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Sermons on Trustworthiness of God

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Preaching on Trustworthiness of God? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Meditate on God's Word
Meditate on God's Word


When my wife and I lived in England, I remember bumping into Stephen Hawking. He was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics then, a position ...

God's Word points us to the perfect righteousness found in Jesus Christ.

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Through the Valley


It was near the twilight of his life, and quite possibly he sat on one of the curvaceous slopes of the hills of Judea, looked out into one ...

When we are in the valley, God is preparing a blessing for us on the other side.

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The Safest Safe


1 Peter 1:3-6 frames the message this morning. It offers a word of encouragement and a reminder that our ultimate salvation is in the safest ...

There's only one safe place on earth—to be hands of our faithful God.

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Complaining to God
Complaining to God


Americans complain a lot. The Pilgrims and Puritans came over here because they were complaining about religious authority. We fought for ...

God desires our uncensored honesty, and we should pray that God defend his own causes.

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The Big Picture of God's Faithfulness


A few years ago there was an ad on TV that started like this: There was a woman sitting in a car. She's minding her own business, and suddenly ...

When you know God's track record of faithfulness, you'll want to respond with trust and obedience.

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The Shortest Distance Between Two Points is a Zig Zag

Early in geometry we learned that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. That means if I'm at point A and want to get to point ...

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The Audacity to Hope

Editor's note: In light of current political controversy, questions have been raised about the following sermon by Jeremiah Wright. Preaching Today published ...

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Unlistened to Lessons of Life


It was in 1965 that I graduated from Moody Bible Institute, and a week later to the day, Charlene and I were married. Then 10 days after that ...

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Yet Will I Praise Thee


Have you ever asked God questions and felt you haven't received a good answer? I heard about a little boy once who said to his father, "How ...

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Why Worry?
Why Worry?


We're probably all familiar with the story of Howard Hughes. Hughes was a big-time businessman who dabbled in oil, entertainment, and ...

Make up your mind to glorify Christ today by making a decision not to worry.

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And Grace Will Lead Me Home


What would you say if you knew you were going to die and had a chance to sum up everything that was most important to you? That's how the ...

Leaving a legacy of blessing

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Facing North When the Market Goes South

Text: 1 Kings 17:7–16
Topic: Claiming God's promises in the midst of hard times

From the editor:

Though many experts believe we've entered an economic ...

With the right attitude toward money and God, we can face financial uncertainty with confidence.

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In the Father's Arms

Text: Job 36, 38
Topic: How a Christian should respond to suffering

From the editor

As you read Jill Briscoe's sermon, notice how she takes a classic story-story-story ...

God watches over, comforts, and delivers us in and through suffering.

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Living on the Edge of Whatever Happens

From the editor

One of the great joys in preaching is when you know you have something special to offer. Perhaps it's a particularly well-crafted thesis ...

To live a "whatever happens" existence is to embrace the superintending hand of God that guides us even in the midst of mystery.

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Worship or Worry?


There's an old Greek proverb that says, "The bow that is always bent will soon break." What that proverb seems to be implying is that the ...

Instead of worrying about our circumstances, God wants us to worship him for his faithfulness.

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Embarrassed by God


I want to tell you about my Aunt Julie, because everybody has an Aunt Julie in their family or an Uncle Harry or a cousin Jessica—someone ...

God often works in ways that we don't understand, and are even ashamed of, in order to demonstrate love, mercy, and redemption.

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Can Jesus Trust Us?


The year was A.D. 155, and persecution against Christians had swept across the Roman Empire and come to the city of Smyrna. The proconsul ...

John is an example for all Christians of a person that trusted Jesus, and was trusted by Jesus.

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Handling Your Insecurities


I've been checking on the United States Constitution recently, especially when I found out that the Bill of Rights is now 200 years old. I ...

For Christians, focusing on God's promises provides an anchor for the soul.

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The Blame Game

Introduction In his spiritual autobiography, William Barclay, the venerable Scottish scholar, tells the tragedy of losing his 21-year-old daughter and ...

When faced with difficult circumstances, we choose to blame God or to trust him.

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Stop Worrying and Start Living


The average American is in a bad mood 110 days out of the year, according to Harper's Index. That means that for about 30 percent of the ...

Instead of worrying, Christians must trust God, put him first, and take life one day at a time.

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When Things Seem Impossible

Exodus 14:1-31

Today we are in the third week of our series "Lessons in the Life of Moses." This week we're going to fast-forward past a number ...

God has a plan, even if it's something different than you ever imagined.

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Confidence Builders

When I was in high school I had a friend named Scott who had a crush on a girl named Vicky. Scott was shy and didn't have a clue about how to talk to ...

We can have confidence in any situation if we lift our eyes up to Jesus.

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For Those Who Are Disappointed

Will you agree with me that the Christmas season is the most , time of the year? Would you also agree with me that the Christmas season can be the ...

Our expectations are fully realized in the complete work of Jesus.

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Yet I Will Praise Thee

Have you ever asked God questions and felt you haven't received a good answer? I heard about a little boy once who said to his father, "How many people ...

When we can't escape our circumstances we must trust God's ultimate plan

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Living Expectantly

I'm sure that you hear it sometimes on the elevator. At other times if you're waiting in a doctor's office, you hear it. If you're shopping in the mall, ...

We must not be limited by the past, because God is always doing a new thing.

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He Shall Direct Thy Paths

When you're young person, there are two or three things that generally are important to you, and finding and doing the will of God is not one of them. ...

When we trust God in all things, he will direct our path.

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He Is Able

One of the lovely things about the Lord is that he hides the future from us. Most of us would love a sneak preview of the future. We say, "Well, Lord, ...

Faith in a wonderful God releases you from worry.

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He Lives, As He Said He Would

There's one long sentence in Mark 16 that caught my imagination. It's the angel's words to the women: "Go, tell his disciples and Peter, 'He is going ...

In the resurrection, Jesus proves that all God's promises are true.

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Trusting God in Times of Crisis


What do you do when life takes you all the way out to the ragged edge of reality?

I grew up with a guy named Craig Stillwell. We were good friends ...

It's not easy to "be still and know that I am God" in the middle of crisis. But the rest of this psalm gives us clues how we can do just that.

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Prone to Wander
Prone to Wander

One spring day, two friends set out on a canoe trip in the wilderness of Ontario. After paddling all afternoon the first day, they came to a portage, ...

Self-reliance distances us from God, but there is always a way back.

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Through the Valley

It was near the twilight of his life, and quite possibly he sat on one of the curvaceous slopes of the hills of Judea, looked out into one of the valleys, ...

When we are in the valley, God is preparing a blessing for us on the other side.

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The Message of Ecclesiastes

As I look back in my life over the last several years there was a period in which I lived in the dark night of the soul. I spent several months of my ...

In a "meaningless" life, you can trust the sovereign, good, and righteous God.

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