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Sermons on Spiritual Formation

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Preaching on Spiritual Formation? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

How God Works Through Tragedy
How God Works Through Tragedy


Life can seem pretty vicious sometimes. As a church, over the last about five weeks we've had two major tragedies within our family here ...

Life may be messy, but Jesus is real.

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Your Best Life Is Not Now
Your Best Life Is Not Now


This room is full of hopes: fans hoping for a championship season, all of us hoping for another beautiful summer. Hopes can be more personal, ...

In the midst of hopelessness, there’s only one place where true hope can be found.

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God Uses Suffering for Our Good
God Uses Suffering for Our Good


I remember standing next to the late Joan Rivers. It was May 2006, and I had been in Sydney, Australia, preaching in some Anglican churches ...

Suffering under the supervision of our good God should have good results in our lives.

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The Spiritual Disciplines You Didn't Choose
The Spiritual Disciplines You Didn't Choose


There are two kinds of spiritual disciplines but today I want to talk about the kind that we understand less and that we struggle with more. ...

God wants to move us from a place of rebellion and resignation to acceptance and joy.

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Showdown in the Desert
Showdown in the Desert

The story behind the sermon (Bryan Wilkerson)

This was the twentieth message in a 40-week journey through the Bible called Living God's Story. It was the ...

Jesus shows us how to face temptation—by training and not just by trying.

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Making Room for God to Burst Forth in Your Life
Making Room for God to Burst Forth in Your Life


Today we will talk about making room for God to burst forth in your life. The story of the young ruler reflects one of the major themes in ...

Jesus calls us to release our clutter and follow him—no matter what it costs.

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Loving Enough to Speak Truth

The story behind the sermon (from John Ortberg)

I preached this sermon right after I preached the sermon on giving God blessings to others. It was part ...

We grow in Christ only as we receive honest and loving feedback from others.

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The Hunger that Satisfies


We all want to be happy. And Jesus tells us how. In Matthew 5:6, Jesus says, "Blessed [or happy] are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, ...

The world promises a "filling" that never satisfies; Jesus gives a hunger that truly satisfies.

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Good News in America


The Roman empire was a pagan place where Christian values were little known or honored, where corruption was pervasive in business, where ...

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The Shortest Distance Between Two Points is a Zig Zag

Early in geometry we learned that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. That means if I'm at point A and want to get to point ...

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A Fine Mess


What a great promise from God: "I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go." We talked about this great promise in the last sermon—a ...

Exploring the implications of God's presence

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A Lesson Wise Moms and Other Influential People Can Teach the Next Generation
A Lesson Wise Moms and Other Influential People Can Teach the Next Generation

From the editor:

Mother's Day is just around the corner (May 9), and should you decide to offer a message for the occasion, Steve Mathewson's look ...

A mom who fears the Lord teaches her kids to use their strength to serve people in need.

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The Prime Principle


Abiding in Christ is simply staying near a friend who loves you. But what happens to a person who abides in Christ? If I really walk with ...

Abiding in Christ results in growth, cleanness, productivity, security, and power.

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What to Expect on Payday


It takes 8½ hours for the winners to complete the Ironman world championship triathlon. One year, the networks featured a firefighter ...

Our faithfulness to God on Earth will increase our commendation, responsibility, and fellowship with him in heaven.

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Come Die with Me


Matthew's gospel says that, toward the end of his three years of public ministry, "Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go ...

When Jesus really scares me

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Patrol Your Pleasures


When I ask you to give me an adjective that describes Jesus of Nazareth, what comes to mind for you? How many of you instantly thought of ...

When Jesus frowns on fun

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Complete the Circle


In his book Bono in Conversation, author Michka Assayas recounts a remarkable discussion he had with the lead singer and songwriter of the ...

When Jesus sets conditions on grace

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Get off the Fence


Of all the people admired in the world today, Jesus of Nazareth continually ranks at the top of the list. Even those who don't call themselves ...

When Jesus won't accept neutrality

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The Incredibles
The Incredibles


As we saw last week, every great family is founded first and foremost on the Covenant Principle—on a radical commitment to one ...

Making the most of your family unit

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People of the Table


On this Mother's Day, it seems very appropriate that we continue to reflect together on what it takes to grow a great family. Whether our ...

The four vital rituals of the early church

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Those Who Rise


The story is told of a farmer's donkey who stumbled into an old, dry well. For hours the animal cried piteously as the farmer tried to sort ...

Why suffering is a necessary part of building great families

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We Need a Downpour

Text: Hosea 6:1
Topic: Why we need revival

Where would we be without the Lord? Where would we be individually; where would we be in our family? Where would ...

