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Sermon Illustrations about Discouragement

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Discouragement to help bring your sermon to life.

Hope Is an Essential Part of Life

Humans seek after hope like moths seek after light. It’s intrinsic to who we are. Neuroscientists Tali Sharot argues hope is so essential to our ...

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Mountaineer Felt Grief in His Physical Heart

Men's Health portrayed the life of a man who believed his heart attack was caused primarily by grief. Acclaimed mountaineer Conrad Anker and his team ...

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Without Hope, Suicide Rates Rise

In a powerful article titled "Dying of Despair," psychiatrist Aaron Kheriaty observes the startling rise in deaths from suicide and drug overdoses. He ...

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How to Live the Gospel: A Lesson from Tim Keller

Pastor Scott Sauls from Nashville spent five years working with Pastor Tim Keller at New York City's Redeemer Presbyterian Church. Sauls writes that there ...

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Memos from the 'World's Worst Boss'

Do you think your boss is tough or unfair? Try working for the world's worst boss—Mike Davis, aka Tiger Mike. Davis started as a chauffeur and rose ...

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President Lincoln's Darkness Turns to Hope

A scan through the statements of President Abraham Lincoln reveals a man who underwent some very dark days. Consider, at the start of the War Between ...

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First Graders Encourage Distraught NFL Kicker

During the 2015-2016 NFL season, the Minnesota Vikings place kicker Blair Walsh had made an NFL-high 34 field goals. Before the Vikings' playoff game ...

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The Untapped Power of Smiling

We're actually born smiling. 3-D ultrasound technology now shows that developing babies appear to smile even in the womb. After they're born, babies continue ...

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Cartoonist Gets Published After 610 Tries

Up to his neck in debt, directionless, feeling lost, Tom Toro moved back into his parents' place and slipped into a dark depression. But things started ...

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Navy Seal Admiral Advises Don't Fear 'Circuses'

Admiral William H. McRaven, a 36-year Navy SEAL veteran, gave the commencement address to the Class of 2014 at the University of Texas in Austin. He titled ...

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