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Sermon Illustrations about Discouragement

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Discouragement to help bring your sermon to life.

A "Shot to the Heart" Causes Cardiac Arrest

The technical name is Commotio cordis. It simply means a shot to the chest (or, literally from the Latin, "agitation of the heart"). Doctors describe ...

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What It's Like to "Hit the Wall"

It is common for runners, and athletes in any endurance sport, to "hit the wall" as they push themselves past their comfort level. Here's how the long ...

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British Forces Trust God's Promises in World War II Battle

In a moving tribute for the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible, a local newspaper in Nebraska referred to an incident from World War II. In the ...

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A Blind Architect Accepts the Gift of His Limitations

Chris Downey had just started a promising architectural job at a successful design firm. A few weeks after he took the job, he noticed that there was ...

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Psychologist Blames Unhappiness on Uncertainty

Daniel Gilbert (a psychology professor at Harvard) drew from the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index and stated that the Index showed "that Americans ...

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Football Player Can't Forget the Ball He Dropped

Noble Doss dropped the ball. One ball. One pass. One mistake. In 1941, he let one fall. And it's haunted him ever since. "I cost us a national ...

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Parrot Stubbornly Tries to Get Through to Woman

A lady was walking past a pet store when a parrot said, "Hey, lady! You're really ugly!"

The lady was angry but continued on her way.

On the way home, ...

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Mother Gains New Perspective from 8-Year-Old's Scribbling

In his book Hidden in Plain Sight: The Secret of More, author and pastor Mark Buchanan illustrates God's love through the story of Tracy. He writes: ...

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Dad Recognizes His Discouraging Words

My ten-year-old son was "helping" me paint the laundry room. I brushed; he rolled. When he disappeared to get a Coke, I re-rolled where he'd ...

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Sons Don't Live Up to Their Names

In their fascinating book, Freakonomics, economists Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner point out that one of the first acts of parental power comes in the ...

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