Christians view life not as a process, but as a series of crises where we continually return to God and his plan for our life.

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Don't Waste Your Cancer

Text: Various
Topic: How to respond to life-threatening circumstances

Editor's note: The richness of John Piper's theological reflection as it relates to ...

John Piper provides 10 ways to avoid wasting a circumstance or situation that threatens your life.

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A Good Start



When I began thinking about the first message I would preach here, I began to realize that the beginning of any endeavor is a perilous ...

If we want to get off to a good start, we have to follow four principles of Paul and keep in mind the goal of bringing others into relationship with Jesus.

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Bending the Twig


Alexander Pope said, “As the twig is bent, the tree’s inclined.”

The future of their children is perhaps the uppermost thought in the minds ...

Heredity, environment, and personal choice combine to make a person.

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Joy: A Time to Dance

A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon series is available here.

Series Subject: How to express and manage emotions rightly

Series Purpose: To inform ...

Learning to rejoice in the past, present, and future

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Abandonment: When You Feel Alone

A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon series is available here.

Series Subject: How to express and manage emotions rightly

Series Purpose: To inform ...

Finding strength when we feel forsaken

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Fear: When You're Scared Senseless

A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon series is available here.

Series Subject: How to express and manage emotions rightly

Series Purpose: To inform ...

Finding peace when we are afraid

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Gratitude: More than just an attitude

A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon series is available here.

Series Subject: How to express and manage emotions rightly

Series Purpose: To inform ...

How to be thankful for all things at any place and at any time

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Anger: When Your Back Is against the Wall

A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon series is available here.

Series Subject: How to express and manage emotions rightly

Series Purpose: To inform ...

Our anger is dangerous but doesn't have to be destructive

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Contentment: When Your Soul Is at Rest

A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon series is available here.

Series Subject: How to express and manage emotions rightly

Series Purpose: To inform ...

Finding serenity regardless of the circumstances

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Depression: When Darkness Is Your Closest Friend

A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon series is available here.

Series Subject: How to express and manage emotions rightly

Series Purpose: To inform ...

How to live victoriously when just living is hard

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Disappointment: When Your Dreams Die

A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon series is available here.

Series Subject: How to express and manage emotions rightly

Series Purpose: To inform ...

How to handle the pain of what might have been

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Uncertainty: When You're Not Sure of Your Next Move

A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon series is available here.

Series Subject: How to express and manage emotions rightly

Series Purpose: To inform ...

How to make right and wise decisions when the path ahead is unclear

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Restlessness: When You Still Haven't Found What You're Looking For

A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon series is available here.

Series Subject: How to express and manage emotions rightly

Series Purpose: To inform ...

The cause of and cure for our incessant inner hunger

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Outrage: When Your Heart Is Filled with Revenge

A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon series is available here.

Series Subject: How to express and manage emotions rightly

Series Purpose: To inform ...

Finding room for forgiveness when you want to fight back

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Seasons of the Soul

A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon series is available here.

Series Subject: How to express and manage emotions rightly

Series Purpose: To inform ...

How and why to praise God at any place, at any time, and in all ways

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Path of Preparation


One of the great tragedies of this century is the number of high-profile people who have professed faith in Christ and suddenly found themselves ...

God will prepare us for his use by asking us to walk the path of obscurity, the path of obedience, and the path of opposition.

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Getting Straight About Discipleship

How many of you know what it means to have a "Leon Lett" moment? Most football fans will recognize the reference. A few years ago Dallas was playing ...

In order to experience the fullness of God's blessings in your life, you must give him your life.

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Spiritual Self-Defense

When it comes to the subject of losing weight, there's an entire smorgasbord of opinions on the market. (Forgive the pun.) The frustrating thing is ...

Connect to Christ, and allow him to become the focus of your existence.

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Spiritual Priorities

About 15 years ago Robert Fulghum captured the hearts of millions of readers when he wrote his personal credo in a few short paragraphs. It was called ...

In order to thrive, we must make an effort to guard our spiritual life—to nurture it and strengthen it.

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Dare To Be Different

We've just begun a new series from 1 Peter called "InCourage." It's about bold living in tough times. The purpose of this series is to encourage you ...

God wants you to be different, but not just on the surface: he wants you to be different from the inside out.

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The Meaning of Discipleship

In those days all kinds of people had disciples, and two of the Greek words that were in common use at that time were didaskalos, which means teacher, ...

The essence of discipleship is relationship.

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