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Dad Sentenced for Drugging Daughter and Friends

Michael Meyden, a 57-year-old father was sentenced to two years in prison for spiking fruit smoothies with a prescription sedative during a sleepover, ...

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Zoom Court Driver Unfairly Maligned

One of the lasting byproducts of the worldwide pandemic is the fact that many face-to-face institutional interactions of modern life have been conveniently ...

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Oldest Man in Space Realizes Dream Deferred

“What happens to a dream deferred?” That opening line from Harlem renaissance poet Langston Hughes has resonated with generations of African ...

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Heartwarming Reunion Goes Viral

Steve Burns wasn’t conventionally handsome when he first auditioned to become the host of the Nickelodeon children’s show Blue’s Clues, ...

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Connecticut Middle School Successfully Bans Phones

Assistant Principal Raymond Dolphin knew he was taking a risk in December 2021 when he banned cell phones from Illing Middle School in Connecticut. But ...

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Fentanyl Dealer Caught During NBA Game

Sometimes the wheels of justice turn slowly, but eventually they do turn. Such was the case for Billy Ray Trueblood, who was finally sentenced in May ...

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TV Cop Stops Filming to Help Lost Child

Mariska Hargitay has been playing the same fictional cop role for over 500 episodes of television, spanning over 25 years. Hargitay plays detective Olivia ...

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Road Signs Warn Drivers Using Phones

Tim Hogan is the founder and CEO SaferStreet Solutions, a development firm focusing on improving traffic safety and reducing pedestrian deaths. For years, ...

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Man Builds Device that Blocks Neighbor's Music

Roni Bandini is an artist and computer coder in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Like a great many Argentinians, he hears a lot of reggaeton music (a blend of ...

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Child Hears ‘Monsters’ in Bedroom

Ashley Class was initially unconcerned when her oldest child complained about monsters in her room. Ashley said, “She was saying she heard monsters ...

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