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Sermon Illustrations about Blood of Christ

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Blood of Christ to help bring your sermon to life.

Father Receives Scars While Rescuing His Son during a Tsunami

Wayne Cordeiro tells the story about a church member named Bully, a gentle man who got his nickname from his days of barking orders at construction sites. ...

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Film 'Armageddon' Provides a Picture of Christ's Sacrificial Love

The movie Armageddon focuses on a burly oil-mining veteran by the name of Harry Stamper, played by actor Bruce Willis. Stamper has been called upon to ...

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On Good Days and Bad, We Hope in Christ's Shed Blood

Do you ever have a day that runs something like this? You get up in the morning …. [and] you stub your toe on that nail sticking out of the wall ...

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Nurse Records the Top Five Regrets of the Dying

Bonnie Ware, an Australian nurse, has spent several years working in palliative care, caring for patients in the last 12 weeks of their lives. As Ware ...

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Father Takes a Needle for His Fearful Son

Bryan Loritts said in a sermon:

Recently I was sitting in a doctor's office with one of my young sons, and the nurse wanted to draw blood from him ...

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Villagers Pray to "the God Who Hung on the Cross"

In her book The God Who Hung on the Cross, journalist Ellen Vaughn retells a gripping story of how the Gospel came to a small village in Cambodia. In ...

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First Time of Communion Changes Woman's Life

In her memoir Take This Bread, author Sara Miles shares how the first time she ever took Communion changed her life forever. She writes:

One early, cloudy ...

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Brothers Living in Cave Discover They Are Mega-millionaires

Flat broke and homeless, brothers Geza and Zslot Peladi literally lived in a cave near Budapest for years. They left their dank home only to scrape together ...

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John Ortberg on Following God Instead of Your Gut

In a sermon, John Ortberg said:

My friend, Jimmy, and his son, Davey, were playing in the ocean down in Mexico, while his family—his wife, daughters, ...

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Star of Survival Program on Getting Saved

When you get a chance to be saved, you gotta grab it.

—Bear Grylls, popular star of the Discovery Channel's Man vs. Wild, in a commercial promoting ...

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