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Sermon Illustrations about Blood of Christ

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Blood of Christ to help bring your sermon to life.

Couple Spends $15,000 for Cat's New Kidney

When Bob Armstrong gave his wife Pamela a Valentine's Day bouquet, he never imagined that the flowers would endanger the life of their tiny kitten, Elvis. ...

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Walls Keep People Out and Drive Us Crazy

Human beings have always been preoccupied with building walls. In the first century, the Roman emperor Hadrian built a 75-mile wall across Roman Britain. ...

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English Law Provided a Way for Sinners to Find Refuge

During the Middle Ages English law provided a way for "sinners" to find refuge. When a criminal or debtor wanted to flee to safety, he would ...

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Father Motivated by Love 'and' Justice

At 2:25 A.M. on February 17, 2003, a fight erupted on the second floor of the E2 nightclub in Chicago's South Side. When security personnel arrived ...

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Inventor of Etch A Sketch Gave Us a Picture of Forgiveness

On January 16, 2013 André Cassagnes died in Paris at the age of eighty-six. The French-born inventor was in his early thirties when he created ...

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Christ's Death Provides 'Burned-Over Zone'

This story paints a vivid picture that reveals our helplessness before the devastation and comprehensiveness of God's Law. But it also shows how that ...

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Abortion Doctor Changed His Mind

In 1969, Dr. Bernard Nathanson served as the medical adviser for the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws (now Pro-Choice America). After ...

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When Our Spiritual Life Resembles a Treadmill

Treadmills are fun if you want to get a little exercise. Unfortunately, for many people, religion feels like running on a treadmill: they're working ...

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Matt Chandler Overcomes Condemnation through Christ's Grace

Matt Chandler tells the following story about what happened after speaking at a conference near his hometown:

When I was done preaching, I decided to hop ...

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Girl Blackmails Her Brother after He Kills a Duck

There is a great story about a little boy who killed his grandmother's pet duck. He accidentally hit the duck with a rock from his sling-shot. The ...

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