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Sermon Illustrations about Goodness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Goodness to help bring your sermon to life.

Creation Wired to Play

Author Lyall Watson, writing about the culture and habits of pigs, concludes that when young pigs play it is voluntary, random, and stimulated by novelty. ...

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What You Do with Your Shopping Cart Says a Lot About You

Are you a good person? There’s an easy way to tell, according to the Internet at least. It’s based on what you do with a shopping cart when ...

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Harvard Student Has Book Knowledge About Goodness

Robert Coles, a former professor at Harvard published an article titled “The Disparity Between Intellect and Character.” The piece was about ...

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Employee's Small Act of Kindness Rewarded By Warren Buffet

Joel Prusak was an employee at the ice cream chain Dairy Queen. One day, as he was serving customers their food, he noticed that a blind man had dropped ...

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Modern-Day Cowboy Corrals Thief

A crime-fighting cowboy? Sounds like a movie, doesn't it? The small Oregon town of Eagle Point recently learned that such a person does actually exist. ...

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Joke about Holding Onto Grudges

An old joke. A letter to a neighbor reads:

Dear Frank. We've been neighbors for six tumultuous years. When you borrowed my tiller, you returned it ...

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Foiling Death on Golden Gate Bridge

Ever since the Golden Gate Bridge opened in 1937, people have been jumping off it to their deaths, about 1,200 to date. After eight decades of debate, ...

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The Rise of the Cynical TV 'Hero'

A new type of character has emerged in popular television—the hardened, cynical investigator who sees through everything and everyone and then speaks ...

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In the Midst of Tragedies Human Life Matters

The famous atheist Richard Dawkins once claimed, "[The universe] has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, ...

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Geologist Finds Valuable Stone Under Land's Surface

In 2007, pro baseball pitcher Matt White had an aunt who had been struggling for years to make ends. When her health started to decline, she was forced ...

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