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Sermon Illustrations about Humanism

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Humanism to help bring your sermon to life.

A Secular Attempt to Create A Moral Society

Throughout history, human beings have always attempted to regulate behavior in order for people in a society to live peacefully and productively. Religious ...

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Sammy Hagar on Jesus and the Ten Commandments

After stating that Jesus Christ was “one of the greatest men that ever walked the earth,” rocker Sammy Hagar was then asked: “What do ...

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What Would it Take for A Humanist to Believe in God?

Douglas Murray is a prolific humanist writer and social critic who has authored two bestselling books. He finds himself in the odd position of being a ...

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Dawn of Modern-Day Animism

On February 26, 2019, a lake became human. For years, Lake Erie has been in ecological crisis. Invasive species are rampant. Biodiversity is crashing. ...

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Elton John Prefers ‘Higher Power’ Over God

In a recent interview with Fresh Air’s Terri Gross, Elton John explains why he prefers a “higher power” over God:

GROSS: You almost left ...

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The Futility of Rooting Out Sin Apart from The Holy Spirit

For the last 20 years sociologist Peter Simi has spent time with and studied white supremacist groups and individuals. Many groups, such as the White ...

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Harvard Student Has Book Knowledge About Goodness

Robert Coles, a former professor at Harvard published an article titled “The Disparity Between Intellect and Character.” The piece was about ...

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UFOs are Becoming the World’s Next Religion

A new book by D.W. Pasulka, department chair of philosophy and religion at the University of North Carolina, is titled American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, ...

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One Luxury the Wealthiest Are Determined to Buy—At Any Cost

In the last 100 years, advances in medicine have been adding two years to the average life expectancy every decade. But apparently, for many people, this ...

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The Human Race Is in Need of an Upgrade

Max Tegmark, an MIT professor and co-founder of The Future of Life Institute, looks forward to what he calls Life 3.0. Here's how he outlines his three ...

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