railway track, and, in order to change him, you ...

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Poisoned by Greed

Recently I laid a small circle of poison around a hill of stinging ants. Thinking the tiny granules of poison were food, the ants began to pick them up ...

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Not Sorry

Mother used to make pies in the afternoon and set them in the garage to cool. It was my job to bring the pie in when it was time for dessert. One evening, ...

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