Preaching on Mothers? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Zion’s Birth Story
Since shops are already putting up Christmas lights and radio stations are playing Christmas music, I thought it would be appropriate to consider ...
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3 Questions to Ask Yourself this Mother’s Day
Elisha came to Shunem regularly because he served not only as a prophet but also as a kind of circuit judge. In that town on the eastern end ...
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A Model Mother
A wise man once described a mother as a woman who combines the practical and the spiritual into a way of life. “A mother wipes little ...
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Holy Gospel Moms
We are going to look this morning at 1 Peter 1:13–25. Now, this section is an admonition for all believers. 1 Peter talks about applying ...
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The Jekyll and Hyde of Motherhood
Before I had children I worked full time. I had a job that required professional dress, some ability to organize things, a briefcase, and appointments. ...
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The Mighty Warrior Who Saves Moms
We're going to land on Zephaniah 3:17 today, but we're going to take a while to get there, because we can't appreciate what's going on when ...
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Deborah, the Encourager of Manhood
Today we're looking at Deborah, the encourager of manhood. But before we look at the life of Deborah, you've probably seen church bulletin announcements ...
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Loss, Loyalty, & Lament
I've never been one to read romance novels, but lately I've been reading one. It's been a good one, too. Believe it or not, it's a book I ...
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A Lesson Wise Moms and Other Influential People Can Teach the Next Generation
From the editor:
Mother's Day is just around the corner (May 9), and should you decide to offer a message for the occasion, Steve Mathewson's look ...
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What It Takes to Be a Mother
From the editor
Mother's Day is just around the corner (May 9), and should you decide to offer a message for the occasion, Mark Mitchell's look ...
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Loss, Loyalty, and Lament
Text: Ruth 1:122
Topic: Learning to make the right choices in difficult times
From the editor:
Perhaps you're looking for a unique way to approach ...
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The Incredibles
As we saw last week, every great family is founded first and foremost on the Covenant Principle—on a radical commitment to one ...
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Don't You Believe It: The Myth of Self-Importance
There's an old Jewish story: A rabbi was sitting next to an atheist on an airplane. The rabbi's family was also on the plane. Every few minutes, one of ...
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A Spirit-Filled Family
From the outset, I must say that I feel unqualified to preach this message. There are many of you with many more years of child-rearing experience. ...
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Rediscovering Marriage
I think we'd all agree that marriage has fallen on hard times these days. They tell us that the number of people getting married has declined ...
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A Woman's Worth Is Never Done
A woman of keen mind and understanding heart gazed at Whistler's portrait of his mother. "It is a remarkable painting of a very lovely ...
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A Mother's Faith
Happy Mother's Day to all of you. It is a tradition to honor Mothers on this day, and we want to extend special honor to you today, though I hope we ...
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Belonging and Becoming
The relentless creativity of God has affected my life in such a consistent manner that I'd like to share with you what I'm learning.
The plane I got on ...
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