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Sermon Illustrations about Afterlife

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Afterlife to help bring your sermon to life.

Former First Lady Says We Go ‘Somewhere’ When We Die

In an interview for the Howard Stern Show, former First Lady Hillary Clinton was asked about her faith.

“I have a deep faith,” she said before ...

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'Star Trek': What is Death?

Star Trek: The Next Generation was a Paramount/CBS television program that ran from 1987 to 1994. The basic philosophy of the series was atheistic and ...

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Atheist Philosopher Extols the Resurrection

Atheist philosopher Luc Ferry, author of the best-selling book A Brief History of Thought, credits Christianity with creating the novel idea that all ...

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Atheist Christopher Hitchens Discredits Liberal Minister

In 2009, Marilyn Sewell, the retired minister of the First Unitarian Church of Portland Oregon, interviewed Christopher Hitchens, one of the most famous ...

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Popular Actress Seeks Answer for Her Fear of Death

Amanda Peet (born 1972) is an American actress who has appeared in film, stage, and television. She appeared on "The Late Show" with Stephen ...

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Is Heaven a Celestial North Korea?

Will heaven consist of eternal boredom? Some unbelieving thinkers assume it will. For example, in his best-selling book, Heavens on Earth: The Scientific ...

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Resurrection in 'Jaws'

In Steven Spielberg’s famous movie, Jaws, the second victim the great white shark kills is a young boy named Alex Kintner, played by Jeffrey Voorhees. ...

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One Luxury the Wealthiest Are Determined to Buy—At Any Cost

In the last 100 years, advances in medicine have been adding two years to the average life expectancy every decade. But apparently, for many people, this ...

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The Resurrection Makes Christianity the Most Irritating Religion on Earth

We should be more sympathetic to our skeptical friends. The resurrection makes Christianity the most irritating religion on the face of the earth, and ...

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Can a Scholar Believe in the Resurrection?

Can a classical scholar believe in Jesus? Lindsay Whaley, professor of mathematics and linguistics at Dartmouth University, certainly thinks so. Whaley ...

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