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Sermons on Resentment

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Preaching on Resentment? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Broken but Chosen


It took Michelangelo four years to craft his statue of David. It is 13-feet tall. He used flawed marble. We know the exact quarry the marble ...

David was broken, but God loved him and used him because his heart was devoted to God.

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Embrace Your Reponse Ability


Each week in this series we've asked this question: Am I taking responsibility for my life—really? The reason we've been asking this ...

Life is uneven, but God cares about what we do with what we have.

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What Makes You Happy?
What Makes You Happy?

In John's first letter of correspondence to the churches, there are some troublesome verses. First John 4:9-10 is not difficult: "This is how ...

God's love is made visible when we don't delight in evil and we rejoice in truth.

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A Prescription for the Spiritually Challenged


I'm musically challenged—anyone who knows me will tell you that. Even people who don't know me know I'm musically challenged. When I ...

God calls "spiritually challenged" people to show love through forgiveness.

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When Your Heroes Fall


When I was in the seventh grade, my family moved from a large town to a small village with only 2,000 people. In that town just about everyone ...

When our heroes fail us, we can still choose to honor their lives.

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Release Resentment


It may have been King David's lowest moment. His son Absalom was leading a revolution against him. Absalom was a charmer and had convinced ...

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When You Really Want to Quit

From the editor

We all struggle with the reality that sometimes bad things happen to good people. Adding to our inner turmoil is the reality that sometimes ...

Trust in God during life's disappointments, and never, never give up.

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The House of Expectancy


Have you wondered what makes one person open to God and the next person closed? What makes Sally receptive, attentive, responsive to God's ...

When we live in expectancy, rather than expectation, we are open to the person of Christ.

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Releasing Resentment

Text: John 21:15–22; 1 Corinthians 13:5
Topic: How we forgive those who hurt us


It may have been King David's lowest moment: His son Absalom ...

Resentment will destroy us, but Christ empowers us to forgive.

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I was reading an article in the New York Times about the abundance of new wealth in Khartoum, Sudan. The article featured pictures of well-dressed, ...

We're bad, too, but not beyond the loving reach of God.

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Gratitude Gives Way to Resentment


I will never forget a meeting I had with unhappy parishioners a few years ago. We had made deliberate changes in our church in order to better ...

A lesson from the Prodigal's brother

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How to treat a mistreater

The tagline to A & E's Biography series new advertising campaign is "You're either 'Biography' or you're not." Today we'll look at the story of ...

Recognize God's hand in your circumstances and let him transform your attitude.

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Getting Rid of Resentment


This morning we come face to face with a practical problem confronting everyone here; namely, overcoming our resentment toward people we ...

We can get rid of our resentment by loving, serving, and praying for our enemies.

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Getting Gruntled: Holiness At the Office

In this section of Matthew's Gospel we've been looking at the subject of holiness. This week and next we'll take a look at how holiness applies to our ...

Adjusting your disgruntled attitude will make a difference in your life.

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It Matters Who You Know

There are certain clichés you hear all through your life that, upon closer inspection, prove to be false. They are so ingrained in our consciousness ...

Knowing Jesus makes available to us God's never-ending supply of acceptance, mercy, and forgiveness.

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Dealing with Anger

I had the world's worst buckteeth. In fact, my orthodontist won an award for fixing my mouth. Now impressions are painless, they just put some gook in ...

We must learn to resolve our anger immediately and completely.

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