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Sermons on Service

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Preaching on Service? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Like a Living Stone


"How does it feel," Bob Dylan asks. "How does it feel to be on your own, with no direction home, a complete unknown, like a rolling stone?" ...

Finding identity, belonging, and significance in the body of Christ

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The Difference-Making Difference


Have you ever noticed that some passages of Scripture are crystal clear and easy to understand—the previous passage, for example? And ...

Christians are to be different, different in such a way that we make a difference in the world.

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A Leader Tough and Tender


Today when we read this passage, we tend to think of how it applies to the pastor and the rest of the church staff. In fact, in several ...

Leaders need to learn to be tough enough to pay the price and tender enough to take care of their people.

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How to Improve Your Standard of Living


Today's message should come with a warning. Caution: This passage requires no interpretation. Peter writes Chapter 3 in a way that makes ...

We experience the good life by working hard at being at peace with one another.

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A Breath of Fresh Air

Focus: Sometimes the best way to build God's kingdom is to brace up his workers.

Introduction: I want to read three brief passages, first from 2 Corinthians ...

Sometimes the best way to build up God's kingdom is to encourage his workers.

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The Heart of a Servant


We're in the final week of a series called Fuel for the Soul. We've been talking about things you can do to turbo-charge your spiritual life—to ...

Energize your spiritual life through service by forgetting your limitations, being a team player, being willing to get your hands dirty, and turning your job into a ministry.

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Humble and Proud of It


Bob Hope tells this story: "I got a call from a fellow who said I'd been named Man of the Year by his organization because I was an ...

Humility does not cause us to think less of ourselves; it allows us to think of ourselves less.

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A Model For Greatness


Our text for the morning, concerning who is greatest in the kingdom, reminds me of the story of a bus driver and a clergyman who were standing ...

True greatness comes through commitment, perseverance, and service—not self-elevation.

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Follow Me


The slogan used by the United States Marine Corps says, "We are looking for a few good men." Today they add, "...and women." ...

We will experience a full life when we choose to serve others as a response to Jesus' call.

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Keeping Stress From Becoming Distress


I want to talk about keeping stress from becoming distress. Not all stress is bad. We need a certain amount of stress in our lives in order ...

God can use even stress to teach us ways to grow stronger for others' sake.

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A Woman's Worth Is Never Done


A woman of keen mind and understanding heart gazed at Whistler's portrait of his mother. "It is a remarkable painting of a very lovely ...

There is no substitute for the goodness a godly mother brings.

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Triumph of the Self-giving One: Meditations for Holy Week from the Book of Isaiah

Triumph of the Self-giving One:Meditations for Holy Week from the Book of Isaiah

by Kevin Conrad

Introduction: God responds to suffering.

As long as humans ...

Into a world absorbed in itself, God sends his Suffering Servant—his Son, Jesus.

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Overcoming Spiritual Stubbornness

We're in the second week of a series in Matthew called "Breaking Through to Freedom." In this series we are taking a look at some of the warnings Jesus ...

Spiritual stubbornness holds you back from experiencing everything God has for you.

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Salt and Light

Alienation was originally a Marxist word and Karl Marx meant by it the alienation of the worker from the product of his labors. When what he produces ...

We must repent of Christian pessimism and reaffirm our confidence in God's power.

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Life in the Penalty Box

I'd like to just read an excerpt of someone who wrote to me from out of state and addressed the letter to me personally.

He said, "I'm 31 years old." ...

We can learn some of God's lessons only through times of failure.

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Crumbling Clay

In Isaiah 64:8 we read, "But now, O Lord, thou art our Father and we are the clay, and thou our potter, and we are all works of Thy hands." This verse ...

We are uniquely handmade by God for his glory.

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Lord of the Ten Cities

Can you believe? They're interested in me now. Two days ago, they would not have noticed a slave, but now they're interested. You see, I rule their city. ...

God's reward for us is based upon our level of faithfulness.

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Great People Do for Others

In the recent NCAA basketball Final Four playoffs here at Dallas, I was interested in the statement made by one of the coaches prior to the game. He was ...

Truly great people commit to serving others and trusting in God's provision.

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Loving God With All Your Heart

I'd like to read from the Scriptures a very familiar story. Sometimes when we hear familiar stories, we get a little disappointed. We think the speaker ...

When we receive a new heart to love God, it will be seen in our actions to others.

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In this passage our Lord calls us his friends and gives us four tests or proofs, or signs of the friendship. Two signs or proofs are on his side and ...

Jesus provides the example of how to be a friend.

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Martin Luther's Christmas Sermon

Jesus came into this world to lay down his life for our salvation.

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Year of Jubilee

When they asked Jesus why he had come, he told them over and over again that he'd come to declare the kingdom of God. All the things that he said were ...

Jubilee isn’t just an old term; it’s today’s good news for everyone.

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