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Sermon Illustrations about Spiritual Discipline

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Spiritual Discipline to help bring your sermon to life.

Your Whispering Spot

In 1956 environmentalist Sigurd Olson built a small cabin on the banks of a lake in northern Minnesota. The naming of lake homes is customary in the land ...

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Gratitude Training 101

Shawn Achor, a psychologist who teaches at Harvard, suggests that we can train our brains to become more grateful by setting aside just five minutes a ...

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Millions of People Don't Take Medications Correctly

It's considered "the other drug problem." Millions of people don't take their medicine correctly —or quit taking it altogether—and the consequences ...

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The Tyranny of Convenience

Law professor and technology expert Tim Lu claims that there's an underestimated force that drives our daily lives—convenience. We want nearly everything ...

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Learning to Soar in the Power of the Spirit

In a recent (2017) book, Kenneth Boa compares a soaring eagle to Christians learning to soar through the power of the Holy Spirit:

God seems to like eagles. ...

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Advertisers Have Only 6.5 Seconds to Grab Attention

It should come as no surprise that advertisers spend millions of dollars each year studying the science of attention, both through empirical research ...

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The Blessing of Occasional Solitude

The Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station sits upon two miles of glacial ice at the bottom of the world. It is one of the remotest places on the planet, more ...

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There are 80,000 Options for a Starbucks Beverage

At your local Starbucks you have lots of options. You could start by ordering a Tall, Non-Fat Latte With Caramel Drizzle. Or a Grande, Iced, Sugar-Free, ...

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The Power of Positive Habits Can Change Our Destiny

In his latest book, Robert Morgan shares the beneficial effects that habits can have in our lives:

The word practice implies we must go to work developing ...

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Aging Detroit Stadium Resists Demolition Attempt

After a dramatic countdown and the expected sights, sounds and smells of explosions and plumes of smoke, onlookers were denied the ultimate spectacle ...

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