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Sermons on Meaning of life

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Preaching on Meaning of life? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Learning from Ecclesiastes
Learning from Ecclesiastes


You are going to die. And no one is going to remember you. The stuff you’re working hard on is going to be completely undone. As if ...

The Teacher pairs his frustration that everything is hebel with a call to enjoy God’s good gifts.

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Community: The Context for Change

Story behind the sermon (from John Ortberg)

I am a huge N. T. Wright fan, and I think some of his material on the role and destiny of human beings is a ...

The Bible contains the incredible story of our calling to become God's image bearers.

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A Little Lower Than the Angels

There are times when the church of Jesus Christ needs to confront straightforwardly a supreme national tragedy. On Wednesday of this week we will mark ...

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The Good News Is the Bad News Is Wrong


I'd like you to use your imagination this morning and picture our world, your world, as a terrarium. You know what a terrarium is. My version ...

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Equipped to Face the Two Biggest Fears...


I would like to ask you a question this morning: What are the two biggest fears in your life? If I get boring, where will your mind wander? ...

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Putting the Kingdom First
Putting the Kingdom First


In an article entitled "A new kind of urban Christian," Tim Keller argues that "Christians should be a dynamic counterculture. ...

This world is passing; use God's good gifts for his kingdom.

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The Flames of Heaven

Text: Revelation 21:1–3
Topic: What would happen if heaven crashed into earth


In Revelation 21:1–3, John gives us a glimpse—a ...

The flames of heaven will illuminate, expose, and refine our lives on Earth.

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The Good News Is, the Bad News Is Wrong

Text: Ecclesiastes 3:1-14; 1 Corinthians 15:17-20
Topic: How Christ frees us from the meaninglessness of life on our own


I'd like you to use ...

Jesus' resurrection broke the bounds of this life and enables us to do the same.

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Don't Ask Me, I'm Only Visiting This Planet


Have you ever put down the newspaper—after reading about genocide in Sudan and beheadings in Iraq and shootings in Dorchester and sexual ...

Figuring out who we are and why we're here

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Losing Our Minds

Sermon One


How do you put together the pieces of the puzzle of life? When a terrible storm sweeps over your life and blows your careful constructions ...

Why life needs to be about more than feelings

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Reality Shows

Sermon Two


Imagine a report comes on the television that a terrible tragedy has just befallen a group of people beyond your town. Person "A" ...

Why Jim Carrey & Keanu Reeves movies matter to everybody

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Quantum Communion

Sermon Three


For more than 1600 years, Christianity occupied the head seat at the vast communion table that came to be called Western Civilization. ...

What the new science confirms about life

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Image is Everything

Sermon Four


One of our church members recently recounted to me the story of a woman named Lorena, who directs the Onessimu Brother's Home in ...

Why it matters so much what we think of people

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Choosing Sides

Sermon Five


The year was 536 B.C., the third year after the great Persian king, Cyrus, had overthrown the vast kingdom of Babylon, and a new ...

What hobbits, Jedi's, and English schoolkids have to teach us

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Payback Time

Sermon Six


Almost everyone I know wants to believe what the Bible says in the first verse of Psalm 73—that "surely God is good to … ...

Why Clint Eastwood Never Goes out of Style

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Bad to the Bone

Sermon Seven


On all sides today we are reminded that something in this world has gone wrong. Women are abducted in increasing numbers. Precious ...

Can we be honest about what is wrong?

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Sermon Eight


When I was five years old, I was sent to the school nurse by my kindergarten teacher, who was very concerned that I was ill. The ...

Why we never stop looking to the sky

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Christ the Center
Christ the Center

"He is before all things and in him all things hold together."

This passage, a hymn to Christ, has drawn to itself a considerable body of studies ...

When Christ is central we gain the perspective we need for life.

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Crumbling Clay

In Isaiah 64:8 we read, "But now, O Lord, thou art our Father and we are the clay, and thou our potter, and we are all works of Thy hands." This verse ...

We are uniquely handmade by God for his glory.

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Equipped to Face the Two Biggest Fears in the World

I would like to ask you a question this morning: What are the two biggest fears in your life? If I get boring, where will your mind wander? That's one ...

The resurrection of Jesus Christ helps us face our fear of dying and our fear of living.

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The Message of Ecclesiastes

As I look back in my life over the last several years there was a period in which I lived in the dark night of the soul. I spent several months of my ...

In a "meaningless" life, you can trust the sovereign, good, and righteous God.

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