Preaching on Prophets? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Take a Look in the Mirror
When I worked in publishing, my boss called me into his office one day, and held up the latest issue of a magazine I was responsible for. ...
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The Unsuccessful Successful Prophet
I’ve read Jeremiah many times over the years, but never got much out of it, apart from various passages. There’s something ...
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From Circumference to Center
I. Transgressions
II. A present judge
III. The price of inhumanity
IV. No neutral middlemen
Amos’ words remind us ...
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Earthquake Times
(Read Amos 1:1-2)
It is striking to note the first and the last words of the first verse of this prophecy: “the words of Amos … ...
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My Name is Hosea
My name is Hosea. My profession is prophet of the Lord Jehovah. My prophetic ministry took place in the northern kingdom of Israel between ...
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A Good Man in a Hard Place
God's servants are found in some of the most surprising places. Elijah served in a very dark time in the history of God's people. King Ahab ...
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The King Liked to Listen
The king liked to listen to him. So did most people.
"Repent. Stop what you're doing. You know it's wrong, so stop it. Make a ...
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Running to the Lost
Should God have any enemies?
The popular answer these days is basically this: "No, God shouldn't have any enemies … if there is a God, ...
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God Is in Pursuit
What happens when what God wants is different than what you want?
That's one way to summarize what's so difficult about this life, ...
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God's Courtroom
I have a confession to make. It's going to date me, and for some of you, it's going to lower me in your esteem, but I'm going to say it anyway. ...
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God's Sacrifice
I went to a university that was known for its basketball team. The students who attended the games (like me), were known as the sixth man ...
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Halos, Wings, and Harps
I want to explore another person you meet in heaven. I use the term "person" loosely because of who we're talking about today: Angels. When ...
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