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Jezebel or Jesus: Preaching on Halloween

Dan Meyer

Dan Meyer

Nearly 70 percent of adults will "celebrate" Halloween this year, which averages $93.42 per person in the U.S. That adds up to nearly $8 billion in consumer spending for this formerly "minor" holiday. At some point, preachers will need to address this trend from the pulpit. In this week's sermon—"The Infiltration of 'Jezebel'"—Dan Meyer offers one clear, challenging, and biblically-based approach. According to Meyer, "Each of us has to decide whom we'll really listen to and serve behind our masks and whom, as a result, we'll be throwing out." So who will it be—Jesus or the Jezebels of our culture?

Mark Mitchell

Mark Mitchell

We also offer some wise and practical advice for how to proclaim the powerful relevance of the Minor Prophets. At the beginning of his pastoral ministry, veteran expositor Mark Mitchell avoided those small books at the back of your Old Testament. In his skills article—"Not So Minor After All"—Mark says, "I was intimidated by their emotional intensity and I underestimated their relevance." But two decades into his ministry Mark finally plunged into that intensity and preached a series from Minor Prophets. Check out why he did it, how he did it, and what he learned in the process.

Preaching Today is excited to partner with the Center for Pastor Theolgians for their first annual conference this year from Nov. 2-4 at Calvary Memorial Church in Chicago. The goal of the conference is to re-imagine the pastoral vocation along distinctly theological lines and explore the unfortunate separation between pastor and theologian. They have a great list of pastors and theologians lined up to speak. Including Peter Leithart, Kevin Vanhoozer, Todd Wilson, and Gerald Hiestand. Along with some quality breakout sessions. Registration is now open!

Also, check out these new resources:

Matt Woodley
Editor, PreachingToday.com

Matt Woodley is the pastor of compassion ministries at Church of the Resurrection in Wheaton, Illinois.