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Sermon Illustrations about Focus

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Professor Challenges Students to Give Up Cellphones for a Week

It's old school in Jacob Dannenberg's college dorm room. He uses an alarm clock to wake him up, handwritten notes for reminders, and an actual ...

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The Man Who Invented Waterskiing

One hundred years ago (1922), a Minnesota man named Ralph Samuelson went to a local lumberyard. Most people would have said that Samuelson found two ordinary ...

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Starbucks’s Baristas Challenged by 170,000-plus Choices

Starbucks first turned regular drip coffee into a $5 half-caff, extra whipped cream mocha latte. Now they’re producing dozens of bizarre concoctions ...

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Finishing Well

Many professional athletes have their trademarks when it comes to celebrating their wins. Tiger Woods has his legendary fist pump. The eight-time Olympic ...

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The Return of ‘Dumbphones’

Seventeen-year-old Robin West is an anomaly among her peers--she doesn't have a smartphone. Instead of scrolling through apps like TikTok and Instagram ...

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Kids Want Parents to Spend Less Time on Screens

In his extensive writing and speaking on the impact of technology, Andy Crouch frequently hears from parents who assume he’s going to talk about ...

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UNC Coach says: ‘Foundation is Christ’

First-year UNC coach Hubert Davis was asked about his faith during a press conference introducing him as the new coach of the University of North Carolina ...

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The Smartphone Stack

You’re out with some friends having a nice dinner. But one has been talking on his phone for the last ten minutes, and a second is managing to fork ...

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Ways Your Smartphone Is Changing You

Tony Reinke’s book, 12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You, makes explicit what many of us feel bubbling under the surface: Quietly, subtly, our phones ...

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TikTokers’ Attention Span Maxes at 60 Seconds

TikTokers have remarkably short attention spans. Nearly 50 percent of users surveyed by TikTok said videos longer than a minute long were stressful; a ...

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