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Editor's Update

Home > Skill Builders

Be a Culturally Unacceptable Preacher

Daniel Fusco

Daniel Fusco

I've never met Daniel Fusco, but I know we have something in common: we both like diving into the hard passages in the Bible. In this week's Skills Article Fusco writes, "There is something that happens, first within the heart of a pastor, and then within the heart of the congregation when challenging texts are on display, especially texts that are not 'culturally acceptable.'" I wholeheartedly agree. Many people in our culture are onto the fact that the Bible has some troublesome texts. Fusco gives four practical principles for making sure those hard texts lead people to faith in Christ.

And while you're at it, check out his sermon on Leviticus 17, part of his 18-month journey through Leviticus. This sermon focuses on five separate blood laws in the Old Testament. Boring? Irrelevant? Culturally insensitive? Fusco shows how we've become so used to being flawed that we've become casual about our sin. Leviticus can serve as a wake-up call.

Also, check out these new resources:

Matt Woodley
Editor, PreachingToday.com

Matt Woodley is the pastor of compassion ministries at Church of the Resurrection in Wheaton, Illinois.