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Sermon Illustrations about Humanism

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Humanism to help bring your sermon to life.

Ash Wednesday vs. the Immortality Movement

There was a dark horse in the 2015 presidential race—a real political outsider named Zoltan Istyan. He was the presidential candidate for the Transhumanist ...

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The Fallacy of Self-Supremacy

Pastor Daniel Schreiner from Portland, Oregon received the following marketing piece from a local fitness gym. It was called "The Year of You."

[The New ...

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Key Thinkers Define Freedom Apart from God

Os Guinness traces our contemporary idea of human freedom that "began in the Renaissance … blossomed in the Enlightenment and rose to its ...

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Two Philosophers Admit That They Did Not Want to Believe

In his article titled "Unreasonable Doubt," Jim Spiegel quotes two contemporary philosophers who have resisted belief in God for personal and ...

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C. S. Lewis on the God We Think Will Satisfy Us

What would really satisfy us would be a God who said of anything we happened to like doing, "What does it matter so long as they are contented?" ...

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A New Quest for Immortality

A new movement has emerged from California's Silicon Valley. It's a combination of philosophy, faith, and science known as transhumanism. An article ...

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Jesus' Ascension Brings Sigh of Relief

To embrace the Ascension is to heave a sigh of relief, to give up the struggle to be God (and with it the inevitable despair at our constant failure), ...

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Raising Kids without Religion

Parenting Beyond Belief is the newest resource for parents who don't believe in God.

In a review of the book, Lisa Miller explains that it "aims ...

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Playing God

Advances in technology have allowed scientists to come closer than ever to the physical origins of life. But they are as far away as ever from defining ...

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Camp Allows Kids to Make Their Own Religion

Camp Quest West, just north of Sacramento, California, is no church camp. Designed for children of agnostics, atheists, freethinkers, and humanists, the ...

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